22 research outputs found
Complicaciones en el uso de aloinjertos intercalares tras resección de tumores óseos
La reconstrucción ósea mediante aloinjertos intercalares es una técnica de uso frecuente tras resecciones tumorales, que presenta -a largo plazo- mejores resultados que las endoprótesis diafisarias o los autoinjertos vascularizados. Sin embargo, entre las complicaciones más frecuentes destacan las infecciones y las fracturas del aloinjero asociadas a roturas o aflojamientos de la osteosíntesis. Se presentan dos casos tratados con reconstrucciones de este tipo en los que el sistema de osteosíntesis utilizado fracasó, en uno de ellos de forma repetida.The reconstruction of skeletal defects using bone allografts is a frequent procedure after tumoral resections associated to good long-term results, usually better than diaphyseal endoprostheses or autologous grafts. Nevertheless, there are some complications: infection and allograft fracture associated with failure or broken fixation. We report two cases of bone reconstruction in who the fixation failed, twice in one of them
Sarcopenia en pacientes ancianos con fractura de fémur proximal: Relación entre estado nutricional, sarcopenia y osteoporosis en pacientes ancianos con fractura de fémur proximal
Introducción: Sarcopenia y osteoporosis son procesos paralelos que se asemejan etiológicamente y que con frecuencia actúan al unísono en los pacientes con fractura de fémur proximal ; generando a menudo en estos una situación de dependencia e incapacidad, y de forma secundaria una sobrecarga económico asistencial. Aunque se ha especulado sobre la influencia de la nutrición en el proceso sarcopénico, todavía no existen estudios que analicen en profundidad esta relación. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre sarcopenia y estado nutricional. Valorar la relación entre sarcopenia y osteoporosis. Material y métodos: Se analizó un total de 80 pacientes ingresados con fractura osteoporótica de cadera. Se valoró la pérdida de masa muscular mediante medidas antropométricas y la fuerza de prensión manual mediante dinamómetro. Las características socio demográficas, comorbilidad (valorada mediante índice de Charlson), discapacidad (índices de Barthel y Lawton), estado cognitivo (Pfeiffer), estado nutricional (MNA SF), y hábitos dietéticos (FFQ) fueron evaluadas al ingreso. Se realizó una cuantificación del grado de osteoporosis mediante radiografías de fémur proximal. Resultados: La edad media en nuestra muestra fue de 84.77 años. El grado de comorbilidad medio fue de 1.79 (Índice de Charlson). Los sujetos mostraron una dependencia media para las ABVD de 65.32 (Índice de Barthel), y para las AIVD de 2.98 (índice de Lawton). El valor medio del Pfeiffer fue de 4.1. La prevalencia de sarcopenia fue del 52.5%. La sarcopenia se relacionó de forma estadísticamente significativa con la edad (RR de 3.5 para los >90 años, p90 years, p0.0001). No significant relation was found between MNA SF and sarcopenia,although higher levels of sarcopenia were found in malnourished patients (61.5% vs. 47.1% well nourished patients). Conclusions: Sarcopenia is more prevalent in ancients patients with cognitive impairment associated, within frailty context, and osteoporosis diagnosed. Dietary components have not shown any association with sarcopenia, in spite of MNS SF did
Osteotomía tibial alta con placa VCO: Resultados a medio plazo
Se realiza un estudio retrospectivo de 31 pacientes afectos de genu varo artrósico tratados mediante osteotomía tibial alta y posterior estabilización con placa VCO. Este material permite la movilización y carga precoz de la rodilla, acortando el tiempo de recuperación y las necesidades de rehabilitación. El seguimiento a 4 años muestra una evolución clínica y radiológica satisfactoria en el 80,5% de los pacientes.We report a retrospective análisis of 31 patients presenting varus deformity treated by high tibial osteotomy and a screwed plate of variable angle (VCO). This device allows early motion and weight-bearing of the knee, reducing the period of rehabilitation and functional recovery. A four year follow up shows satisfactory clinical and roentgenographical results in 80,5% of the patients
Efectividad de un programa de ahorro de sangre en prótesis total de cadera electiva
En el ámbito de la Cirugía Ortopédica, la implantación de una prótesis total de cadera es uno de los procesos que más frecuentemente requiere reposición hemática en el postoperatorio inmediato. La autodonación preoperatorio se contempla como uno de los procedimientos más eficaces y seguros, aunque no puede llevarse a cabo en todos los pacientes y deben considerarse otras alternativas como los recuperadores de sangre a partir de los drenajes quirúrgicos o el uso pre-operatorio de eritropoyetina. La experiencia de la autodonación en nuestro hospital en el período 1996-2001 ha permitido reducir las necesidades de sangre alogénica en estos pacientes, y ha clarificado el perfil de pacientes que con mayor probabilidad completarán el programa de autodonación y no precisarán sangre alogénica; y, por el contrario, aquellos que serían candidatos a otras técnicas de reposición hematica.In the field of Orthopaedic Surgery, total hip replacement is one of the procedures that most frequently need post operative blood transfusion. Predeposit autologous transfusión is considered a safety an efficient procedure that virtually eliminates the risk of viral transmission and immunological reactions, but this method can not be use in all the patients and other techniques -like intraoperative and postoperative blood salvage, use of epoetin alfa-, must be considered. Our experience with predeposit autologous transfusión from 1996 to 2001 has allowed use to reduce the need of allogenic blood tranfusion. We defined in what patients we can suggests this technique or consider other alternatives
