331 research outputs found

    Da invisibilidade ao protagonismo da agricultura familiar: uma análise a partir do semiárido nordestino

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    No Brasil, historicamente a organização da produção agropecuária resguarda perspectivas políticas, econômicas e sociais contraditórias, com padrões estabelecidos nas esferas políticas e acadêmicas que abrigam uma dicotomia entre dois modelos tecnológicos: a agricultura patronal e a agricultura familiar camponesa, utilizando mão-de-obra familiar, em pequenas áreas de terra, cultivos diversificados e às vezes suficientes para a subsistência, obtendo algum excedente destinado ao comércio no mercado interno. Todavia, no semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro, ao sul do Ceará, no município de Mauriti, encontrou-se uma situação exemplar de agriculturas familiares como uma experiência valorosa e de positividade. O objetivo da tese foi desvelar e compreender as condições constitutivas dessa agricultura familiar. Através do estudo aprofundado de um caso, reconhecer as especificidades deste fenômeno, onde a agricultura familiar é diversa e produtiva, averiguando as relações entre a mudança na estrutura fundiária, a partir do censo agrícola de 1940, o acesso às políticas públicas de desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar, os atores e suas intervenções políticas, econômicas e sociais que constituíram uma conjuntura de fatores e produziram uma diversidade, um mosaico de agriculturas familiares, sustentadas pela ação sinérgica terra+capital+trabalho= produção+empoderamento. A metodologia utilizada para atender aos objetivos foi tipo quanti-qualitativa, composta por levantamentos documentais, pela análise e recriação de dados secundários das principais políticas públicas para a agricultura familiar, indicadores sociais e dados secundários (Censos, PRONAF, PAA, PNAE, Garantia SAFRA), pelas narrativas de representantes dos diversos tipos de organização da agricultura familiar do município. Os resultados apontam para a desestruturação da grande propriedade desde 1940 e uma tendência a minifundização. O ingresso do Partido dos Trabalhadores na gestão municipal aproximou os agricultores familiares das políticas públicas, resultando na diferenciação produtiva do município em relação aos demais municípios da microrregião. Por conseguinte, o conjunto articulado de certas ações contribuiu para o protagonismo da agricultura familiar. Concluiu-se que a desconcentração da estrutura fundiária, o reconhecimento institucional, o acesso ao crédito via políticas públicas e opções estratégicas de gestão dos sistemas produtivos e comércio da produção, alinhavados pela gestão pública municipal, formam um campo de possibilidades favoráveis ao empoderamento e protagonismo da agricultura familiar, mesmo no semiárido nordestino.Historically, In Brazil, the organization of agricultural production has had contradictory political, economic and social perspectives, with established patterns in political and academic spaces that have an opposition between two technological models: employer agriculture and family agriculture, using family labor, in small areas of land, diversified crops and sometimes sufficient for subsistence, obtaining some surplus destined to the internal market. However, in the Brazilian Semiarid region, south of Ceará, in the municipality of Mauriti, an example of family farming was found as a valuable and positive experience. The objective of the thesis was to discover and understand the conditions of constitution of this familiar agriculture. Through the in-depth study of a case, recognize the specificities of this phenomenon, where family farming is diverse and productive, ascertaining the relations between the change in land structure, from the agricultural census of 1940, access to public policies for the development of agriculture family, actors and their political, economic and social interventions that constituted a set of factors and produced a diversity, a mosaic of family farms, supported by the synergistic equation: land ownership, capital, labour = production + empowerment. The methodology used to meet the objectives was quanti-qualitative, documentary surveys, analysis and re-creation of secondary data of the main public policies for family agriculture, social indicators and secondary data (Census, PRONAF, PAA, PNAE, Garantia SAFRA), through narratives of representatives of the various types of family agriculture organization of the municipality. The results point to the fragmentation of large property since 1940 and a trend towards minifundization. The participation of the Partido dos Trabalhadores in municipal management brought family farmers closer to the public policies, resulting in the productive differentiation of the municipality in relation to the other municipalities of the micro-region. Consequently, the articulated set of certain actions contributed to the protagonism of family agriculture. It was concluded that the deconcentration of the land structure, institutional recognition, access to credit through public policies and strategic options for the management of productive systems and trade in production, aligned with municipal public management, form a field of possibilities favorable to empowerment and protagonism of family agriculture, even in the Northeastern Semiarid region

