3 research outputs found

    Pangea : creació d'un mitjà multiplataforma de viatges i elaboració d'un monogràfic multiplataforma

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    El sector dels viatges ha experimentat un creixement exponencial en els últims anys i la tendència segueix a l'alça. Per aquest motiu, cada cop calen més visions i maneres de tractar aquest àmbit. Així sorgeix Pangea, un nou concepte de mitjà de comunicació sobre viatges present a diverses plataformes: web, revista, vídeo en línia i xarxes socials. Aquest nou mitjà busca descobrir a la seva audiència nous indrets d'Europa poc coneguts turísticament.El sector de los viajes ha experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos años y la tendencia sigue al alza. Por este motivo, cada vez son necesarias más visiones y maneras de tratar este ámbito. Así surge Pangea, un nuevo concepto de medio de comunicación sobre viajes presente en diversas plataformas: web, revista, vídeo en línea i redes sociales. Este nuevo medio busca descubrir a su audiencia nuevos lugares de Europa poco conocidos turísticamente.The travel sector has experienced an exponential growth in the last years and the trend is still increasing. For this reason, more and more visions and ways of dealing with these field are needed. In this way rises up Pangea, a new concept of travel media, which is present in different platforms: web, magazine, online video and social networks. This new media wants to show to its audience new european places not touristically known

    Generation of a plasma neutron source for Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations in the tokamak JET

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    The connection between plasma physics and neutronics is crucial for the understanding of the operation and performance of modern and future tokamak devices. Neutrons are one of the primary carriers of information on the plasma state and represent the basis for various plasma diagnostic systems as well as measurements of fusion power, tritium breeding studies, evaluations of tokamak structural embrittlement and the heating of water inside the fusion device's walls. It is therefore important that the birth of neutrons in a plasma and their transport from inside the tokamak vessel to the surrounding structures is well characterized. In this paper a methodology for the modelling of the neutron emission on the tokamak JET is presented. The TRANSP code is used to simulate the total neutron production as well as 2D neutron emission profiles for a JET plasma discharge. The spectra of the fusion neutrons are computed using the DRESS code. The computational results are analysed in an effort to create a plasma neutron source generator, which is to be used for Monte Carlo neutron transport computations

    Multiphysics approach to plasma neutron source modelling at the JET tokamak

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    A novel multiphysics methodology for the computation of realistic plasma neutron sources has been developed. The method is based on state-of-the-art plasma transport and neutron spectrum calculations, coupled with a Monte Carlo neutron transport code, bridging the gap between plasma physics and neutronics. In the paper two JET neutronics tokamak models are used to demonstrate the application of the developed plasma neutron sources and validate them. Diagnostic data for the record JET D discharge 92436 are used as input for the TRANSP code, modelling neutron emission in two external plasma heating scenarios, namely using only neutral beam injection and a combination of the latter and ion cyclotron resonance heating. Neutron spectra, based on plasma transport results, are computed using the DRESS code. The developed PLANET code package is employed to generate plasma neutron source descriptions and couple them with the MCNP code. The effects of using the developed sources in neutron transport calculations on the response of JET neutron diagnostic systems is studied and compared to the results obtained with a generic plasma neutron source. It is shown that, although there are significant differences in the emissivity profiles, spectra shape and anisotropy between the neutron sources, the integral response of the time-resolved ex-vessel neutron detectors is largely insensitive to source changes, with major relative deviations of up to several percent. However it is calculated that, due to the broadening of neutron spectra as a consequence of external plasma heating, larger differences may occur in activation of materials which have threshold reactions located at DD neutron peak energies. The PLANET plasma neutron source computational methodology is demonstrated to be suitable for detailed neutron source effect studies on JET during DT experiments and can be applied to ITER analyses