5 research outputs found

    Efeito da fonte de nitrogênio e teor de proteína bruta da dieta sobre o balanço de nitrogênio e o desempenho produtivo de vacas leiteiras

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two crude protein contents (CP) and two main nitrogen sources in the diet of dairy cows, using sugarcane as forage, on intake, total apparent digestibility, milk yield and composition, and nitrogen balance. Twelve Holstein cows in late lactation were assigned in three contemporary square, in a Latin Square design 4 × 4, with 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement, in 21-day trial by period, 14 for diet adaptation and the last seven for sampling and analysis. Cows were housed in individual stalls and fed a total mixed ration (TMR) "ad libitum" composed of two main nitrogen sources (cottonseed meal or whole raw soybean grain) and two levels of CP (130g or 148g/kg dry matter - DM) in the diet. In the present study, there was an interaction effect between nitrogen source and crude protein on DM intake (DMI). Cows fed whole raw soybean had higher DMI when the CP content of the diet was 130 g CP/kg DM, while cows fed cottonseed meal had higher DMI when the CP content of the diet was 148 g CP/kg DM. A similar result of DMI was observed for organic matter intake, whereas there was no interaction effect between dietary nitrogen source and crude protein content on intake of other nutrients. Total apparent digestibility of NDF and TDN was higher when soybean was used as the main diet nitrogen source; whereas the digestibility of dietary CP was not changed by the nitrogen sources. Although there were changes in the DMI and the apparent digestibility coefficient, in the current study, there was no effect of dietary crude protein content and nitrogen source on milk yield. In conclusion, the use of low dietetic concentrations of crude protein (130 g/Kg of DM) does not change the lactating performance of dairy cows and may reduce diet cost, while the choice between whole raw soybean grain or cottonseed meal as a protein ingredient may depends only on the availability and/or price, as both ingredients result in similar performance.O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito de dois teores proteicos (PB) e duas fontes nitrogenadas na dieta de vacas leiteiras, utilizando cana-de-açúcar como forragem, sobre o consumo, digestibilidade aparente total, produção e composição do leite, e o balanço de nitrogênio. Doze vacas leiteiras Holandesas em estágio intermediário de lactação foram distribuídas em três quadrados contemporâneos, em um delineamento em quadrado latino 4 × 4, com arranjo fatorial de tratamentos 2 × 2, em períodos de 21 dias, onde os primeiros 14 dias foram destinados para a adaptação às dietas e os últimos sete para as coletas de dados e análises. As vacas foram alocadas em baias individuais em um sistema free-stall, e alimentadas com dietas totalmente misturada (TMR) “ad libitum” compostas por duas fontes nitrogenadas principais (farelo de algodão ou grão de soja crú integral) e dois níveis de proteína (130 g ou 148 g/kg de matéria seca- MS). No presente estudo, houve efeito de interação entre a fonte nitrogenada e o teor de PB sobre o consumo de MS (CMS). As vacas alimentadas com grão de soja crú integral tiveram maior CMS quando o teor de PB da dieta foi de 130 g CP/kg MS, enquanto que as vacas alimentadas com farelo de algodão apresentaram maior CMS quando o teor de PB da dieta foi de 148 g PB/kg MS. Resultado semelhante ao CMS foi observado para o consumo de matéria orgânica, enquanto que não houve efeito de interação entre fonte nitrogenada e teor de PB sobre o consumo dos demais nutrientes dietéticos. A digestibilidade aparente total da FDN foi maior quando grão de soja crú integral foi utilizado como principal fonte nitrogenada da dieta; enquanto que a digestibilidade da PB não foi alterada pelas fontes nitrogenadas. Apesar de haver alterações no CMS e na digestibilidade aparente total, no presente estudo, não houve efeito de teor de PB e fonte nitrogenada sobre a produção de leite. Como conclusão, o uso de baixo teor dietético de PB (130 g PB/kg de MS) não altera o desempenho produtivo de vacas leiteiras e pode reduzir os custos da dieta, enquanto que a escolha entre grão de soja cru integral e farelo de algodão como principais fontes nitrogenadas da dieta pode depender apenas da disponibilidade e custo, uma vez que ambos ingredientes apresentam desempenhos semelhantes

