28 research outputs found

    The Exile Experience Reconsidered: a Comparative Perspective in European Cultural Migration during the Interwar Period

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    This paper deals with exile in the 20th century and makes some suggestions for a reconsideration of this experience. The reasons for its peculiarity lie in a series of political, religious, racial and moral elements but when we speak of exile we are implicitly referring to substantially different experiences and phenomena: social exile, political exile and intellectual exile.The historiography of cultural migration has been through new and important developments over the past twenty years, developments that have enlarged the field across the borders of where sector-based studies grew. The first phase of studies into intellectual exile was strongly conditioned by two classic interpretative paradigms: the acculturation paradigm and the paradigm of the impact refugee scholars had on American culture. However, the field of so called “Exile Studies” has widened remarkably in recent years extending to philosophy, literature, sociology and anthropology. This has provoked a series of negative effects, such as an excessive generalization of the concept of exile and the loss of the historical specificity of this phenomenon.The author analyzes some features of the experience of Italian exiles in the United States starting from a comparative approach. His aim is to highlight major differences between various national cases (German, French and Italian). He concludes that the meaning of exile in the 20th century essentially indicates an experience of fracture, of displacement from the motherland, of alienation lived as a loss, of injury.Portant sur l’exil produit par les dictatures fasciste et nazie du xxe siècle, cet article propose des pistes pour reconsidérer le phénomène. Les grandes caractéristiques politiques, religieuses, raciales et morales qui l’ont causé ne sont pas suffisantes pour l’examiner. Le phénomène est multiple : il est nécessaire de distinguer exil social, d’exil politique et/ou intellectuel.L’historiographie de l’émigration culturelle s’est beaucoup développée depuis une vingtaine d’années élargissant le domaine des bases nationales ou sectorielles où elle s’était originellement produite. La première phase des études sur l’exil des intellectuels a été fortement conditionnée par deux paradigmes classiques d’interprétation: la question de l’acculturation des chercheurs réfugiés et celle de l’impact de leur présence sur la culture américaine. Mais ce que l’on appelle aujourd’hui “exile studies” s’est considérablement étendu pour devenir une catégorie du langage littéraire, philosophique, sociologique et anthropologique. Ceci s’est traduit par une généralisation excessive du concept d’exil et une disparition de sa spécificité historique.En plus de ces considérations historiographiques, et de manière comparative, nous analysons ici l’expérience des intellectuels italiens dans l’exil, soulignant des différences avec le cas de leurs homologues allemands et français. Les notions de fracture, d’aliénation et de perte de statut demeurent des caractéristiques fondamentales de cet éloignement forcé du pays d’origine

    Max Ascoli. Antifascista, intellettuale, giornalista

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    biografia collettiva della figura dell'intellettuale ed esule ebreo Max Ascol

    La Gazzetta di Venezia del 1868

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    Historians writing about the History of Venice have rarely dealt with or mentioned the year 1868: to trace this moment it is essential to make direct reference to the Gazzetta di Venezia of that same year. Another useful source is the diary of Elena Pesaro Maurogonato (1853-1876), daughter of Isacco Pesaro Maurogonato (1817-1892), a central figure in the Venetian Jewish community and an important political figure. Among the most important events are the celebrations in St. Mark's Square on the occasion of the Carnival, the representations at the Teatro La Fenice and events related to the translation of Daniele Manin's ashes. This essay also traces a portrait of the social situation in Venice, ranging from the identification of differences between social classes to the creation of the 'myth of Venice', a collective cultural identity resulting from the association of several popular traditions

    "Il capitano con gli occhi di bambino", Intoduzione a Antonio Giuriolo e il "partito della democrazia"

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    Il si sofferma sul "caso" Giuriolo: sulla eccezionale parabola umana e politica di questo giovane azionista caduto in combattimento nel 1944

    Introduction. A Conflict of Memories: Antifascism, Resistance and Civil War (1943-1945)

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    Introduzione alla seconda edizione del Gaetano Salvemini Colloquium in Italian History and Cultur

    Pensare la libert\ue0. I quaderni di Antonio Giuriolo

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    Il volume contiene due parti distinte: un introduzione e un testo che delinea il profilo di Antonio Giuriolo, il giovane antifascista di cui si pubblica, nella seconda parte, una selezione ragionata dei suoi quaderni

    Attilio Brunialti parlamentare veneto (1882-1919). Rappresentanza degli interessi e formazione del consenso

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    Il contributo si concentra sulla fase iniziale della carriera politica di Attilio Brunialt

    Il voto al voto al tempo dei notabil: viaggi, banchetti e lettere elettorali

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    Il saggio analizza le modalitĂ  di organizzazione le lavoro dei notabili nelle competizioni elettorali dell'Italia liberale

    Les notables italiens entre clientélisme et légitimation du pouvoir. Le cas de la Vénétie dans la période libérale (1866-1897)

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    The Italian Notables between Clientelism and Legitimization of Power. The Venetian Region during the Liberal Era (1866-1897) Renato Camurri Starting from a new definition of notable, the article is concentrated on the profile of venetian rulling class (1866-1897), analysing prosopography character of this elite, the structure of political system and the modality of political organization. In the second part of this article, the author focuses his attention on the role of great notables and on the figure of senator Fedele Lampertico, considering his network relations and emphasizing the peculiarities of notable's work.Les notables italiens entre clientélisme et légitimation du pouvoir. Le cas de la Vénétie dans la période libérale (1866-1897) Renato Camurri A partir d'une réflexion sur la signification du terme de notable, l'article analyse la classe dirigeante de Vénétie dans la période comprise entre 1866 et 1897. Il analyse les caractères prosopographiques de cette élite, la structure du système politique et l'organisation des relations politiques. Dans une seconde partie, il s'attache plus particulièrement au rôle et à la figure d'un grand notable de Vénétie, Fedele Lampertico, dont il examine les amples réseaux de relations, mettant en lumière les particularités du travail notabiliaire.Camurri Renato. Les notables italiens entre clientélisme et légitimation du pouvoir. Le cas de la Vénétie dans la période libérale (1866-1897). In: Politix, vol. 17, n°67, Troisième trimestre 2004. Trajectoires de la notabilité. II. Production et reproduction sous la direction de Jean-Louis Briquet. pp. 17-43