13 research outputs found

    Tools collaboration for deployment of a requirements engineering process

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    International audienceThe first steps of the system and requirements engineering phases of any project are to define the management aspects (management plan, requirements engineering process, schedule management) and the project specifications, in the widest sense: collection, analysis and synthesis of the need expressions from all stakeholders, and definition of requirements to express this need. Then requirements will be allocated, changed, reorganized , and tracked during all the project lifecycle. So the first priority is to have a process, even a simple one, then it's helpful to have this process supported by tools. A good process, even manual, is better than tools used without any process. As there is often a confusion there, it seems important to distinguish 2 steps in a requirements management process : • Requirements elicitation, identification and allocation : For this step there are a lot of publications, feedbacks and studies. These requirements are usually formalized in 'Specifications' documents for the development teams or the subcontractors, • Once formalized, the requirements have to be implemented and tested by the hardware and software development teams. This is the 'requirements traceability'. Requirements and implementation artefacts often change, and the impact of each change must be analyzed

    Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués

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    Les systèmes embarqués rendent un nombre de services grandissant et font partie de notre vie quotidienne : ascenseurs, transports, téléphonie, médecine, énergie, industrie, etc. Ainsi, si l’on parle de plus en plus de systèmes embarqués, il s’agit avant tout d’un ensemble complet et intégré (matériel + logiciel). Le point central de leur développement est leur interaction avec leur environnement et les conséquences associées en termes de sécurité et de fiabilité. Cet ouvrage dresse un état de l’art du développement des systèmes embarqués. Il se concentre particulièrement sur leur modélisation et leur analyse. Il s’agit d’opérations cruciales qui détermineront la fiabilité du futur système. L’apparition récente des techniques basées sur l’ingénierie des modèles pourrait révolutionner le développement de ces systèmes en assurant une continuité entre le niveau conceptuel et l’implémentation de la partie logicielle. L’ouvrage expose trois approches parmi les plus utilisées : SysML (aspects ingénierie système), UML/MARTE et AADL (conception/analyse)

    Embedded Systems: Analysis and Modeling with SysML, UML and AADL

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    Since the construction of the first embedded system in the 1960s, embedded systems have continued to spread. They provide a continually increasing number of services and are part of our daily life. The development of these systems is a difficult problem which does not yet have a global solution. Another difficulty is that systems are plunged into the real world, which is not discrete (as is generally understood in computing), but has a richness of behaviors which sometimes hinders the formulation of simplifying assumptions due to their generally autonomous nature and they must face possibly unforeseen situations (incidents, for example), or even situations that lie outside the initial design assumptions. Embedded Systems presents the state of the art of the development of embedded systems and, in particular, concentrates on the modeling and analysis of these systems by looking at “model-driven engineering”, (MDE2): SysML, UML/MARTE and AADL. A case study (based on a pacemaker) is presented which enables the reader to observe how the different aspects of a system are addressed using the different approaches. All three systems are important in that they provide the reader with a global view of their possibilities and demonstrate the contributions of each approach in the different stages of the software lifecycle. Chapters dedicated to analyzing the specification and code generation are also presented

    Introduction to special issue: papers from UML&FM

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    Introduction to special issue: papers from UML&FM

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    An OpenEmbeDD experimentation: "transformation from an SDL profiled UML model to a FIACRE model"

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    International audienceCS (http://www.c-s.fr) is in charge to experiment a model to model transformation, in the OpenEmbeDD (http://openembedd.org/home_html) project (an RNTL project). The objective of this experimentation is to provide an operational model verification chain : starting at user level (SDL profiled UML), using an intermediate (or "pivot") language (FIACRE), and terminating at verification level (TINA or CADP). This experimentation uses (and must provide updates of) TOPCASED tools (TOPCASED, http://www.TOPCASED.org/, is an Aerospace Valley project http://www.aerospace-valley.com/en/). It is fundamental work in the context of this project, because it validates a complete approach for critical application models verification. The aim of our paper is to describe this experimentation. First the state of the art and the key points associated to this kind of approaches is presented. Next a detailed description of the made work (meta models, mappings and tools …) and at last a tutorial with the last critical open points and an action list to reach the final objectives