    Nitrogen sources and level of crude protein in diets with sugarcane for lactating dairy cows: nitrogen balance and economical evaluation

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    O estudo consistiu de dois experimentos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito metabólico, custos e viabilidade econômica de dietas com diferentes fontes nitrogenadas e teores proteicos. No primeiro experimento avaliou-se o efeito de dois teores de proteína bruta (PB) (130 e 148g/kg de MS) e duas fontes nitrogenadas (farelo de algodão 38 e grão de soja cru integral) na dieta de vacas leiteiras com cana de açúcar como volumoso, sobre as frações nitrogenadas do leite, balanço de nitrogênio e perfil metabólico. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas da raça Holandesa com 155 (±65) dias em lactação, agrupadas em três quadrados latinos 4x4 contemporâneos, com período experimental de 21 dias, sendo 14 dias para adaptação às dietas e os sete últimos para a realização das coletas. As vacas foram alojadas em baias individuais e alimentadas ad libitum. As amostras de leite para análise do balanço nitrogenado e frações nitrogenadas foram coletadas no 15° dia de cada período. O consumo e balanço de nitrogênio foram maiores para vacas alimentadas com dietas com 148 g PB/kg de MS. Por outro lado, vacas alimentadas com dietas contendo farelo de algodão apresentaram maior excreção de nitrogênio no leite do que vacas alimentadas com grão de soja cru integral. A relação entre caseína e proteína verdadeira no leite foi maior em vacas alimentadas com grão de soja cru integral. Houve interação entre fonte nitrogenada e teor de PB da dieta sobre as concentrações de nitrogênio ureico no leite (NUL) e nitrogênio não proteico (NNP). A concentração de NUL foi maior em vacas alimentadas com farelo de algodão e com maior teor de PB, em contrapartida houve menor excreção de NUL em vacas alimentadas com grão de soja com maior teor proteico. Não houve efeito das dietas sobre os teores de proteína do leite, nitrogênio não caseinoso (NNC), caseína e proteína do soro. Conclui-se que o uso de dietas com 130g de PB/Kg na MS não altera o balanço de nitrogênio e de composição do leite de vacas leiteiras em comparação com teores de 148g/Kg de PB na MS, e resultam em menor excreção de nitrogênio no ambiente. No segundo experimento foram calculados os custos e margens totais de dietas com cinco fontes nitrogenadas principais (ureia, farelo de soja, farelo de algodão, grão de soja cru integral e farelo de glúten de milho) e cinco teores proteicos (130, 145, 148, 157 e 160 g/kg de MS) com cana de açúcar como volumoso para vacas em lactação. Os dados foram provenientes de três estudos conduzidos com a finalidade de coleta de dados produtivos e respostas metabólicas. A análise econômica foi realizada com base nos preços históricos deflacionados (corrigidos do efeito da inflação) praticados durante o período 2002 a 2012, e no cálculo dos custos de alimentação, em função do consumo de alimento, da produção de leite e do teor de proteína bruta no leite. Dietas com cana de açúcar com teor proteico de 14,5% com ureia como fonte nitrogenada principal apresentaram a maior margem bruta (diferença entre a receita da venda do leite e do custo da dieta) com valor médio anual de R1,85.vaca1.dia1.Adietacom14,81,85.vaca-1.dia-1. A dieta com 14,8% de PB com grão de soja cru integral apresentou a menor margem bruta de R 2,16.vaca-1.dia-1.The study consisted of two experiments to evaluate the N balance and economical analysis of diets with different nitrogen sources and crude protein levels. On the first experiment it was evaluated the effect of two crude protein (CP) levels (130 e 148 g/kg DM) and two nitrogen sources (cottonseed meal 38% and whole raw soybean) in diets of dairy cows using sugar cane as forage on nitrogen in milk, nitrogen balance and metabolic parameters. Twelve Holstein cows with 155 (±65) days in lactation were distributed into three contemporary 4x4 Latin squares, with experimental period of 21 days, 14 days for diet adaptation and the remaining seven days for sampling. The cows were housed in individual pens and fed ad libitum. Milk samples for nitrogen balance and milk nitrogen fractions analysis were collected on the 15th day of each experimental period. Nitrogen intake and nitrogen balance were higher for the cows fed diets with 148 g CP/kg DM. However cows fed diets with cottonseed meal had higher nitrogen excretion in milk than cows fed diets with whole raw soybean. The casein: true milk protein ratio was higher in cows fed diets with whole raw soybean. There was interaction between the nitrogen source and the diet CP content on the milk urea nitrogen and non-protein nitrogen. Milk urea nitrogen was higher in cows fed diets with cottonseed meal and higher CP concentrations, however lower milk urea nitrogen was observed in cows fed diets with whole raw soybean and higher CP concentration. The concentration of crude protein, noncasein protein, casein and whey protein in milk did not differ between diets. In conclusion the use of low concentrations of protein (130g/Kg in MS) does not affect the performance of dairy cows and provides lower excretion of nitrogen in the environment. On the second experiment, the costs and the gross margin were calculated for diets formulated with five nitrogen sources (urea, soybean meal, cottonseed meal, whole raw soybean and corn gluten meal) and five protein levels (130, 145, 148, 157 e 160 g/kg DM) using sugar cane as forage. Performance data were obtained from three experiments conducted previously. Economical analysis were performed based on historical prices adjusted for the effect of inflation during the period between 2002 and 2012 and based on the feed costs, cow intake, milk prodution and milk protein levels. The higher gross margin (difference between the income from milk sale and diet costs) were obtained for 145 g/kg of CP in DM diets and urea as main nitrogen source, with mean of R1,85.vaca1.dia1.Thelowergrossmarginwereobservedinthe148g/kgofCPinDMdietandwholerawsoybeanasnitrogensource,withmeanofR1,85.vaca-1.dia-1. The lower gross margin were observed in the 148 g/kg of CP in DM diet and whole raw soybean as nitrogen source, with mean of R 2,16.vaca-1.dia-1

