19 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the Quality of work life of a Higher Education institution in the South of Sonora, through the analysis of artificial neural networks; where a result of 4.75 was obtained on a scale of one to five; considering it to percentage a general 95% of the study. Where the population under study 58% is married, 51% academic staff, and 49 administrative. With a level of studies 61% postgraduate, 28% undergraduate and 11% preparatory. Regarding the result of the variables, the best evaluated is quality of life with 100%, quality of life at work with 95%, organizational performance with 94% and organizational management with 93%. Regarding the summary of the model, it is observed that there is a significant relationship to the female sex with 55.7% and in terms of the predominant age it ranges between 31 to 40 years with 42.9%. It was possible to observe the correlation of results with the methods used in this research of the focus group and the use of artificial neural networks, obtaining that the most influential dependent variable of the quality of life at work is the type of hiring of contract personnel and being the reagent I am proud of my work that I do in the institution with the highest degree of importance. The model shows the importance of the 100% normalized independent variables of being proud of the work you do in the institution

    Specification a model for study of perceived risk

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    Security have concern authorities and civil society during last years. Different society’s substrates have different perceptions on security. Present document explores reliability and validity of an instrument which measures security perception in bachelor’s students by reviewing seven dimensions: territorial, national, public (government), human, public (self-protection), private and internet. Accordingly, setting values and residual permitted to accept the null hypothesis significant relationship between the theoretical dimensions with respect to the weighted factors. La seguridad preocupa a las autoridades y a la sociedad civil durante los últimos años. Los diferentes sustratos de la sociedad tienen diferentes percepciones sobre seguridad. El presente documento explora la confiabilidad y validez de um instrumento que mide la percepción de seguridad en estudiantes de licenciatura, revisando siete dimensiones: territorial, nacional, pública, ciudadana, humano, pública, privada e internauta. En consecuencia, estabelecer valores permitidos para aceptar la hipótesis nula relativa a diferencias significativas entre las dimensiones teóricas con respecto a los factores ponderados

    Reliability and Validity of an Instrument that Measures Entrepreneurship

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    The process that goes from prospective decisions (oriented to risks ofmaximum profits with respect to minimum insurance benefits) to deliberateactions (oriented by avoidance of failures, based on the systematizationof errors and successes) is addressed in the present work, aiming to specifya model for the study of Internet entrepreneurship. A non-experimentalstudy was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 135 entrepreneurs.From a structural model, the reflective factor of the construct wasfound to be deliberate actions, but such findings are only applicable to thesample since the type of study, sampling, and statistical analysis suggestthe contrast of the model in other scenarios would increase the percentageof the explained variance of its factors, that added to 57% in this case

    Confiabilidad y vigencia de un instrumento que mide el emprendimiento en comerciantes del centro de México

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     El objetivo de este estudio fue contribuir a la validez y confiabilidad de la Escala de Emprendimiento Cafetero de García (2016). Se realizó un estudio no experimental, transversal y exploratorio con una selección no aleatoria de 300 comerciantes de café. Los resultados confirman el informe original, aunque se nota la incidencia de otro factor que la literatura identifica como cooperativismo. Se sugiere la extensión del trabajo a otros escenarios y muestras de microempresarios con el fin de confirmar las dimensiones del emprendimiento.

    Identity, Reputation, and Image of the Formation of Intellectual Capital in the Face of the Pandemic

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    In Economic and Administrative Sciences, factor analysis models are essential due to their explanatory capacity of institutional responses to a risk event. The objective of this article is to contrast a model that explains the emergence of corporate governance dimensions in the face of the pandemic. An exploratory study was carried out based on a systematic review of the literature, from 2019 to 2022, considering the search by keywords in Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic, as well as the validity by judges and the survey of 100 students from a public university in the center of Mexico. The results show that corporate identity explains the university's response to the pandemic. In relation to the state of the art, the scope and limits of the model are discussed in relation to other proposals

    Fiabilidad y validez de la escala de estudios de la percepción del uso de Internet

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     The objective of this work was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measured the perception of Internet use. A non-experimental work was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 340 students from a public university in central Mexico. The results show a total percentage of variance explained by two perceptual dimensions that allude to the search and selection of information, although the type of design limited the results to the research scenario, suggesting the inclusion of factors related to the beliefs of use of Internet and the provisions as determinants of intentions and the use of digital networks.    El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer la confiabilidad y validez de un instrumento que midiera la percepción del uso de Internet. Se realizó un trabajo no experimental con una selección no probabilística de 340 estudiantes de una universidad pública en el centro de México. Los resultados muestran un porcentaje total de varianza explicado por dos dimensiones perceptivas que aluden a la búsqueda y selección de información, aunque el tipo de diseño limitó los resultados al escenario de investigación, lo que sugiere la inclusión de factores relacionados con las creencias de uso de Internet y las disposiciones como determinantes de intenciones y el uso de redes digitales.

