2,361 research outputs found

    La multifunzionalità in agricoltura: dai valori delle aree agricole al concetto di multifunzionalità e relazione con la pianificazione territoriale.

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    La convivenza di più attività in aree agricole è sempre esistita ma la formalizzazione del principio di multifunzionalità applicata all’agricoltura è un passaggio importante che promuove la compresenza di più attività e offerte che si configurano con diversi livelli complessità, divenendo servizi al territorio e alla persona e riuscendo a riattivare territori a rischio. L’introduzione della multifunzionalità in agricoltura ha avuto un grande slancio a partire dalla crisi economica dell’agricoltura tradizionale e, quindi, i temi economici ricorrono spesso nell’analisi effettuata per farli incontrare e interagire con questioni culturali, sociali, ambientali. L’ottica da cui si indaga è quella territoriale e a questa si ritorna dopo una ricognizione di questioni e dinamiche, affinché il territorio sia letto come un sistema e non una sommatoria di parti

    Artificial Intelligence methodologies to early predict student outcome and enrich learning material

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    Experimenting AI Technologies for Disinformation Combat: the IDMO Project

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    The Italian Digital Media Observatory (IDMO) project, part of a European initiative, focuses on countering disinformation and fake news. This report outlines contributions from Rai-CRITS to the project, including: (i) the creation of novel datasets for testing technologies (ii) development of an automatic model for categorizing Pagella Politica verdicts to facilitate broader analysis (iii) creation of an automatic model for recognizing textual entailment with exceptional accuracy on the FEVER dataset (iv) assessment using GPT-4 to detecting content treatment style (v) a game to raise awareness about fake news at national events

    Report WS1. Il binomio “Città porto”: conflitti e sinergie multilivello fra trasformazioni urbane e competitività globale

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    The paper collects the best practices and considerations from two sessions of the workshop “Città porto: la dimensione multipla della pianificazione spaziale”. The leitmotiv of the first session’s reporters has been: the harbour, as urban gateway, origins conflicts, synergies and moments of cooperation with the urban structure. They’ve referred about North and South European harbours of medium level that, for advanced technical and logistic features and strategies of intervention, represent a substantial landmark for similar realities. Genoa, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Bilbao rehabilitation plans, despite their own peculiarities, have in fact dragged aspects of the industrial sector, urban design, identity, quality and sustainability in the planning process. The waterfront upgrading represents either the catalyst for transformation or socioeconomic development of disused and strategic contexts (for city’s competitiveness): the integration between the harbour structures and the city means upgrading and a new skyline, i.e. new “downtown scape” (Hamburg Harbour), or “flagship elements” (Bilbao). The second session has looked at the volume of traffic trades, the competitivity, the strategies and the imbalance between global and local that the harbour gives. According to R. Bruttomesso, the harbour, as a gateway, is evolving and complicating things. E.Musso focuses on the rise in volume of traffic trades and in competitivity: it’s necessary to improve logistics and relocate globally activities, keeping up both environmental and socioeconomic sustainability of the harbour. He proposes three strategies: spaces’ razionalization, governance and occupation. P.Grass states that Eastern countries’ horbours are more attractive, for their city-harbour system, upgrading approaches and competitivity. So, the redevelopment plans of Marsiglia, La Spezia and Santander harbours have a common goal: making the horbour a polyfunctional area, in contact with the remaining parts of the city

    UNIFORM: Automatic Alignment of Open Learning Datasets

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    Learning Analytics aims at supporting the understanding of learning mechanisms and their effects by means of data-driven strategies. LA approaches commonly face two big challenges: first, due to privacy reasons, most of the analyzed data are not in the public domain. Secondly, the open data collections, which come from diverse learning contexts, are quite heterogeneous. Therefore, the research findings are not easily reproducible and the publicly available datasets are often too small to enable further data analytics. To overcome these issues, there is an increasing need for integrating open learning data into unified models. This paper proposes UNIFORM, an open relational database integrating various learning data sources. It presents also a machine learning supported approach to automatically extending the integrated dataset as soon as new data sources become available. The proposed approach exploits a classifier to predict attribute alignments based on the correlations among the corresponding textual attribute descriptions. The integration phase has reached a promising quality level on most of the analyzed benchmark datasets. Furthermore, the usability of the UNIFORM data model has been demonstrated in a real case study, where the integrated data have been exploited to support learners’ outcome prediction. The F1-score achieved on the integrated data is approximately 30% higher than those obtained on the original data