    Energy Colonialism: A Category to Analyse the Corporate Energy Transition in the Global South and North

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    Project TED2021-130035B-100MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR

    Energy Colonialism: A Category to Analyse the Corporate Energy Transition in the Global South and North

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    This article aims to define the category of energy colonialism in order to analyse the conflicts that are arising due to the deployment of renewable energy megaprojects in the Global South and in the peripheries of the Global North. First, the limits of the corporate energy transition are questioned, and based on an exhaustive bibliographic review, the category of energy colonialism is formulated along with six dimensions that characterise it: geopolitical; economic and financial inequalities; power, violence, and decision making; land grabbing and dispossession; impacts on territories and commons; resistance and socio-territorial conflicts. Based on this framework, we analyse and juxtapose different expressions of energy colonialism in four case studies; the isthmus of Tehuantepec (Oaxaca, Mexico), the territories of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco, the Saami territory in Norway, and the rural territories of Spain. The results from this study allow us to conclude that energy colonialism is a useful concept for understanding and critiquing the effects of the corporate energy transition and establishing a base for grassroots and decolonial alternatives in both the Global North and South.This paper is part of the project TED2021-130035B-100, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR


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    Once the irrigated fruit culture replaced the garlic and rice cultivation, Livramento de Nossa Senhora became the second largest exporter of fruits from Bahia State, hence a reference point accordingly DNOCS projects for hydraulics solution. There can be found tomyatkins’ mangoes and passion fruit cultivation whose destination is Central Europe and the Brazilian market. However, which socioenvironmental impacts can be found due to the managerial model of Livramento’s land? Outcomes from field research corroborate with the hypothesis that the agribusiness center of Brumado has important socioenvironmental impacts for its interaction with the semi-arid area. Although it is profitable, there are some socioenvironmental vulnerabilities that may threaten its existence in the middle term. The settlers adopted a fragmented administration of the territory, in spite the existing committee to manage the basin. The agribusiness' operators make inappropriate use of their own abilities as entrepreneurs. Thus, the empiric-analytical research was carried out throughout a qualiquantitative method. Interviews, field diary and a questionnarie were the instruments for collecting the primary data. The non-representative sample considered 50 from 416 rural producers, owners of the land in the irrigated Perimeter of Brumado. key words: socioenvironmental sustainability, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, agribusiness, irrigated fruit cultureCom substituição do cultivo do alho e do arroz pela fruticultura irrigada, Livramento de Nossa Senhora se tornou o segundo maior exportador de frutas do estado da Bahia e uma referência para projetos de solução hidráulica do DNOCS. Nele há cultivo de manga tommy atkins e maracujá destinados ao mercado centro-europeu e brasileiro. Mas quais os prováveis impactos socioambientais do modelo de gestão do território em Livramento? Os resultados da pesquisa corroboram a hipótese de que o agropolo de Brumado tem impactos sócio-espaciais importantes para o convívio com o semi-árido, é rentável, mas tem vulnerabilidades socioambientais que ameaçam sua existência no médio prazo. Os colonos adotaram uma gestão fragmentada do território, apesar de existir um comitê gestor da bacia. Os operadores dos agronegócios fazem uso impróprio das suas capacidades empreendedoras. Trata-se, entretanto, de pesquisa qualiquantitativa, empírico-analítica que utiliza entrevistas, diário de campo e aplicação questionários a 50 dos 416 produtores rurais com lotes no Perímetro irrigado de Brumado. Palavras-chave: sustentabilidade socioambiental, empreendedorismo social e desenvolvimento sustentável, agronegócios, fruticultura irrigad

