6,019 research outputs found

    Vacuum fluctuations of a scalar field near a reflecting boundary and their effects on the motion of a test particle

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    The contribution from quantum vacuum fluctuations of a real massless scalar field to the motion of a test particle that interacts with the field in the presence of a perfectly reflecting flat boundary is here investigated. There is no quantum induced dispersions on the motion of the particle when it is alone in the empty space. However, when a reflecting wall is introduced, dispersions occur with magnitude dependent on how fast the system evolves between the two scenarios. A possible way of implementing this process would be by means of an idealized sudden switching, for which the transition occurs instantaneously. Although the sudden process is a simple and mathematically convenient idealization it brings some divergences to the results, particularly at a time corresponding to a round trip of a light signal between the particle and the wall. It is shown that the use of smooth switching functions, besides regularizing such divergences, enables us to better understand the behavior of the quantum dispersions induced on the motion of the particle. Furthermore, the action of modifying the vacuum state of the system leads to a change in the particle energy that depends on how fast the transition between these states is implemented. Possible implications of these results to the similar case of an electric charge near a perfectly conducting wall are discussed.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Identificação varietal de algumas videiras cultivadas no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Esta publicraçã contém a descrição ampelográfica das copas que comumente apresentam dificuldades para identificação. bem como dos principais porta-enxertos difundidas na MRH 311.bitstream/item/40787/1/cir11.pdf2. ed. rev

    Effects of liming, green manuring, and phosphate addition on electrochemical attributes of an oxisol from Central Brazil.

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    Highly weathered tropical soils are characterized by having a predominantly variable charge. Many management practices commonly used in the exploitation of these soils (e.g.,liming, phosphate application, and manuring) are known to modify their electrical charge and the sorption/desorption behavior of cations and anions. This process is, at least, partially governed by the charges existing in the soil system. Available information on this subject comes mainly from short-term laboratory and greenhouse experiments. There is a lack of data regarding the cumulative and long-term effects of those practices used at farm-scale levels and on the dynamics and availability of nutrients to the plants under field conditions. In the present work, changes in some electrochemical attributes of a variable charge soil (Oxisol) were studied, as influenced by treatments with phosphate + green manure (Cajanus cajan), phosphate + lime, and phosphate + lime + green manure, applied during a six-year period. In this period, rice, bean, wheat, or corn, were grown in seventeen successive crops. Phosphate (total 334 ppm P) and phosphate + lime (total 5.5 t ha -1 ) were shown to increase net electric change and soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) at the field pH, and not to affect zero point of charge (ZPC), CEC at pH 7.0, or anion exchange capacity (AEC) of the soil at the field pH. The effects of phosphate + lime were more pronounced than those of phosphate alone. Green manure (total 16 t ha -1 dry matter), associated to crop residues and phosphate or phosphate + lime, did not influence electrochemical properties.bitstream/item/207077/1/Dynia-Effects.pd

    Zoneamento climático da Heveicultura no Brasil.

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    Para o zoneamento da aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, considerou-se as exigências climáticas da espécie a ser cultivada e da principal doença que afeta a cultura. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a temperatura média anual do ar, a deficiência hídrica no solo e a temperatura média do mês mais frio, como condicionantes do desempenho da cultura e da ocorrência de surtos epidêmicos do Microcyclus ulei (P. Henn) V. Arx., principal patógeno da seringueira no Brasil e causador do "mal-das-folhas". Considerando esses fatores, elaborou-se uma carta de aptidão climática da heveicultura no Brasil, baseada em isolinhas de temperatura, precipitação, e de outros fatores de interesse, estabelecendo-se, assim, as regiões brasileiras com condições climáticas aptas, restritas, marginais e inaptas para o cultivo comercial da seringueira.bitstream/CNPM/1254/1/d24_heveic_fin.pd

    Comportamento de nove cultivares de videira destinadas a elaboração de vinho branco, em diferentes locais da Microrregião Homogênea 311.

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    Vitivinicultura brasileira: panorama setorial em 2010.

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    A vitivinicultura do Rio Grande do Sul (Serra Gaúcha, Região da Campanha, Serra do Sudeste e Região Central). A vitivinicultura de Santa Catarina. A vitivinicultura do Paraná. A vitivinicultura de São Paulo. A vitivinicultura de Minas Gerais. A vitivinicultura do Espírito Santo. A vitivinicultura de Goiás. A vitivinicultura do Mato Grosso. A vitivinicultura do Vale do Sub-Médio São Francisco.bitstream/item/58339/1/PROTAS-panoramavitivinicultura2010.pdfAcompanha um CD contendo o Diagnóstico qualitativo das principais regiões vitivinícolas brasileiras: aspectos tecnológicos e estruturais

    A cultivar de videira sémillon: características e comportamento no Rio Grande do Sul.

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