75 research outputs found

    The potential of recycling wool residues as an amendment for enhancing the physical and hydraulic properties of a sandy loam soil

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    Climate change and global food demand in coming decades urge effective actions for more efficient uses of water and soil resources. This paper reports the preliminary findings of a study assessing the potential of sheep scoured wool residues (SWRs) as soil amendments to enhance the physical and hydraulic properties of a sandy loam soil under rain conditions. Methods: Two different SWRs were used: scoured residues (white wool, WW) and carbonized scoured residues (black wool, BW) at different SWRs/soil ratios (0.0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%). Soil bulk density (BD), total porosity (TP), aggregates stability, aggregate size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and water retention properties were determined under rain conditions, in addition to rainwater balance (storage, percolation and runoff). Results: Both WW and BW, particularly at the high wool/soil ratio (2%), significantly reduced soil BD by 11.98% and 9.85%, respectively. Moreover, WW and BW increased TP by 16.45% and 13.57% and available water capacity by 6.5% and 18.1%, respectively. SWRs increased the formation of macro-aggregates and increased aggregate stability. The results of rainwater balance showed higher percolation percentages and less rainwater storage in the wool-treated soil. Conclusions: The increase in water percolation is in line with the increased total porosity and the higher saturated hydraulic conductivity of wool-treated soil. Despite the high capacity of absorbing water, SWRs affected the water movement of the soil more than its water retention

    Multimodality Imaging in Sarcomeric Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Get It Right…on Time

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) follows highly variable paradigms and disease-specific patterns of progression towards heart failure, arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Therefore, a generalized standard approach, shared with other cardiomyopathies, can be misleading in this setting. A multimodality imaging approach facilitates differential diagnosis of phenocopies and improves clinical and therapeutic management of the disease. However, only a profound knowledge of the progression patterns, including clinical features and imaging data, enables an appropriate use of all these resources in clinical practice. Combinations of various imaging tools and novel techniques of artificial intelligence have a potentially relevant role in diagnosis, clinical management and definition of prognosis. Nonetheless, several barriers persist such as unclear appropriate timing of imaging or universal standardization of measures and normal reference limits. This review provides an overview of the current knowledge on multimodality imaging and potentialities of novel tools, including artificial intelligence, in the management of patients with sarcomeric HCM, highlighting the importance of specific "red alerts" to understand the phenotype-genotype linkage

    How local stakeholders perceive agroforestry systems: an Italian perspective

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    This paper reports the results of a study conducted in Italy, within the AGFORWARD (2014–2017) project, aimed at promoting innovative agroforestry practices in Europe. Agroforestry offers a means for maintaining food production whilst addressing some of the negative environmental effects of intensive agriculture. This study aims to elicit the positive and negative points of view and perceptions of local stakeholders in Italy in relation to three types of agroforestry systems. The Participatory Research and Network Development was implemented in three workshops conducted in Sardinia, Umbria, and Veneto regions, and applied adopting a common methodological protocol. Qualitative data were obtained using open discussions with stakeholders on key issues, challenges and innovations. Quantitative data were obtained from stakeholders completing questionnaires during the workshops. A statistical analysis was applied to elicit the differences in stakeholders’ positive and negative perceptions in relation to production, management, environment and socio-economy aspects. Although the participants in the study came from different geographical and socioeconomic contexts with varied educational and cultural backgrounds, the different professional groups (farmers, policy-makers and researchers) and the three workshops generally shared similar perceptions of the benefits and constraints. The effects of agroforestry on production and the environment were generally perceived as positive, whilst those related to management were generally negative. The process of bringing the groups together seemed to be an effective means for identifying the key research gaps that need to be addressed in order to promote the uptake and maintenance of agroforestry

    Thymol-functionalized hyaluronic acid as promising preservative biomaterial for the Inhibition of Candida albicans biofilm formation

