34 research outputs found

    High temporal variability in the occurrence of consumer-resource interactions in ecological networks

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    Ecological networks are theoretical abstractions that represent ecological communities. These networks are usually defined as static entities, in which the occurrence of a particular interaction between species is considered fixed despite the intrinsic dynamics of ecological systems. However, empirical analysis of the temporal variation of trophic interactions is constrained by the lack of data with high spatial, temporal, and taxonomic resolution. Here, we evaluate the spatiotemporal variability of multiple consumer-resource interactions of large marine networks. The tropic interactions of all of the analyzed networks had low temporal persistence, which was well described by a common exponential decay in the rank-frequency relationship of consumer-resource interactions. This common pattern of low temporal persistence was evident despite the dissimilarities of environmental conditions among sites. Between-site rank correlations of frequency of occurrence of interactions ranged from 0.59 to 0.73. After removing the interactions with <50% frequency, the between-site correlations decreased to values between 0.60 and 0.28, indicating that low-frequency interactions accounted for the apparent similarities between sites. Our results showed that the communities studied were characterized by few persistent interactions and a large number of transient trophic interactions. We suggest that consumer-resource temporal asynchrony in addition to varying local environmental conditions and opportunistic foraging could be among the mechanisms generating the observed rank-frequency relationship of trophic interactions. Therefore, our results question the analysis of ecological communities as static and persistent natural entities and stress the need for strengthening the analysis of temporal variability in ecological networks and long-term studies.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Educaci贸n Cient铆fica y Evolutiva en Chile: Problemas Funcionales y Confictos entre Ense帽ar y Aprender Science and Evolution Education in Chile: Functional Problems and Conficts between Teaching and Learning

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    En Chile, la educaci贸n media (secundaria) y universitaria de pregrado, y la conexi贸n entre ellas, son los puntos m谩s sensibles de la educaci贸n cient铆fca en biolog铆a y evoluci贸n, que estuvo seriamente deprimida hacia fnes del siglo XX. No obstante, hoy enfrentamos un escenario de transici贸n favorable donde convergen tres factores capaces de potenciar la alfabetizaci贸n biol贸gica en sentido amplio: un nuevo curr铆culum secundario que incluye un fuerte componente biol贸gico, con 茅nfasis en evoluci贸n y ecolog铆a; una reactivaci贸n de la formaci贸n pedag贸gica a nivel universitario; y un desarrollo cient铆fco creciente en el 谩rea de biolog铆a evolutiva. Sin embargo, estos factores a煤n est谩n conectados d茅bilmente, y su mejor articulaci贸n podr铆a contribuir a mejorar signifcativamente la retroalimentaci贸n entre los componentes del sistema educativo, y a resolver algunos confictos dial茅cticos entre ense帽ar y aprender que se generan en diferentes niveles jer谩rquicos del mismo sistema. El reforzamiento de la interdisciplinaridad entre biolog铆a y pedagog铆a en la formaci贸n de nuevos profesores ser铆a un factor clave, ya que el profesor secundario parece ser la piedra angular del sistema educativo, adem谩s de jugar un rol crucial en la formaci贸n inicial de los futuros cient铆fcos.<br>In Chile, high school (secondary) and university undergraduate levels, and their connection, are the most sensitive points of science education in biology and evolution, which was seriously depressed at the end of the 20th century. Nonetheless, we face today a favourable transitional scenario where three converging factors are able to foster science literacy in a wide sense: a new high school curriculum including a strong biological component, with emphasis on evolution and ecology; a reactivation of university formation of secondary pedagogues; and a growing scientifc development in the feld of evolutionary biology. However, these factors are still weakly connected, and strengthening their articulation might improve signifcantly the feedback between all components of the Chilean educational system, helping to solve some dialectic conficts between teaching and learning that originate at different hierarchical levels of the same system. The reinforcement of interdisciplinarity between biology and pedagogy in the process of formation of new teachers would be a key factor, because the high school teacher turns to be the cornerstone of the educational system, in addition playing a crucial role in the initial formation of the future scientists