57,363 research outputs found

    Polarization properties and Earth-based radar measurements of Venus in the post-Magellan era

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    Studies of the polarization properties of reflected radar signals provide information about wavelength-scale surface and subsurface irregularities and can place constraints on the scattering models used to explain anomalously high backscatter cross sections, such as those measured for the surfaces of the icy Galilean satellites. The JPL aircraft-mounted synthetic aperture radars (SAR) provide cross-section and polarization information for terrestrial terrain types. Comparison of these measurements with results from the Magellan mission is helping to relate volcanic flow types on Venus to terrestrial equivalents. Unfortunately, the Magellan SAR transmits and receives a single linear polarization so that information concerning the polarization properties is dependent on past and future observations from the Earth, primarily with the 12.6-cm wavelength (the same as Magellan) radar system on the Arecibo telescope

    Makutano Junction: A Village Soap Opera for Kenyan TV. An Interview with Producer and Mediae.org Director and Co-founder David Campbell

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    In this article comments by politician Boris Johnson and economist Edward Glaeser exemplify narratives of global urbanization that portray rural villages as redundant and perpetuate outdated notions of urbanā€“rural division. Simultaneously, traditional urbanā€“rural dialectics are distorted by divisive new urban projects like gated communities styled as villages. This paper argues for development models that acknowledge the vital environmental and economic roles played by rural villages, and opposes artificially created ā€œvillagesā€ in cities. In so doing, alternative readings of rurality and villages by Rem Koolhaas, Brazilian land reformers, Mahatma Gandhi, and critics of contemporary Indian literature and urbanism are considered

    High-resolution Earth-based lunar radar studies: Applications to lunar resource assessment

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    The lunar regolith will most likely be a primary raw material for lunar base construction and resource extraction. High-resolution radar observations of the Moon provide maps of radar backscatter that have intensity variations generally controlled by the local slope, material, and structural properties of the regolith. The properties that can be measured by the radar system include the dielectric constant, density, loss tangent, and wavelength scale roughness. The radar systems currently in operation at several astronomical observatories provide the ability to image the lunar surface at spatial resolutions approaching 30 m at 3.8 cm and 12.6 cm wavelengths and approximately 500 m at 70 cm wavelength. The radar signal penetrates the lunar regolith to a depth of 10-20 wavelengths so the measured backscatter contains contributions from the vacuum-regolith interface and from wavelength-scale heterogeneities in the electrical properties of the subsurface material. The three wavelengths, which are sensitive to different scale structures and scattering volumes, provide complementary information on the regolith properties. Aims of the previous and future observations include (1) analysis of the scattering properties associated with fresh impact craters, impact crater rays, and mantled deposits; (2) analysis of high-incidence-angle observations of the lunar mare to investigate measurement of the regolith dielectric constant and hence porosity; (3) investigation of interferometric techniques using two time-delayed observations of the same site, observations that require a difference in viewing geometry less than 0.05 deg and, hence, fortuitous alignment of the Earth-Moon system when visible from Arecibo Observatory

    Estimating Lunar Pyroclastic Deposit Depth from Imaging Radar Data: Applications to Lunar Resource Assessment

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    Lunar pyroclastic deposits represent one of the primary anticipated sources of raw materials for future human settlements. These deposits are fine-grained volcanic debris layers produced by explosive volcanism contemporaneous with the early stage of mare infilling. There are several large regional pyroclastic units on the Moon (for example, the Aristarchus Plateau, Rima Bode, and Sulpicius Gallus formations), and numerous localized examples, which often occur as dark-halo deposits around endogenic craters (such as in the floor of Alphonsus Crater). Several regional pyroclastic deposits were studied with spectral reflectance techniques: the Aristarchus Plateau materials were found to be a relatively homogeneous blanket of iron-rich glasses. One such deposit was sampled at the Apollo 17 landing site, and was found to have ferrous oxide and titanium dioxide contents of 12 percent and 5 percent, respectively. While the areal extent of these deposits is relatively well defined from orbital photographs, their depths have been constrained only by a few studies of partially filled impact craters and by imaging radar data. A model for radar backscatter from mantled units applicable to both 70-cm and 12.6-cm wavelength radar data is presented. Depth estimates from such radar observations may be useful in planning future utilization of lunar pyroclastic deposits