    Entrepreneurship Networks against COVID-19

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    As of May 2022, the pandemic has limited opportunities for entrepreneurs. The objective of the study was to establish the networks of opportunities, motives, dispositions, ethics, pressures, challenges, reputation, images, identities and behaviors related to entrepreneurship in the face of the health and economic crisis. A documentary, cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a selection of sources indexed to international repositories: Scopus, JCR, WoS, Latindex, Redalyc, Scielo and Frontiers. A search was made for the keywords of opportunism, optimization, innovation and entrepreneurship. The summaries corresponding to the pandemic period from November 2019 to May 2022 were considered. A structure of relationships between nodes and edges was found that suggests a neuronal learning that went from the dimension of pressure in the face of the pandemic to entrepreneurial identity. The centrality parameters that measure the distance between edges and nodes suggest that the dispositions are structured according to this principle of proximity. The grouping coefficients that indicate the structuring of the edges and nodes according to their dimensions suggest that the network is reconfigured from process innovation and resourcs optimization. The structure measure reflects the pressure concentration as the network input and the identity dimension as the network output. The centrality parameters that measure the distance between edges and nodes suggest that the dispositions are structured according to this principle of proximity. The grouping coefficients that indicate the structuring of the edges and nodes according to their dimensions suggest that the network is reconfigured from process innovation and recurss optimization. The structure measure reflects the pressure concentration as the network input and the identity dimension as the network output. In this way, the present study found a central and grouped structure in two dimensions of pressure and identity of entrepreneurship in the face of COVID-19 Delimitation to three dimensions of analysis corresponding to opportunities, optimizations and innovations is recommended

    Factorial Composition Confirming the Perception of Security

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    Artículo en versión electrónica.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue demostrar la estructura factorial de la percepción de seguridad con la finalidad de aportar evidencia teórica y empírica al modelo desarrollado por Garcia (2011) en el que se exploraron las relaciones lineales entre cinco dimensiones relativas a la seguridad territorial, nacional, pública, ciudadana y privada. Se llevó a cabo un estudio no experimental, transversal y psicométrico con una selección no probabilística de 245 estudiantes adscritos a instituciones penitenciarias como parte de sus prácticas y servicio académico, profesional y laboral. En un segundo estudio con 102 estudiantes de una universidad pública del centro de México, se observó la prevalencia de un factor de segundo orden con respecto a cinco factores de primer orden y 18 indicadores que explicaron el 37% de la varianza, pero el diseño de la investigación limitó los hallazgos al escenario del estudio, sugiriendo su extensión a otros contextos

    Exploratory factorial model of knowledge management in a public university in the center of Mexico in the face of COVID-19

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    The objective of this study is to explain the performance of a knowledge network, understood as a management, production and transfer system between the demands of the environment and the capabilities of the organization. A non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample selection of 100 administrators, teachers and students of a public university, considering their interaction in professional practices. The results show a confirmatory structure of three components related to the formation, production and transfer of knowledge, although the relationship matrix suggests the inclusion of another factor alluding to the creation of knowledge observed in creative organizations. The contrast of the model in another sample and study context is recommended, as well as the adjustment of the dimensions to a model with the inclusion of a fourth factor.The objective of this study is to explain the performance of a knowledge network, understood as a management, production and transfer system between the demands of the environment and the capabilities of the organization. A non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational study was carried out with a non-probabilistic sample selection of 100 administrators, teachers and students of a public university, considering their interaction in professional practices. The results show a confirmatory structure of three components related to the formation, production and transfer of knowledge, although the relationship matrix suggests the inclusion of another factor alluding to the creation of knowledge observed in creative organizations. The contrast of the model in another sample and study context is recommended, as well as the adjustment of the dimensions to a model with the inclusion of a fourth factor

    Adherence model to cervical cancer treatment in the Covid-19 era

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    سرطان الرحم العنقي هو مرض يفسر الضعف الذي تعاني منه النساء من حيث الصحة الإنجابية مع تأثيره على الصحة المهنية والصحة العامة , فعندما يكون معدل الانتشار في المكسيك أقل من البلدان الأعضاء الأخرى في منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية ، فإن تأثيره على التنمية البشرية والتنمية المحلية يظهر أهمية المرض في المجتمعات أكثر من المدن حيث يبدو أن سياسات الوقاية من خلال الفحوصات الطبية تكبح هذا التوجه ، لكنها تظهر نقص الفرص والقدرات في المراكز الصحية في المناطق الريفية. لإثبات الموثوقية والصلاحية والارتباطات بين المتغيرات المذكورة في الجانب النظري فيما يتعلق بوزنهم في مستشفى عام. تم إجراء دراسة غير تجريبية ، مقطعية واستكشافية مع اختيار غير احتمالي لـ 104 مرضى من مستشفى عام في ولاية المكسيك. تم إنشاء مقياس المتغيرات النفسية والاجتماعية للالتزام بعلاج سرطان الرحم العنقي. من النموذج الهيكلي ، تم إثبات تعديل مسارات تحديد العلاقات التي تؤثر فيها المعرفة على سلوك الالتزام بالعلاج. يلاحظ حدود تصميم الدراسة وأخذ العينات وتحليلها ويوصى بتضمين المتغيرات التنظيمية والنفسية المدعومة بنظريات المنظمات ونظريات الشخصية.Cervical Uterine Cancer is a disease that explains the vulnerability in which women are in terms of reproductive health with an impact on occupational health and public health, even when in Mexico the prevalence rate is lower than the other member countries of the OECD, its impact on Human Development and Local Development shows the importance that the disease have in communities more than in cities where prevention policies through check-ups and medical examinations seem to curb the trend, but show the lack of opportunities and capacities of health centers in rural areas.   To establish the reliability, validity, and correlations between the variables reported in the literature with respect to their weighting in a public hospital. A non-experimental, cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a non-probabilistic selection of 104 patients from a public hospital in the State of Mexico. The Scale of Psychosocial Variables Determinants of Adherence to Treatment of Cervical Uterine Cancer was constructed. From a structural model, it was demonstrated the adjustment of the trajectories of determining relationships in which knowledge influenced the behavior of adherence to treatment. The limits of the design, sampling and analysis of the study are noted and it is recommended to include organizational and psychological variables supported by theories of organizations and theories of personality