The genetic ancestry of American Creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers
Cattle imported from the Iberian Peninsula spread throughout America in the early years of discovery and colonization to originate Creole breeds, which adapted to a wide diversity of environments and later received influences from other origins, including zebu cattle in more recent years. We analyzed uniparental genetic markers and autosomal microsatellites in DNA samples from 114 cattle breeds distributed worldwide, including 40 Creole breeds representing the whole American continent, and samples from the Iberian Peninsula, British islands, Continental Europe, Africa and American zebu. We show that Creole breeds differ considerably from each other, and most have their own identity or group with others from neighboring regions. Results with mtDNA indicate that T1c-lineages are rare in Iberia but common in Africa and are well represented in Creoles from Brazil and Colombia, lending support to a direct African influence on Creoles. This is reinforced by the sharing of a unique Y-haplotype between cattle from Mozambique and Creoles from Argentina. Autosomal microsatellites indicate that Creoles occupy an intermediate position between African and European breeds, and some Creoles show a clear Iberian signature. Our results confirm the mixed ancestry of American Creole cattle and the role that African cattle have played in their development
The genetic ancestry of american creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers.
Cattle imported from the Iberian Peninsula spread throughout America in the early years of discovery and colonization to originate Creole breeds, which adapted to a wide diversity of environments and later received influences from other origins, including zebu cattle in more recent years. We analyzed uniparental genetic markers and autosomal microsatellites in DNA samples from 114 cattle breeds distributed worldwide, including 40 Creole breeds representing the whole American continent, and samples from the Iberian Peninsula, British islands, Continental Europe, Africa and American zebu. We show that Creole breeds differ considerably from each other, and most have their own identity or group with others from neighboring regions. Results with mtDNA indicate that T1c-lineages are rare in Iberia but common in Africa and are well represented in Creoles from Brazil and Colombia, lending support to a direct African influence on Creoles. This is reinforced by the sharing of a unique Y-haplotype between cattle from Mozambique and Creoles from Argentina. Autosomal microsatellites indicate that Creoles occupy an intermediate position between African and European breeds, and some Creoles show a clear Iberian signature. Our results confirm the mixed ancestry of American Creole cattle and the role that African cattle have played in their development
Estudio densitométrico del remodelado óseo en artroplastias de caderas cementadas de vástago recto y anatómico
Tras la realización de una artroplastia, suceden unos cambios remodelativos que tienen lugar en el fémur como consecuencia de la nueva situación biomecánica que en él se produce de acuerdo a la ley de Wolff. Actualmente, se acepta que la remodelación óseaperiprotésica es un proceso multifactorial. Uno de los factores más determinantes es el tipo de implante en cuanto a diseño del mismo, material del que está hecho y tamaño. El presente trabajo se va a centrar en el estudio de las artroplastias cementadas comparándose dos conceptos de diseño de vástago usados en la actualidad: recto y anatómico. La remodelación y pérdida ósea periprotésica se ha estudiado con distintos métodos diagnósticos. Sin embargo, hasta la introducción de las técnicas absorciométricas no se ha dispuesto de un método preciso y reproducible para cuantificar la densidad ósea alrededor del implante metálico. Hipótesis principal: La morfología del vástago protésico determina diferente distribución del cemento dentro del canal femoral. Los diferentes patrones de distribución del cemento conllevan diferentes patrones de remodelación adaptativa ósea, al variar la transmisión de cargas. Por lo tanto, el diseño del vástago determina patrones de remodelación adaptativa ósea diferentes, según su morfología. Los objetivos del presente estudio son demostrar: 1. Si la remodelación ósea, en función de los valores densitométricos, varía según el diseño del implante; siendo el vástago femoral recto o anatómico. 2. Si el remodelado periprotésico en el primer año se relaciona con algún factor concreto analizable. 3. Si alguna de las variables recogidas determina el desarrollo evolutivo de la artroplastia
Tratamiento de la fractura subcapital de cadera mediante osteosintesis percutanea