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    Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring biopolymer that has been employed for a plethora of medicinal applications. Nevertheless, as HA is a natural polysaccharide, it can be a substrate able to promote microbial growth and proliferation. Biopolymer–drug conjugates have gained attention over the years to overcome drawbacks of each single component. Within this context, thymol (Thy), a phenolic compound occurring in essential oils (EOs) extracted from Thymus and Origanum, has been largely studied for its antimycotic applications. However, it is characterized by a low water solubility and moderate cytotoxicity. Herein, we report an innovative HA–thymol conjugate (HA-Thy) biomaterial to circumvent the drawbacks of free thymol use by providing the polymer conjugate with the beneficial properties of both components. Preliminary biological tests evidenced the decrease of thymol cytotoxicity for the HA-Thy conjugate, paired with a promising antibiofilm formation activity against Candida albicans, similar to pure thymol, highlighting its potential application as a preservative biomaterial in formulations

    An integrated low-cost road traffic and air pollution monitoring platform for next citizen observatories

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    Abstract An integrated monitoring platform was developed for real-time monitoring of air pollution and traffic flows in urban areas. The air quality monitoring unit, integrating the "Arduino" open-source technology with low-cost and high-resolution sensors, collects concentrations of CO, NO 2 and CO 2 . The traffic monitoring device, equipped with a camera sensor and a video analysis software, collects vehicles' counts, speed and size. Air pollution and traffic readings are archived on a spatial data infrastructure composed of a central GeoDatabase, a GIS engine, and a web interface. A platform's description and the results of its installation in Florence (Italy) are presented

    What is the future for agroforestry in Italy?

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    The successful promotion of agroforestry in Italy depends on both a recognition of tradition and the opportunities for innovation. In Italy, agroforestry has traditionally been a key component of landscape management. Complex systems, based on the integration among crops–livestock–fruit/forest trees, provided a wide variety of products (e.g. food, feed, fibers, fuelwood and timber) and other ecosystem services (e.g. soil erosion control and biodiversity preservation). Silvopastoral systems have been used for centuries and are still managed in marginal areas. The integration of fruits trees (in primis olive trees) with crops and grazing was widely practiced and is still profitable. Coltura promiscua was historically developed integrating fruit and forest trees and particularly multifunctional trees (e.g. Juglans regia L. and Prunus avium L.) to support vines and intercrops. Building on recent research, projects have also focused on innovation in agroforestry. The adoption of shade tolerant forage species and crops has been studied in silvopastoral and olive systems. Silvopastoral systems can significantly offset the greenhouse gas emissions produced by livestock and shield grazing animals from “heat waves”. Integration of fast growing timber trees (like Populus) in arable systems can help reverse the decline in plantation forestry in Italy. Finally, the constraints imposed by the EU agricultural policy, especially the prevalent provisions for monocrops severely limiting the introduction of innovative agroforestry approaches, are discussed. New political measures and certification actions are strongly required

    Osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases’ cosegregation: epidemiological features

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    Life expectancy in Italy is estimated to rise to 77.9 and 84.4 years in next years. Increased life expectancy is associated with a greater frailty of elderly people and an increased prevalence of chronic and degenerative illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The impact of osteoporotic hip fractures in Italy is very similar to that of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and there is a need for further epidemiological investigations concerning both the pathologies, as well as for a better understanding of possible mechanisms of their cosegregation. Actually, calcium metabolism is involved both in the development of osteoporosis and in the raise of cardiovascular risk. We have reviewed the most recent publications concerning epidemiological trends of both osteoporosis and acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and also the trials addressing cosegregation of these pathologies. According to the publications examined, in the Italian population (both Âł 45 and > 65 years old), the number of hospitalizations following hip fracture and AMI are comparable. Both hip fractures and cardiovascular diseases represent in Italy a serious medical problem and a leading health cost driver, according to what has already been reported for many other Countries in the industrialized world, thus requiring a global clinical approach. Low calcium intake could represent one of the possible pathogenic paths underlining the association between hypertension and osteoporosis. Low calcium serum levels has been proved to enhance PTH and vitamin D3 production, which result in a remarkable lypogenesis performed by adypocites and switch on mechanisms leading to the raise of blood systolic pressure, the development of atherosclerotic plaques and cardiovascular events. Although many trials have suggested that bone mineral density may be included in the list of cardiovascular risk factors, more studies are needed in order to deeply investigate the causal relationships between calcium metabolism and cardiovascular diseases

    Open Dialogue services around the world: a scoping survey exploring organizational characteristics in the implementation of the Open Dialogue approach in mental health services

