633 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Structure Functions in Decaying and Forced Turbulence

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    In order to reliably compute the longitudinal structure functions in decaying and forced turbulence, local isotropy is examined with the aid of the isotropic expression of the incompressible conditions for the second and third order structure functions. Furthermore, the Karman-Howarth-Kolmogorov relation is investigated to examine the effects of external forcing and temporally decreasing of the second order structure function. On the basis of these investigations, the scaling range and exponents ζn\zeta_n of the longitudinal structure functions are determined for decaying and forced turbulence with the aid of the extended-self-similarity (ESS) method. We find that ζn\zeta_n's are smaller, for n≥4n \geq 4, in decaying turbulence than in forced turbulence. The reasons for this discrepancy are discussed. Analysis of the local slopes of the structure functions is used to justify the ESS method.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Statistics of Dissipation and Enstrophy Induced by a Set of Burgers Vortices

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    Dissipation and enstropy statistics are calculated for an ensemble of modified Burgers vortices in equilibrium under uniform straining. Different best-fit, finite-range scaling exponents are found for locally-averaged dissipation and enstrophy, in agreement with existing numerical simulations and experiments. However, the ratios of dissipation and enstropy moments supported by axisymmetric vortices of any profile are finite. Therefore the asymptotic scaling exponents for dissipation and enstrophy induced by such vortices are equal in the limit of infinite Reynolds number.Comment: Revtex (4 pages) with 4 postscript figures included via psfi

    Intermittency and structure functions in channel flow turbulence

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    We present a study of intermittency in a turbulent channel flow. Scaling exponents of longitudinal streamwise structure functions, ζp/ζ3\zeta_p /\zeta_3, are used as quantitative indicators of intermittency. We find that, near the center of the channel the values of ζp/ζ3\zeta_p /\zeta_3 up to p=7p=7 are consistent with the assumption of homogeneous/isotropic turbulence. Moving towards the boundaries, we observe a growth of intermittency which appears to be related to an intensified presence of ordered vortical structures. In fact, the behaviour along the normal-to-wall direction of suitably normalized scaling exponents shows a remarkable correlation with the local strength of the Reynolds stress and with the \rms value of helicity density fluctuations. We argue that the clear transition in the nature of intermittency appearing in the region close to the wall, is related to a new length scale which becomes the relevant one for scaling in high shear flows.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figure

    Periodically kicked turbulence

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    Periodically kicked turbulence is theoretically analyzed within a mean field theory. For large enough kicking strength A and kicking frequency f the Reynolds number grows exponentially and then runs into some saturation. The saturation level can be calculated analytically; different regimes can be observed. For large enough Re we find the saturation level to be proportional to A*f, but intermittency can modify this scaling law. We suggest an experimental realization of periodically kicked turbulence to study the different regimes we theoretically predict and thus to better understand the effect of forcing on fully developed turbulence.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. E., in pres

    Probability density function of turbulent velocity fluctuation

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    The probability density function (PDF) of velocity fluctuations is studied experimentally for grid turbulence in a systematical manner. At small distances from the grid, where the turbulence is still developing, the PDF is sub-Gaussian. At intermediate distances, where the turbulence is fully developed, the PDF is Gaussian. At large distances, where the turbulence has decayed, the PDF is hyper-Gaussian. The Fourier transforms of the velocity fluctuations always have Gaussian PDFs. At intermediate distances from the grid, the Fourier transforms are statistically independent of each other. This is the necessary and sufficient condition for Gaussianity of the velocity fluctuations. At small and large distances, the Fourier transforms are dependent.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures in a PS file, to appear in Physical Review

    Supersonic turbulence and structure of interstellar molecular clouds

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    The interstellar medium (ISM) provides a unique laboratory for highly supersonic, driven hydrodynamics turbulence. We present a theory of such turbulence, confirm it by numerical simulations, and use the results to explain observational properties of interstellar molecular clouds, the regions where stars are born.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures include

    Dynamical Organization around Turbulent Bursts

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    The detailed dynamics around intermittency bursts is investigated in turbulent shell models. We observe that the amplitude of the high wave number velocity modes vanishes before each burst, meaning that the fixed point in zero and not the Kolmogorov fixed point determines the intermittency. The phases of the field organize during the burst, and after a burst the field oscillates back to the laminar level. We explain this behavior from the variations in the values of the dissipation and the advection around the zero fixed point.Comment: 4 pages, REVTex, 3 figures in one ps-fil

    Vortex tubes in velocity fields of laboratory isotropic turbulence: dependence on the Reynolds number

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    The streamwise and transverse velocities are measured simultaneously in isotropic grid turbulence at relatively high Reynolds numbers, Re(lambda) = 110-330. Using a conditional averaging technique, we extract typical intermittency patterns, which are consistent with velocity profiles of a model for a vortex tube, i.e., Burgers vortex. The radii of the vortex tubes are several of the Kolmogorov length regardless of the Reynolds number. Using the distribution of an interval between successive enhancements of a small-scale velocity increment, we study the spatial distribution of vortex tubes. The vortex tubes tend to cluster together. This tendency is increasingly significant with the Reynolds number. Using statistics of velocity increments, we also study the energetical importance of vortex tubes as a function of the scale. The vortex tubes are important over the background flow at small scales especially below the Taylor microscale. At a fixed scale, the importance is increasingly significant with the Reynolds number.Comment: 8 pages, 3 PS files for 8 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Human liver stem cell-derived microvesicles accelerate hepatic regeneration in hepatectomized rats

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    Several studies indicate that adult stem cells may improve the recovery from acute tissue injury. It has been suggested that they may contribute to tissue regeneration by the release of paracrine factors promoting proliferation of tissue resident cells. However, the factors involved remain unknown. In the present study we found that microvesicles (MVs) derived from human liver stem cells (HLSC) induced in vitro proliferation and apoptosis resistance of human and rat hepatocytes. These effects required internalization of MVs in the hepatocytes by an α4-integrin-dependent mechanism. However, MVs pre-treated with RNase, even if internalized, were unable to induce hepatocyte proliferation and apoptosis resistance, suggesting an RNA-dependent effect. Microarray analysis and quantitative RT-PCR demonstrated that MVs were shuttling a specific subset of cellular mRNA, such as mRNA associated in the control of transcription, translation, proliferation and apoptosis. When administered in vivo, MVs accelerated the morphological and functional recovery of liver in a model of 70% hepatectomy in rats. This effect was associated with increase in hepatocyte proliferation and was abolished by RNase pre-treatment of MVs. Using human AGO2, as a reporter gene present in MVs, we found the expression of human AGO2 mRNA and protein in the liver of hepatectomized rats treated with MVs. These data suggested a translation of the MV shuttled mRNA into hepatocytes of treated rats. In conclusion, these results suggest that MVs derived from HLSC may activate a proliferative program in remnant hepatocytes after hepatectomy by a horizontal transfer of specific mRNA subsets
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