26 research outputs found


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    The risk signifies the possibility of existence of one situation in which the obtainedresults are far from the targeted objectives. Assuming the risk by the entrepreneurs becomes thesource of profit within the economy; this is the reason why its analysis is a prior objective insubstantiating decisions related on the investments efficiency. In the paper there are presentedsome categories of risks that can appear within the investment activity and is exemplified the riskanalysis on the base of studying the projects sensitivity.investments, risk, economic performance, sensitivity analysis


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    The qualitative dimension of the service companies’ activities also refers totheir impact over the environment. This aspect is meant to contribute to a sustainableeconomic growth, based on high economic performances, but also on obeying theenvironment protection and preservation requirements. Offering services in harmonywith the sustainable development principles requires the companies to be concerned withmonitoring and controlling the impact of their activities over the environment byadopting an adequate system of eco-management. Through a comparative approach, the article underlines the characteristics of twoof the most used environmental management systems, promoted by the European Union’slegislation, ISO 14001 and EMAS, which must be adopted by the service companies inRomania in order to be compatible with the environmental acquis’ regulations.environmental performance, services quality ,sustainable development

    Realităţi si perspective ale economiei bazate pe cunoaştere din România în contextul integrării în Uniunea Europeană

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    Developing the knowledge-based economy constitutes one of the strategic priorities of the European Union which aims the increase of the performance and economic competitiveness, and Romania like membership country has assumed this important objective. In the paper are carry out the general features of the knowledge-based economy, the competitiveness of Romania within the European Union from this perspective and there are formulated some directions of action in order to achieve the mentioned objective.knowledge-based economy, economic competitiveness, European integration, policy innovation, knowledge management

    Adapting the Romanian rural economy to the European agricultural policy from the perspective of sustainable development

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    One of the major objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy is the sustainable development of the agricultural sector and of the rural area. Romania, as a country recent integrated in the European Union, has to pass an adapting process to the CAP, in order to achieve sustainable farming development. The analysis presented in the paper refers to the actual development stage of the sustainable agriculture in Romania and demonstrates the important efforts made on this line, also the very necessary actions for implementing the sustainable development strategy of the rural economy. Realizing this objective is a real chance for Romanian agriculture in order to increase the competitiveness on the EU market, valorizing in this manner its agricultural potential.rural economy, sustainable development, European agricultural policy, efficiency, farming strategy


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    The information about company performance, especially about its profitability,is useful in substantiating managerial decisions regarding potential changes in the economicresources that the company will be able to control in the future. This objective aims achievingsuperior economic results that will increase the company‘s competitiveness and will satisfythe shareholders‘ interests. The paper presents some company performance analysis models,which highlight the influencing factors. The models are based on regression analysis, and theobtained results emphasize the strong connection between the profitability of the analyzedcompany expresses through Return on assets and the management of available resources.financial statements, regression analysis, performance, resource management


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    Achieving high performance is a crucial objective aimed by the management of anycompany. The accurate and efficient economic resources management contributes decisively toimproving performance. The paper presents an econometric model that shows the link betweeneconomic performance and patrimony management reflected through a series of indicators, such as thereturn on current assets, fixed assets ratio and the funding structure of capitals (financial leverage). Interms of research tools, we used techniques of regression analysis based on specialized software. Theobtained results allow drawing conclusions about the elements upon which decision makers shouldintervene in order to increase economic performance.economic performance, regression analysis, modelling, patrimony management


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    The inventory represents an essential component for the assets of the enterprise and the economic analysis gives them special importance because their accurate management determines the achievement of the activity object and the financial results. The efficient management of inventory requires ensuring an optimum level for them, which will guarantee the normal functioning of the activity with minimum inventory expenses and funds which are immobilised. The paper presents an analysis model for inventory management based on their rotation speed and the correlation with the sales volume illustrated in an adequate study. The highlighting of the influence factors on the efficient inventory management ensures the useful information needed to justify managerial decisions, which will lead to a balancedfinancial position and to increased company performance

    Analysis of companies’ economic performance using the profitability rates

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    Studying the economic profitability provides information concerning the efficiency of the patrimony management and the corresponding remuneration of the invested capital. Therefore, the analysis of the economic profitability rates is an instrument of appreciating the economic performance of companies, also of their competitiveness, and it is useful in substantiating the decisions of investors, managers, creditors and of the other user categories. This paper presents and illustrates within a suitable case study, the significance of the economic profitability rate in accordance with its expression under the material aspect or of the patrimony financing sources, also depending on the activity cycle whose efficiency is analysed. Additional information related to the companies’ increasing capacities of economic performance can be obtained by studying the factors that influence the level and evolution of the economic profitability rate using some economic-financial analysis models.peer-reviewe


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    The new EU Member States have made important efforts to achieve an economic growth based on accumulation of knowledge according with principles and realities of developed countries. After accession, Romania has initiated an extensive restructuring process in entire society. The main purpose of this study is to appreciate the knowledge based economy’s features in Romania, comparative to other countries which joined later the EU. In this respect, the study aimed to evaluate the state of knowledge economy depending by a group of elements which refer to the following areas: innovation system, education and ICT. The research methodology was based on the econometric analysis of a representative panel data for the twelve new member states of the EU. Results highlight that for the analyzed countries, education system and the R&D activity had positively affected the economic growth, but the education factors had a stronger impact on the knowledge economy dynamic