27 research outputs found

    The intrinsic crossing point of the magnetization

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The crossing point of the magnetization vs. temperature curves that appears below Tc in highly anisotropic superconducting cuprates was measured in different compounds, with a different number, N, of superconducting CuO2\rm CuO_2 layers per periodicity length, s, and also with different values of s. By correcting the measurements from different extrinsic inhomogeneity effects through the Meissner fraction, it is demonstrated experimentally for the first time that in the high-magnetic-field limit the intrinsic crossing point may be explained at a quantitative level in terms of the Tesanović and coworkers approach based on thermal fluctuations of quasi-2D vortices (pancakes), with an effective periodicity length equal to s, independently of N

    Desarrollo de una estrategia natural para el control de Varroa destructor, integrando el uso de probióticos y productos orgánicos.

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    Durante los últimos años se han observado pérdidas de colmenas de abejas melíferas alrededor del mundo. Una de las principales causas de pérdidas de colmenas es la presencia de diferentes parásitos y patógenos