12 research outputs found

    Hydrogen storage in liquid hydrogen carriers: recent activities and new trends

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    Efficient storage of hydrogen is one of the biggest challenges towards a potential hydrogen economy. Hydrogen storage in liquid carriers is an attractive alternative to compression or liquefaction at low temperatures. Liquid carriers can be stored cost-effectively and transportation and distribution can be integrated into existing infrastructures. The development of efficient liquid carriers is part of the work of the International Energy Agency Task 40: Hydrogen-Based Energy Storage. Here, we report the state-of-the-art for ammonia and closed CO2-cycle methanol-based storage options as well for liquid organic hydrogen carriers

    Comparative Weibull distribution methods for reliable global solar irradiance assessment in France areas

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the Weibull distribution analysis for an accuracy global solar irradiance assessment considering period measurements based on several and grouping years. The problem study in this paper is to find a global solar irradiance model in order to provide accurate estimation of PV energy output allowing better sizing of PV installation. The aim is to select the best Weibull fit procedure for obtaining reliable global solar irradiance from sun that incident in a place during time periods to estimate its yearly energy generation from PV plant. Comparisons are carried out between Graphic, Moments and Maximum Likelihood methods with two different databases (real data on-site measurements and SODA website database). These comparisons are made on global solar irradiance frequency distributions and annual solar irradiance assessment for different French locations. The originality of the paper is that the obtained results prove that the Maximum Likelihood method fits better with the global solar irradiance distribution while the Moment method provides an annual solar irradiance prediction. Thereby, we exploit the obtained results from the Moment method to achieve a more accurate solar energy forecasting model. This resulting model can be implemented for providing one solar energy estimation tool for PV plant sites

    Élites du monde nomade touareg et maure

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    À quels critĂšres et Ă  quelles exigences rĂ©pond la « fabrication » des Ă©lites du monde nomade ? Quelles sont les mĂ©tamorphoses qui les travaillent dans un environnement politique, Ă©conomique, social et cultures en pleine mutation ? Ce volume Ă  plusieurs plumes apprĂ©hende la question Ă  travers deux exemples : les Touaregs et les Maures. Il s’interroge sur la hiĂ©rarchie des savoirs mobilisĂ©s et valorisĂ©s dans chacune de ces sociĂ©tĂ©s, sur les pratiques et les pouvoirs d’action auxquels ils conduisent, sur les conditions nĂ©cessaires Ă  leur perpĂ©tuation ou au contraire Ă  leur invalidation. La notion d’élite est explorĂ©e ici dans une acception large, comme la reprĂ©sentation en vigueur dans une sociĂ©tĂ© donnĂ©e des « personnes les meilleures, les plus remarquables d’un groupe » (LittrĂ©, Le Robert). Elle est Ă©tudiĂ©e dans une perspective diachronique qui met en avant l’évolution des modalitĂ©s de transmission des connaissances et de leur contenu. Les correspondances apparaissent multiples entre les divers types de savoirs et de pouvoirs. La transformation de l’ordre du politique, en particulier, a des rĂ©percussions Ă©videntes sur l’ensemble des autres domaines, qu’ils concernent les modes d’interprĂ©tation et de gestion du social du culturel, de l’économique, du sacré Cette publication, destinĂ©e Ă  un public francophone et notamment africain qui n'a pas nĂ©cessairement accĂšs aux bibliothĂšques universitaires, propose un extrait des articles parus en anglais et en français sous le titre “ Savoirs et pouvoirs au Sahara. Formation et transformation des Ă©lites du monde nomade chez les Touaregs et les Maures ” (H. Claudot- Hawad & P. Bonte eds). La totalitĂ© des contributions a fait l'objet d'un numĂ©ro double de Nomadic Peoples (1998, Issue 2, 1-2, Ed. Berghahn, Oxford), revue europĂ©enne dirigĂ©e par Michael Casimir, William Lancaster et Aparna Rao. Pour les textes dans leur intĂ©gralitĂ©, les lecteurs voudront bien se reporter Ă  la publication citĂ©e. Je remercie Odile Archent qui a largement contribuĂ© Ă  la premiĂšre correction Ă©ditoriale des textes, Roger Lecoq qui a dĂ» recrĂ©er les polices de caractĂšres utiles aux transcriptions, ainsi que Catherine Hincker pour la relecture des Ă©preuves. H. C. H

    Assessment of dietary exposure to bisphenol A in the French population with a special focus on risk characterisation for pregnant French women

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in a wide variety of products and objects for consumers use (digital media such as CD's and DVD's, sport equipment, food and beverage containers, medical equipment). Here, we demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of this contaminant in foods with a background level of contamination of less than 5ÎŒg/kg in 85% of the 1498 analysed samples. High levels of contamination (up to 400ÎŒg/kg) were found in some foods of animal origin. We used a probabilistic approach to calculate dietary exposure from French individual consumption data for infants under 36months, children and adolescents from 3 to 17years, adults over 18years and pregnant women. The estimated average dietary exposure ranged from 0.12 to 0.14ÎŒg/kg body weight per day (bw/d) for infants, from 0.05 to 0.06ÎŒg/kg bw/d for children and adolescents, from 0.038 to 0.040ÎŒg/kg bw/d for adults and from 0.05 to 0.06ÎŒg/kg bw/d for pregnant women. The main sources of exposure were canned foods (50% of the total exposure), products of animal origin (20%) and 30% as a background level. Based on the toxicological values set by the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) for pregnant women, the risk was non negligible. Thus, we simulated scenarios to study the influence of cans and/or food of animal origin on the BPA-related risk for this specific population

    : Rapport d'appui scientifique et technique

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    Rapport d'appui scientifique et technique du 12 juillet 2016La consultation de l’Anses fait suite Ă  l’observation d’efflorescences de cyanobactĂ©ries dans des plans d’eau en 2014 et en 2015 ayant conduit Ă  une interdiction temporaire des activitĂ©s de pĂȘche professionnelle et de loisir en mĂȘme temps que les autres activitĂ©s rĂ©crĂ©atives (baignade, activitĂ©s nautiques), compte tenu du risque de contamination des poissons par des cyanotoxines