847 research outputs found

    Type Ia supernova counts at high z: signatures of cosmological models and progenitors

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    Determination of the rates at which supernovae of Type Ia (SNe Ia) occur in the early Universe can give signatures of the time spent by the binary progenitor systems to reach explosion and of the geometry of the Universe. Observations made within the Supernova Cosmology Project are already providing the first numbers. Here it is shown that, for any assumed SNe Ia progenitor, SNe Ia counts up to mR2326m_{R}\simeq 23-26 are useful tests of the SNe Ia progenitor systems and cosmological tracers of a possible non-zero value of the cosmological constant, Λ\Lambda. The SNe Ia counts at high redshifts compare differently with those at lower redshifts depending on the cosmological model. Flat ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda}--dominated universes would show a more significant increase of the SNe Ia counts at z1z \sim 1 than a flat, ΩM=1\Omega_{M} = 1 universe. Here we consider three sorts of universes: a flat universe with H0=65kms1Mpc1H_{0} = 65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, ΩM=1.0\Omega_{M} = 1.0, ΩΛ=0.0\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.0; an open universe with H0=65kms1Mpc1H_{0} = 65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, ΩM=0.3\Omega_{M} = 0.3, ΩΛ=0.0\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.0; and a flat, Λ\Lambda--dominated universe with H0=65kms1Mpc1H_{0} = 65 km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}, ΩM=0.3\Omega_{M} = 0.3, ΩΛ=0.7\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.7). On the other hand, the SNe Ia counts from one class of binary progenitors (double degenerate systems) should not increase steeply in the z=0z= 0 to z=1z= 1 range, contrary to what should be seen for other binary progenitors. A measurement of the SNe Ia counts up to z1z \sim 1 is within reach of ongoing SNe Ia searches at high redshifts.Comment: 16 pages, incl. 2 figures. To appear in ApJ (Letters

    Type Ia Supernova Scenarios and the Hubble Sequence

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    The dependence of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate on galaxy type is examined for three currently proposed scenarios: merging of a Chandrasekhar--mass CO white dwarf (WD) with a CO WD companion, explosion of a sub--Chandrasekhar mass CO WD induced by accretion of material from a He star companion, and explosion of a sub--Chandrasekhar CO WD in a symbiotic system. The variation of the SNe Ia rate and explosion characteristics with time is derived, and its correlation with parent population age and galaxy redshift is discussed. Among current scenarios, CO + He star systems should be absent from E galaxies. Explosion of CO WDs in symbiotic systems could account for the SNe Ia rate in these galaxies. The same might be true for the CO + CO WD scenario, depending on the value of the common envelope parameter. A testable prediction of the sub--Chandrasekhar WD model is that the average brightness and kinetic energy of the SN Ia events should increase with redshift for a given Hubble type. Also for this scenario, going along the Hubble sequence from E to Sc galaxies SNe Ia events should be brighter on average and should show larger mean velocities of the ejecta. The observational correlations strongly suggest that the characteristics of the SNe Ia explosion are linked to parent population age. The scenario in which WDs with masses below the Chandrasekhar mass explode appears the most promising one to explain the observed variation of the SN Ia rate with galaxy type together with the luminosity--expansion velocity trend.Comment: 16 pages uuencoded compressed Postscript, 2 figures included. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Blue carbon stocks in Baltic Sea eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows

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    Although seagrasses cover only a minor fraction of the ocean seafloor, their carbon sink capacity accounts for nearly one-fifth of the total oceanic carbon burial and thus play a critical structural and functional role in many coastal ecosystems. We sampled 10 eelgrass (<i>Zostera marina</i>) meadows in Finland and 10 in Denmark to explore seagrass carbon stocks (C<sub>org</sub> stock) and carbon accumulation rates (C<sub>org</sub> accumulation) in the Baltic Sea area. The study sites represent a gradient from sheltered to exposed locations in both regions to reflect expected minimum and maximum stocks and accumulation. The C<sub>org</sub> stock integrated over the top 25 cm of the sediment averaged 627 g C m<sup>−2</sup> in Finland, while in Denmark the average C<sub>org</sub> stock was over 6 times higher (4324 g C m<sup>−2</sup>). A conservative estimate of the total organic carbon pool in the regions ranged between 6.98 and 44.9 t C ha<sup>−1</sup>. Our results suggest that the Finnish eelgrass meadows are minor carbon sinks compared to the Danish meadows, and that majority of the C<sub>org</sub> produced in the Finnish meadows is exported. Our analysis further showed that &gt; 40 % of the variation in the C<sub>org</sub> stocks was explained by sediment characteristics, i.e. dry density, porosity and silt content. In addition, our analysis show that the root : shoot ratio of <i>Z. marina</i> explained &gt; 12 % and the contribution of <i>Z. marina</i> detritus to the sediment surface C<sub>org</sub> pool explained &gt; 10 % of the variation in the C<sub>org</sub> stocks. The mean monetary value for the present carbon storage and carbon sink capacity of eelgrass meadows in Finland and Denmark, were 281 and 1809 EUR ha<sup>−1</sup>, respectively. For a more comprehensive picture of seagrass carbon storage capacity, we conclude that future blue carbon studies should, in a more integrative way, investigate the interactions between sediment biogeochemistry, seascape structure, plant species architecture and the hydrodynamic regime