    Pushing the Limits for Thiol−Ene and CuAAC Reactions: Synthesis of a 6th Generation Dendrimer in a Single Day

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    Dendrimer synthesis should not be tedious and time-consuming. By utilizing an AB2−CD2 approach and having orthogonal, “clickable” groups on each monomer, the time for dendrimer assembly can be drastically reduced. This was shown by preparation of a sixth generation dendrimer from starting monomer units in a single day

    Pupillary behavior in relation to wavelength and age

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    Pupil light reflex can be used as a non-invasive ocular predictor of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity. Spectral sensitivity of the pupil´s response to light has, for some time, been an interesting issue. It has generally, however, only been investigated with the use of white light and studies with monochromatic wavelengths are scarce. This study investigates the effects of wavelength and age within three parameters of the pupil light reflex (amplitude of response, latency, and velocity of constriction) in a large sample of younger and older adults (N=97), in mesopic conditions. Subjects were exposed to a single light stimulus at four different wavelengths: white (5600 ºK), blue (450 nm), green (510 nm) and red (600 nm). Data was analysed appropriately, and, when applicable, using the General Linear Model (GLM), Randomised Complete Block Design (RCBD), Student´s t test and/or ANCOVA. Across all subjects, pupillary response to light had the greatest amplitude and shortest latency in white and green light conditions. In regards to age, older subjects (46-78 years) showed an increased latency in white light and decreased velocity of constriction in green light compared to younger subjects (18-45 years old). This study provides data patterns on parameters of wavelength-dependent pupil reflexes to light in adults and it contributes to the large body of pupillometric research. It is hoped that this study will add to the overall evaluation of cephalic autonomic nervous system integrity

    Risk of lung disease in the PI*SS genotype of alpha-1 antitrypsin: an EARCO research project

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    Background: The PI*S variant is one of the most prevalent mutations within alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). The risk of developing AATD-related lung disease in individuals with the PI*SS genotype is poorly defined despite its substantial prevalence. Our study aimed to characterize this genotype and its risk for lung disease and compare it with the PI*ZZ and PI*SZ genotypes using data from the European Alpha-1 antitrypsin Deficiency Research Collaboration international registry. Method: Demographic, clinical, functional, and quality of life (QoL) parameters were assessed to compare the PI*SS characteristics with the PI*SZ and PI*ZZ controls. A propensity score with 1:3 nearest-neighbour matching was performed for the most important confounding variables. Results: The study included 1007 individuals, with PI*SS (n = 56; 5.6%), PI*ZZ (n = 578; 57.4%) and PI*SZ (n = 373; 37.0%). The PI*SS population consisted of 58.9% men, with a mean age of 59.2 years and a mean FEV1(% predicted) of 83.4%. Compared to PI*ZZ individuals they had less frequent lung disease (71.4% vs. 82.2%, p = 0.037), COPD (41.4% vs. 60%, p = 0.002), and emphysema (23.2% vs. 51.9%, p < 0.001) and better preserved lung function, fewer exacerbations, lower level of dyspnoea, and better QoL. In contrast, no significant differences were found in the prevalence of lung diseases between PI*SS and PI*SZ, or lung function parameters, exacerbations, dyspnoea, or QoL. Conclusions: We found that, as expected, the risk of lung disease associated with the PI*SS genotype is significantly lower compared with PI*ZZ, but does not differ from that observed in PI*SZ individuals, despite having higher serum AAT levels. Trial registration: www.clinicaltrials.gov (ID: NCT04180319)

    Pushing the Limits for Thiol−Ene and CuAAC Reactions: Synthesis of a 6th Generation Dendrimer in a Single Day

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    Dendrimer synthesis should not be tedious and time-consuming. By utilizing an AB2−CD2 approach and having orthogonal, “clickable” groups on each monomer, the time for dendrimer assembly can be drastically reduced. This was shown by preparation of a sixth generation dendrimer from starting monomer units in a single day