    Accelerated structured matrix factorization

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    Matrix factorization exploits the idea that, in complex high-dimensional data, the actual signal typically lies in lower-dimensional structures. These lower dimensional objects provide useful insight, with interpretability favored by sparse structures. Sparsity, in addition, is beneficial in terms of regularization and, thus, to avoid over-fitting. By exploiting Bayesian shrinkage priors, we devise a computationally convenient approach for high-dimensional matrix factorization. The dependence between row and column entities is modeled by inducing flexible sparse patterns within factors. The availability of external information is accounted for in such a way that structures are allowed while not imposed. Inspired by boosting algorithms, we pair the the proposed approach with a numerical strategy relying on a sequential inclusion and estimation of low-rank contributions, with data-driven stopping rule. Practical advantages of the proposed approach are demonstrated by means of a simulation study and the analysis of soccer heatmaps obtained from new generation tracking data

    From teaching books to educational videos and vice versa: a cross-media content retrieval experience

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    Due to the rapid growth of multimedia data and the diffusion of remote and mixed learning, teaching sessions are becoming more and more multi-modal. To deepen the knowledge of specific topics, learners can be interested in retrieving educational videos that complement the textual content of teaching books. However, retrieving educational videos can be particularly challenging when there is a lack of metadata information. To tackle the aforesaid issue, this paper explores the joint use of Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing techniques to retrieve cross-media educational resources (i.e., from text snippets to videos and vice versa). It applies NLP techniques to both the audio transcript of the videos and to the text snippets in the books in order to quantify the semantic relationships between pairs of educational resources of different media types. Then, it trains a Deep Learning model on top of the NLP-based features. The probabilities returned by the Deep Learning model are used to rank the candidate resources based on their relevance to a given query. The results achieved on a real collection of educational multimodal data show that the proposed approach performs better than state-of-the-art solutions. Furthermore, a preliminary attempt to apply the same approach to address a similar retrieval task (i.e., from text to image and vice versa) has shown promising results

    Territori rurali ri-attivati. Multifunzionalità, fruizione e impegno sociale attraverso l’esperienza della Cooperativa Sociale “Lavoro e Non Solo”

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    The reflection starts from the concepts of territory and landscape and the awareness that rural areas are the result of complex relations and social, cultural, economic stratification. We try to identify the causes of the crisis of traditional agriculture and abandonment of the countryside and how much this is affected by current lifestyles, economy and global competition. We reason about the responsibilities and action chances of urban and regional planning. Multi-functionality in agriculture is a principle that appears helpful in returning economic value to rural territories, repopulating them, restoring their attractiveness, safeguarding their ecologies, providing them with services, protecting them from the effects of urbanization. Beating crisis through quality. Recent data show a repopulation of countryside and an Italy with the highest quality products. In the end, the case of the Social Cooperative “Lavoro e non solo” as an example of good practice reproducible under certain conditions.La riflessione prende le mosse dai concetti di territorio e paesaggio e dalla consapevolezza che i territori rurali sono frutto di relazioni complesse e di stratificazione sociale, culturale, economica. Si cerca di individuare le cause della crisi dell’agricoltura tradizionale e dell’abbandono delle campagne e quanto influiscono su questa gli stili di vita attuali, l’economia e la concorrenza globale. Ci si interroga su quali responsabilità e su quali possibilità di intervento ha la Pianificazione urbana e territoriale. La multifunzionalità in agricoltura è un principio che pare poter contribuire a restituire valore economico alle aree rurali, a ripopolarle, a renderle nuovamente attrattive, a salvaguardarle ecologicamente, a dotarle di servizi, a proteggerle da fenomeni di urbanizzazione. Vincere la crisi attraverso la qualità. I recenti dati parlano di ripopolamento delle campagne e di un’Italia con prodotti di altissima qualità. Infine, il caso della Cooperativa Sociale “Lavoro e non solo” come esempio di buona pratica riproducibile a determinate condizioni

