1,555 research outputs found

    Childporn.GIF:  Establishing Liability for On-Line Service Providers

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    Fallacies and the preconditions of argumentation

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    If we think of fallacies as violations of the preconditions governing the products, processes, and procedures of argumentation, we see that fallacies do not merely weaken arguments, but rather undermine the possibility of argument itself. This approac h recommends itself on several counts. First, it accounts for diversity in fallacy analysis (investigations have to be formal, rhetorical and pragmatic). Second, it makes possible investigations into new kinds of fallacies (which might focus on context more than conduct). Third, it provides new applications for ongoing developments in fallacy theory (we might further clarify preconditions of argument as required by discourse ethics)

    Treacherous Ascents: On Seeking Common Ground for Conflict Resolution

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    Commentary on Memedi

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    Deep Disagreement in a Multicultural World

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    Deep disagreement isn’t about the irresolvability of actual disputes, it is about one of the inherent limitations of argument as a tool for re-establishing intersubjectivity. I explore the relationship between argument, deep disagreement, and shared understanding, while responding to Phillips’ criticisms of my account. If we can learn about the conditions under which argument cannot work, then we can learn when to turn to other strategies to help us get along

    Do You Love Me? Day 1 Session 3

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    ...Now, let\u27s be honest, gang. There are a lot of you who are not considering missionary service because there\u27s sin in your life, not just in the past, but in the present. And there needs to be some repenting. I have yet to come to a group that is so spiritual that there aren\u27t all kinds of people in the audience who can name the thing that\u27s a barrier between them and the Lord. You can probably name what it is that is keeping you from God. And I really call upon you in the name of Jesus to repent of that today. To repent of that today. That\u27s the beginning

    Missions Conference Q&A

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    Repairing the Breach: Part 2B

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    ...The 25th chapter of Matthew, where Jesus describes Judgment Day, and in the end makes the judgment in these terms, Whatever you do to the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you do to Me. Now let me just say what that means. Somebody says, well, a particular religious leader was a wonderful person. He just didn\u27t have any time for race, for race relations. He-He just didn\u27t have any time for black people. I got news for you. You can\u27t accept Jesus Christ over here and reject black people over here. Why? Because the Jesus over here says, I\u27m not over here. I\u27m in your black brother. And when you reject your black brother, guess who you\u27re rejecting? And that cuts both ways. If you folks reject me, you\u27re rejecting Jesus, for Jesus chooses to present Himself to you through me, just as He presents Himself to me through you. You cannot reject a person of the opposite race without simultaneously rejecting Jesus

    Do You Love Me? Day 1 Session 2

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    Rights, Reasoning, and Dissensus

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    The recent proliferation of rights claims within our moral and political debates poses a threat to our reasoning skills. Rights claims often represent bids to name common ground, and we risk harm to our reasoning skills when we attempt to address dissensus by searching for common ground
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