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    ObjectiveThis cross-sectional study investigates the characteristics and practices of mental health care services implementing Open Dialogue (OD) globally.MethodsA structured questionnaire including a self-assessment scale to measure teams’ adherence to Open Dialogue principles was developed. Data were collected from OD teams in various countries. Confirmatory Composite Analysis was employed to assess the validity and reliability of the OD self-assessment measurement. Partial Least Square multiple regression analysis was used to explore characteristics and practices which represent facilitating and hindering factors in OD implementation.ResultsThe survey revealed steady growth in the number of OD services worldwide, with 142 teams across 24 countries by 2022, primarily located in Europe. Referrals predominantly came from general practitioners, hospitals, and self-referrals. A wide range of diagnostic profiles was treated with OD, with psychotic disorders being the most common. OD teams comprised professionals from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of OD training. Factors positively associated with OD self-assessment included a high percentage of staff with OD training, periodic supervisions, research capacity, multi-professional teams, self-referrals, outpatient services, younger client groups, and the involvement of experts by experience in periodic supervision.ConclusionThe findings provide valuable insights into the characteristics and practices of OD teams globally, highlighting the need for increased training opportunities, supervision, and research engagement. Future research should follow the development of OD implementation over time, complement self-assessment with rigorous observations and external evaluations, focus on involving different stakeholders in the OD-self-assessment and investigate the long-term outcomes of OD in different contexts

    In order to lower the antinutritional activity of serine protease inhibitors, we need to understand their role in seed development

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/supplementary material. Further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.Proteases, including serine proteases, are involved in the entire life cycle of plants. Proteases are controlled by protease inhibitors (PI) to limit any uncontrolled or harmful protease activity. The role of PIs in biotic and abiotic stress tolerance is well documented, however their role in various other plant processes has not been fully elucidated. Seed development is one such area that lack detailed work on the function of PIs despite the fact that this is a key process in the life cycle of the plant. Serine protease inhibitors (SPI) such as the Bowman- Birk inhibitors and Kunitz-type inhibitors, are abundant in legume seeds and act as antinutrients in humans and animals. Their role in seed development is not fully understood and present an interesting research target. Whether lowering the levels and activity of PIs, in order to lower the anti-nutrient levels in seed will affect the development of viable seed, remains an important question. Studies on the function of SPI in seed development are therefore required. In this Perspective paper, we provide an overview on the current knowledge of seed storage proteins, their degradation as well as on the serine protease-SPI system in seeds and what is known about the consequences when this system is modified. We discuss areas that require investigation. This includes the identification of seed specific SPIs; screening of germplasms, to identify plants with low seed inhibitor content, establishing serine protease-SPI ratios and lastly a focus on molecular techniques that can be used to modify seed SPI activity.NRF, South Africa incentive funding, was also partially supported by the ERA-NET co-funding on Food Systems and Climate (FOSC) BIO-BELIEF project.http://www.frontiersin.org/Plant_Scienceam2024Plant Production and Soil ScienceSDG-15:Life on lan

    Agroforestry as a sustainable land use option to reduce wildfires risk in European Mediterranean areas

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    Wildfires have always been an integral part of the ecology of many terrestrial ecosystems, but their frequency is increasing in many parts of the world. Wildfires were once a natural phenomenon, but after humans learned to control fire, it has been used as a management tool to increase soil fertility, to regenerate natural vegetation for grazing and to control competing vegetation. However, currently uncontrolled wildfires threaten not only natural vegetation, landscape biodiversity, communities and economies, but they also release large amounts of carbon dioxide, thus contributing to global temperature increase. Higher temperatures and drier summers have increased the risk of wildfires in biodiversity rich areas of European Mediterranean countries and have resulted in human casualties. The aim of this article is to investigate whether agroforestry, the practice of integrating woody vegetation and agricultural crops and/or livestock, could be a management tool to reduce wildfires in European Mediterranean countries. Fire events from 2008 to 2017 and data of land cover and land use were spatially correlated. Results indicated that agroforestry areas had fewer wildfire incidents than forests, shrublands or grasslands, providing evidence of the potential of agroforestry to reduce fire risk and protect ecosystems
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