    IL RUOLO DELLE AREE AGRICOLE NELLA PROGETTAZIONE TERRITORIALE. Gli aspetti sociali come forma di rivitalizzazione del territorio.

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    La tesi indaga il tema della multifunzionalità applicata all’agricoltura come strumento per riattivare territori abbandonati, degradati, a rischio di uso improprio o di nuova edificazione. L’agricoltura ha sempre avuto un rapporto fondamentale con l’Uomo e con gli insediamenti. Il rapporto tra centri abitati e aree agricole è stato un rapporto di unione e di contrapposizione. Nel passaggio da agricoltura di sussistenza a quella di tipo intensivo e specializzato sono stati coinvolti gli spazi, le tecniche, gli strumenti, le opere legate all’attività agricola e, infine, il rapporto con il territorio. L’agricoltura, benché produca beni di prima necessità, nei decenni scorsi è stata considerata un elemento secondario per motivazioni economiche. Sono chiari i valori culturali, paesaggistici, ecologici, sociali, economici dell’agricoltura ma questa è diventata sempre meno redditizia e oggi si trova in grave difficoltà rispetto alla produzione, alla sostenibilità economica, al ruolo paesaggistico e a quello sociale. Le difficoltà dell’agricoltura causano anche l’incapacità delle aree di “difendersi” dalla logica della rendita fondiaria e dall’uso legato al guadagno immediato, come succede nel caso degli impianti di energia da fonti rinnovabili. Tutto questo deve richiamare l’attenzione di chi pianifica il territorio affinché trovi strumenti di valorizzazione delle potenzialità delle aree agricole. Chiaramente le cause non sono esclusivamente economiche ma legate anche ai modelli culturali e agli stili di vita. Affrontare i temi delle aree rurali, della loro produttività, del consumo di suolo e degli usi impropri, è necessario per procedere ad una pianificazione corretta e sostenibile sotto più punti di vista: non solo quello economico, ecologico, storico e sociale ma l’insieme di questi. La tesi approfondisce le diverse politiche europee adottate per frenare la crisi dell’agricoltura. Studi e documenti europei individuano nel principio di multifunzionalità in agricoltura uno strumento per rendere il territorio agricolo più forte. È utile indagare, quindi, sui rapporti tra agricoltura multifunzionale e progettazione territoriale. In particolare si è voluta puntare l’attenzione sugli aspetti sociali come forma di rivitalizzazione del territorio e, quindi, sull’agricoltura sociale come servizio e attività che crea coesione. Le domande che la ricerca si è posta sono due: le attività agricole multifunzionali e la loro declinazione particolare in quelle sociali, possono essere uno strumento di riattivazione economica, culturale e sociale di territori rurali, periurbani e urbani in stato di abbandono, degrado, a rischio di uso improprio o nuova edificazione? Attraverso quale strumento o quali strumenti la progettazione territoriale può utilizzare e valorizzare le potenzialità dell’agricoltura multifunzionale? Per rispondere a queste due domande non si è potuto trascurare il fatto che dal punto di vista spaziale ed economico, l’agricoltura è misurabile in maniera relativamente semplice. Più complesso è misurare gli aspetti paesaggistici e sociali, quindi, serve fare riferimento ai sistemi di analisi qualitativi. Inoltre l’agricoltura sociale ha scopi riabilitativi, formativi e lavorativi ma ha anche finalità legate alla pianificazione territoriale (ambientali, economici, storico-culturali e sociali) e di questo si è grandemente tenuto conto. Altro aspetto oggetto di analisi sono i diversi approcci europei alle forme di agricoltura multifunzionale e sociale e, in ambito italiano, si indaga sugli strumenti nazionali e regionali che valorizzano le attività agricole multifunzionali. Così come si approfondisce il rapporto particolare tra forme di agricoltura sociale e aree confiscate alle criminalità organizzata. Infine, la rassegna di esempi di attività multifunzionali e l’approfondimento dei casi studio selezionati, mostrano come forme di agricoltura multifunzionale possono rivitalizzare il territorio rurale, periurbano e urbano per arrivare alla proposta di azioni relative all’integrazione di strumenti di governo del territorio, all’integrazione di politiche con