    Developments in ROOT I/O and trees

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    For the last several months the main focus of development in the ROOT I/O package has been code consolidation and performance improvements. Access to remote files is affected both by bandwidth and latency. We introduced a pre-fetch mechanism to minimize the number of transactions between client and server and hence reducing the effect of latency. We will review the implementation and how well it works in different conditions (gain of an order of magnitude for remote file access). We will also review new utilities, including a faster implementation of TTree cloning (gain of an order of magnitude), a generic mechanism for object references, and a new entry list mechanism tuned both for small and large number of selections. In addition to reducing the coupling with the core module and becoming its owns library (libRIO) (as part of the general restructuration of the ROOT libraries), the I/O package has been enhanced in the area of XML and SQL support, thread safety, schema evolution, TTreeFormula, and many other areas. We will also discuss various ways, ROOT will be able to benefit from multi-core architecture to improve I/O performances

    Type Ia Supernovae: An Examination of Potential Progenitors and the Redshift Distribution

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    We examine the possibility that supernovae type Ia (SN Ia) are produced by white dwarfs accreting from Roche-lobe filling evolved companions, under the assumption that a strong optically thick stellar wind from accretor is able to stabilize the mass transfer. We show that if a mass transfer phase on a thermal timescale precedes a nuclear burning driven phase, then such systems (of which the supersoft X-ray sources are a subgroup) can account for about 10% of the inferred SN Ia rate. In addition, we examine the cosmic history of the supernova rate, and we show that the ratio of the rate of SN Ia to the rate of supernovae produced by massive stars (supernovae of types II, Ib, Ic) should increase from about z = 1 towards lower redshifts.Comment: 29 pages, Latex, 6 figures, aasms4.sty, psfig.sty, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Capacitación y supervisión a equipos técnicos: saldando una deuda pendiente en temas de discapacidad y vejez

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    El presente trabajo hace referencia a la experiencia que surge de la implementación del proyecto aprobado y financiado en 2010 por Extensión Universitaria de la UNLP, denominado “Capacitación y Supervisión a equipos interdisciplinarios: saldando una deuda pendiente en temas de vejez y discapacidad”. Fueron partícipes de esta experiencia estudiantes avanzados, graduados y profesores de las Facultades de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Psicología y Trabajo Social (en carácter de Unidad Ejecutora), y como co-participantes la Comisión Universitaria sobre Discapacidad (CUD), el INSSJyP – Pami, la Red Mayor Nodo La Plata y la Dirección de Servicios Sociales de la UNLP. La implementación del proyecto implicó las instancias de capacitación y supervisión institucional, destinado a equipos técnicos y profesionales que se desempeñaban en centros de salud, áreas de acción social municipal, organizaciones específicas de adultos mayores e instituciones de personas con discapacidad. La implementación del proyecto dio lugar a que se establecieran tres aspectos a analizar al momento de realizar la evaluación final del mismo: a) la realización de trabajos finales de los diversos destinatarios que con sus diferentes matrices disciplinarias problematizaron la temática de la vejez y la discapacidad, la apropiación de nuevos conocimientos que potenciaron el cuestionamiento de las prácticas vigentes, la incorporación de metodologías de análisis diagnóstico, el conocimiento, diseño e implementación de modelos de gestión y el fortalecimiento del trabajo interdisciplinario; b) la función de Extensión Universitaria de responder a las demandas de la sociedad ante las carencias en la formación académica de los graduados; y finalmente c) impulsar la formación de estudiantes avanzados que a través de la extensión acompañaron el proyecto y participaron activamente en el cumplimiento del mismo. Por otro lado, se debe destacar que esta experiencia de intervención aporta a la política pública a partir del trabajo multidimensional de los diversos actores implicados en la propuesta (Universidad; Estado Nacional; Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil; Ciudadanos), así como la intención del proyecto en sí mismo de buscar constantemente el conocimiento y la reflexión que permita mejorar la calidad de trabajo de los profesionales, generar ambientes laborales saludables en las diversas instituciones, y consecuentemente contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de quienes reciben los aportes profesionales, en este caso, la población adulta mayor y las personas con discapacidad