The consolidation in 214 subcapital fractures of the hip treated with osteosyntesis with three AO cancellous screws are reported. The patients' average age is 72'5 and the osteoporosis degree is obvious in 89% of the cases. In each fracture the Garden and Pawel's c1assification and Lamare's displacement are considered as well as the reduction (according to Garden's «acceptable reduction» criteria). The rates of complication are: infection (0'4%), loss of reduction (15'6%), non union (10'28%) and necrosis (16%). The statistic evaluation is carried out through the «ChiSquare» test. The factor of a poor prognostic are more likely to be found in eldery women, displaced fractures with verticalline of fracture, non acceptable reductions and faulty osteosyntesis. The X rays of avascular necrosis have a much greater tendency to affect young patients with displaced fractures and reduction in valgus. The authors come to the conclusion that a deficient reduction cannot be solved with an accurate osteosyntesis. The risk of a late segmental collapse due to a avascular neurosis is unpredictable, 4'2% of our patients required a second operation
Author Correction: The genetic ancestry of American Creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (11486), 10.1038/s41598-019-47636-0)
Correction to: Scientific Reports https ://doi.org/10.1038/s4159 8-019-47636 -0, published online 07 August 2019
This Article contains errors. The Acknowledgements section in this Article is incomplete, the funding source LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016647 is omitted,
“This work was supported by Animal Breeding Consulting S.L., Córdoba, Spain. This work was partially funded by the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, University of California, Davis, VELOGEN S.L., Madrid, Spain and by Grupo de Referencia A19-17R LAGENBIO from Gobierno de Aragon/Fondo Social Europeo. C.G. was supported by Fundação Nacional para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, Investigador FCT Grant IF/00, 866/2014, and Project grant PTDC/CVTLIV/2827/2014 co-funded by COMPETE 2020 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016647. The authors thank the collaboration of breeders, breed associations and “Red Iberoamericana Sobre la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad de Animales Domesticos Locales para el Desarollo Rural Sostenible (Red CONBIAND)” for the sharing of biological samples. Members of the CYTED XII-H and CONBIAND networks are thanked for valuable cooperation over the years. Authors thank Juan Antonio Pereira (FCV-UAGRM, Bolivia) and Olivier Hanotte for their support with sampling Criollo Yacumeño and Eastern Shorthorn Zebu respectively.” should read:
“This work was supported by Animal Breeding Consulting S.L., Córdoba, Spain. This work was partially funded by the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory, University of California, Davis, VELOGEN S.L., Madrid, Spain and by Grupo de Referencia A19-17R LAGENBIO from Gobierno de Aragon/Fondo Social Europeo. C.G. was supported by Fundação Nacional para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, Investigador FCT Grant IF/00, 866/2014, Project grant PTDC/CVTLIV/2827/2014 co-funded by COMPETE 2020 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016647 and LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016647. The authors thank the collaboration of breeders, breed associations and “Red Iberoamericana Sobre la Conservacion de la Biodiversidad de Animales Domesticos Locales para el Desarollo Rural Sostenible (Red CONBIAND)” for the sharing of biological samples. Members of the CYTED XII-H and CONBIAND networks are thanked for valuable cooperation over the years. Authors thank Juan Antonio Pereira (FCV-UAGRM, Bolivia) and Olivier Hanotte for their support with sampling Criollo Yacumeño and Eastern Shorthorn Zebu, respectively.”
In addition, a Data Availability section is not included in the article – it should appear as below:
“Data availability STR data used in our analysis is available in the Dryad repository: https :; doi.org/10.5061/dryad .5dv41 ns43”
The genetic ancestry of American Creole cattle inferred from uniparental and autosomal genetic markers
Cattle imported from the Iberian Peninsula spread throughout America in the early years of discovery
and colonization to originate Creole breeds, which adapted to a wide diversity of environments and
later received infuences from other origins, including zebu cattle in more recent years. We analyzed
uniparental genetic markers and autosomal microsatellites in DNA samples from 114 cattle breeds
distributed worldwide, including 40 Creole breeds representing the whole American continent, and
samples from the Iberian Peninsula, British islands, Continental Europe, Africa and American zebu. We
show that Creole breeds difer considerably from each other, and most have their own identity or group
with others from neighboring regions. Results with mtDNA indicate that T1c-lineages are rare in Iberia
but common in Africa and are well represented in Creoles from Brazil and Colombia, lending support to
a direct African infuence on Creoles. This is reinforced by the sharing of a unique Y-haplotype between
cattle from Mozambique and Creoles from Argentina. Autosomal microsatellites indicate that Creoles
occupy an intermediate position between African and European breeds, and some Creoles show a clear
Iberian signature. Our results confrm the mixed ancestry of American Creole cattle and the role that
African cattle have played in their development