strumenti tradizionali, alla logica spaziale utile affinché le potenzialità dell’agricoltura multifunzionale possano essere considerate servizi al territorio e all’abitante.The thesis explores the theme of multifunctionality applied to agriculture as a means to reactivate the abandoned territory, degraded, at the risk of misuse or new construction. Agriculture has always had a fundamental relationship with the man and with the settlements. The relationship between urban and agricultural areas has been a relationship of union and opposition. In the transition from subsistence farming to intensive and specialized agriculture, have been involved spaces, techniques, tools, architectures related to agricultural activity and, finally, the relationship with the land. Agriculture, although produce essential goods, in the past decades has been considered a secondary element for economic reasons. There are clear cultural, scenic, ecological, social and economic values of agriculture but this is becoming less profitable and today agriculture is in serious difficulties involving the production, the sustainability , the role of the landscape and the social issues. The difficulties of agriculture also cause the inability of the areas to "defend" itself from the logic of land rent and use linked to immediate profit, as occurs in case of energy plants from renewable sources. All these issues should make territory planner to be careful so that he can find tools to enhance the potential of the agricultural areas. Clearly, the causes are not only economic but also linked to cultural patterns and lifestyles. Addressing the issues of rural areas, their productivity, land use and misuse, it is necessary to carry out a proper planning and sustainable points of view: not only the economic, ecological, historical and social but all of these together. The thesis explores the different European policies adopted to curb the crisis of agriculture. Studies and European documents identify the principle of multifunctionality in agriculture the tool to make the strongest agricultural land. Is useful to investigate, therefore, on the relationship between multifunctional agriculture and regional planning. In particular, we wanted to focus attention on the social aspects as a form of revitalization of the territory and, therefore, on agriculture as a service and social activity that creates cohesion. The questions that the research has set are two: multifunctional agricultural activities and their declination in particular social ones, can be a tool for economic revitalization, cultural and social development of rural areas, periurban and urban areas in a state of abandonment, deterioration, at the risk of misuse or new construction? Through what instrument or instruments such as the regional planning can use and exploit the potential of multifunctional agriculture? To answer these two questions we can't overlook the fact that, from the point of view of spatial and economic, agriculture is measurable in a relatively simple way. It is more difficult to measure the social aspects of the landscape and, therefore, need to refer to the qualitative analysis systems. In addition, the social farming purposes have rehabilitative, educational and business purposes but also related to spatial planning (environmental, economic, historical, cultural and social) and this has greatly been taken into consideration. Another aspect analyzed is the different European approaches to the forms of multifunctional and social agriculture, in the Italian context, and it investigates national and regional instruments that enhance agricultural activities multifunctional. It also explores the relationship between particular forms of social agriculture and areas confiscated from organized crime. The review of examples of multifunctional activities and the deepening of the case studies selected, showing how forms of multifunctional agriculture can revitalize the rural areas, periurban and urban areas. Finally, we arrive at the proposal of actions related to the integration of tools of territorial government, the integration of policies with traditional instruments, the spatial logic necessary to enable the potential of multifunctional agriculture can be considered service to the area and inhabitant