    A program to reduce coronary heart disease risk by altering job stresses

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    This study reports the design, implementation, and evaluation of a program attempting to reduce job stress by improving person-environment fit with respect to job aspects such as work load, responsibility, and interpersonal relationships. In order to assess the effects of the program, measures of both stress and strain were collected at three points in time--just prior to the program, immediately after the program, and three months after completion of the program. Measures of strain included systolic and diastolic blood pressure, determinations of glucose, cholesterol, and uric acid in the plasma, job satisfaction, and job related self-esteem. The findings were interpreted in light of both program incidents within specific experimental groups and general aspects of the program common to the experimental groups. Additional analyses indicated that both good person-environment fit with respect to participation predicts to good fit with respect to other job aspects over a three month interval and that stress causes strain, rather than the reverse

    Microwave scattering and emission properties of large impact craters on the surface of Venus

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    Many of the impact craters on Venus imaged by the Magellan synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have interior floors with oblique incidence angle backscatter cross sections 2 to 16 times (3 dB to 12 dB) greater than the average scattering properties of the planet's surface. Such high backscatter cross sections are indicative of a high degree of wavelength-scale surface roughness and/or a high intrinsic reflectivity of the material forming the crater floors. Fifty-three of these (radar) bright floored craters are associated with 93 percent of the parabolic-shaped radar-dark features found in the Magellan SAR and emissivity data, features that are thought to be among the youngest on the surface of Venus. It was suggested by Campbell et al. that either the bright floors of the parabolic feature parent craters are indicative of a young impact and the floor properties are modified with time to a lower backscatter cross section or that they result from some property of the surface or subsurface material at the point of impact or from the properties of the impacting object. As a continuation of earlier work we have examined all craters with diameters greater than 30 km (except 6 that were outside the available data) so both the backscatter cross section and emissivity of the crater floors could be estimated from the Magellan data

    Saturated fluorescence measurements of the hydroxyl radical in laminar high-pressure flames

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    The efficacy of laser saturated fluorescence (LSF) for OH concentration measurements in high pressure flames was studied theoretically and experimentally. Using a numerical model describing the interaction of hydroxyl with nonuniform laser excitation, the effect of pressure on the validity of the balanced cross-rate model was studied along with the sensitivity of the depopulation of the laser-coupled levels to the ratio of rate coefficients describing: (1) electronic quenching to (sup 2) Sigma (+) (v double prime greater than 0), and (2) vibrational relaxation from v double prime greater than 0 to v double prime = 0. At sufficiently high pressures and near-saturated conditions, the total population of the laser-coupled levels reaches an asymptotic value, which is insensitive to the degree of saturation. When the ratio of electronic quenching to vibrational relaxation is small and the rate of coefficients for rotational transfer in the ground and excited electronic states are nearly the same, the balanced cross-rate model remains a good approximation for all pressures. When the above ratio is large, depopulation of the laser-coupled levels becomes significant at high pressures, and thus the balanced cross-rate model no longer holds. Under these conditions, however, knowledge of the depletion of the laser-coupled levels can be used to correct the model. A combustion facility for operation up to 20 atm was developed to allow LSF measurements of OH in high pressure flames. Using this facility, partial saturation in laminar high pressure (less than or equal to 12.3 atm) C2H6/O2/N2 flames was achieved. To evaluate the limits of the balanced cross-rate model, absorption and calibrated LSF measurements at 3.1 and 6.1 atm were compared. The fluorescence voltages were calibrated with absorption measurements in an atmospheric flame and corrected for their finite sensitivity to quenching with: (1) estimated quenching rate coefficients, and (2) an in situ measurement from a technique employing two fluorescence detection geometries

    X,Y,Z-Waves: Extended Structures in Nonlinear Lattices

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    Motivated by recent experimental and theoretical results on optical X-waves, we propose a new type of waveforms in 2D and 3D discrete media -- multi-legged extended nonlinear structures (ENS), built as arrays of lattice solitons (tiles or stones, in the 2D and 3D cases, respectively). First, we study the stability of the tiles and stones analytically, and then extend them numerically to complete ENS forms for both 2D and 3D lattices. The predicted patterns are relevant to a variety of physical settings, such as Bose-Einstein condensates in deep optical lattices, lattices built of microresonators, photorefractive crystals with optically induced lattices (in the 2D case) and others.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kinetics of viral self-assembly: the role of ss RNA antenna

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    A big class of viruses self-assemble from a large number of identical capsid proteins with long flexible N-terminal tails and ss RNA. We study the role of the strong Coulomb interaction of positive N-terminal tails with ss RNA in the kinetics of the in vitro virus self-assembly. Capsid proteins stick to unassembled chain of ss RNA (which we call "antenna") and slide on it towards the assembly site. We show that at excess of capsid proteins such one-dimensional diffusion accelerates self-assembly more than ten times. On the other hand at excess of ss RNA, antenna slows self-assembly down. Several experiments are proposed to verify the role of ss RNA antenna.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, several experiments are proposed, a new idea of experiment is adde
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