    Effect of dietary nitrogen source and crude protein content on nitrogen balance and lactating performance of dairy cows

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two crude protein contents (CP) and two main nitrogen sources in the diet of dairy cows, using sugarcane as forage, on intake, total apparent digestibility, milk yield and composition, and nitrogen balance. Twelve Holstein cows in late lactation were assigned in three contemporary square, in a Latin Square design 4 × 4, with 2 × 2 factorial treatment arrangement, in 21-day trial by period, 14 for diet adaptation and the last seven for sampling and analysis. Cows were housed in individual stalls and fed a total mixed ration (TMR) "ad libitum" composed of two main nitrogen sources (cottonseed meal or whole raw soybean grain) and two levels of CP (130g or 148g/kg dry matter - DM) in the diet. In the present study, there was an interaction effect between nitrogen source and crude protein on DM intake (DMI). Cows fed whole raw soybean had higher DMI when the CP content of the diet was 130 g CP/kg DM, while cows fed cottonseed meal had higher DMI when the CP content of the diet was 148 g CP/kg DM. A similar result of DMI was observed for organic matter intake, whereas there was no interaction effect between dietary nitrogen source and crude protein content on intake of other nutrients. Total apparent digestibility of NDF and TDN was higher when soybean was used as the main diet nitrogen source; whereas the digestibility of dietary CP was not changed by the nitrogen sources. Although there were changes in the DMI and the apparent digestibility coefficient, in the current study, there was no effect of dietary crude protein content and nitrogen source on milk yield. In conclusion, the use of low dietetic concentrations of crude protein (130 g/Kg of DM) does not change the lactating performance of dairy cows and may reduce diet cost, while the choice between whole raw soybean grain or cottonseed meal as a protein ingredient may depends only on the availability and/or price, as both ingredients result in similar performance