4 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship and Interdisciplinary School Projects of Vulnerable Students in Santiago de Chile: Experiences from the “123 Emprender” Program

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    Currently, to learn entrepreneurial skills, economic and financial literacy is relevant to understand the globalized world. In this way, around the world various programs are being developed to support the learning process of relevant knowledge and skills. Therefore, financial and entrepreneurial education is being added to different curricular programs from elementary schools to universities, aimed at developing basic skills to survive in this increasingly complex world. From the Center of Excellence in Economic Psychology and Consumption (CEPEC), economic literacy and entrepreneurship have been taught to schoolchildren through the methodology of interdisciplinary classroom projects, where multidisciplinary pedagogical interests and school interests are articulated through a central axis. The second version of the program, “Teaching to Teach: Economics and Entrepreneurship,” for students between 11 and 14 years old, was created in 2016 in conjunction with Juega+, and sought to promote financial knowledge as well as entrepreneurial skills in children, which are developed through a social entrepreneurship project. To evaluate the experience of this program descriptive-type qualitative research has been carried out through six focus groups, one for each participating school, whose general objective was to describe the experience of the participants of the “123 emprender” program, the results obtained show acceptance, enthusiasm and enjoyment to this new form of learning. In addition, students show an incorporation of economic and financial concepts; they give relevance to the collaborative work, among other skills

    Material Suplementario Tesis Doctoral Canales Poo, Pamela

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    Propuesta de un Diccionario de Competencias Emprendedoras No Cognitivas en Estudiantes de Educación Superior: Una Herramienta para la Empleabilidad

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    [spa] Los desafíos de un mundo globalizado requieren que, por medio de la Educación Superior (ES), los estudiantes desarrollen Competencias Emprendedoras No Cognitivas (CENC) que les permitan afrontar el mundo laboral actual. Evaluar competencias es un desafío y debe existir claridad de los constructos que se están midiendo, por lo tanto, se considera relevante realizar la presente investigación cuyo objetivo consiste en identificar las Principales Competencias Emprendedoras No Cognitivas (PCENC) y sus dimensiones, en estudiantes de ES. La investigación se llevó a cabo a través de una revisión sistemática utilizando metodología PRISMA, se realizó una búsqueda de artículos científicos con revisión de pares en revistas indexadas en las bases de datos Psycinfo, Scopus y Web of Science (WOS), utilizando la búsqueda de términos en inglés “entrepreneur* AND assess*” y “entrepreneur* AND measure*”. La muestra final está compuesta por 15 artículos seleccionados utilizando criterios de búsqueda, inclusión y exclusión. Posteriormente, como proceso de validación, se realizó un estudio basado en metodología Delphi y entrevistas individuales a 24 expertos en emprendimiento y/o desarrollo de competencias genéricas o transversales de España y Chile. Como principales resultados, se identifican 9 competencias o dimensiones como PCENC, con 24 subdimensiones y 4 niveles de desarrollo identificados a través de 136 indicadores de comportamiento. La elaboración de un diccionario con las PCENC y sus dimensiones permitirá 2 contribuir a generar evidencia científica respecto al impacto del desarrollo de las PCENC en ES, aspecto relevante para el desarrollo de programas formativos en el área, lo cual además, se vincula con uno de los principales desafíos de los sistemas educativos de hoy. Respecto a las limitaciones del estudio, éstas se encuentran asociadas a posibles sesgos en la revisión sistemática (e.g., consideración exclusiva de estudios publicados).[eng] The challenges of a globalized world require that, through Higher Education (ES), students develop Non-Cognitive Entrepreneurial Competencies (CENC) that allow them to face the current world of work. Assessing competencies is a challenge and there must be clarity of the constructs being measured, therefore, it is considered relevant to implement the present research whose objective is to identify the main Non-Cognitive Entrepreneurial Competencies (PCENC) and their dimensions, in ES students. The research implement through a systematic review using PRISMA methodology, a search of peer-reviewed scientific articles in journals indexed in Psycinfo, Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) databases, using the english terms "entrepreneur* AND assess*", "entrepreneur* AND measure*". The final sample consist in 15 articles selected using search, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Subsequently, as a validation process, implement a study based on Delphi methodology and individual interviews with 24 experts in entrepreneurship and/or development of generic or transversal competencies from Spain and Chile. As main results, 9 competencies or dimensions are identified as PCENC, with 24 subdimensions and 4 levels of develop, identified through 136 behavior indicators. The elaboration of a dictionary with the PCENC and its dimensions, would contribute to generate scientific evidence regarding the impact of the development of PCENC in ES, a relevant aspect for the development of formative programs in the area, which is also linked to one of the main challenges of today's educational systems. Regarding the limitations of the study, these are associated with possible biases in the systematic review