7 research outputs found

    Condições demográficas e socioeconômicas associadas à insegurança alimentar em domicílios de Campinas, SP

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    To evaluate the association of food insecurity with demographic and socioeconomic conditions in households in Campinas, São Paulo state, Brazil. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted on a representative sample of the urban population of the Southern, Southwestern, and Northwestern Health Districts of Campinas, between 2011-2012. Characteristics of the head of household, family history and household patterns were investigated. The dependent variable was food security condition, categorized as food security, mild food insecurity, and moderate/severe food insecurity. All independent variables with p-value <0.20 in the bivariate multinomial logistic regression were included in the final model of multiple multinomial logistic regression, adjusted to household head age; the remaining variables had p-value <0.05. Results: In the 691 households analyzed, there was 65% of food security, 27.9% of mild food insecurity, and 7.1% of moderate/severe food insecurity. The conditions associated with mild food insecurity were monthly per capita income less than the minimum wage, household head unemployed for more than six months between 2004-2010, living in properties given to the family/occupied/other, and density higher than two people per bedroon. The moderate/severe food insecurity was associated with informal employment condition of the household head and the presence of a beneficiary of the Bolsa Família (Family Allowance Program), a cash transfer-type program, in the household. The higher the score of the consumer goods, the lower the probability of mild food insecurity or moderate/severe food insecurity. There was a higher probability of mild food insecurity and moderate/severe food insecurity in unfinished masonry-built houses/other. Conclusion: More than one third of the households investigated experienced some form of food insecurity. Mild food insecurity was associated with demographic conditions, while moderate/severe food insecurity was associated with socioeconomic conditions, especially those related to the household head296845857FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informaçãoAvaliar a associação da insegurança alimentar com as condições demográficas e socioeconômicas em domicílios de Campinas (SP). Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa da população urbana dos Distritos de Saúde Sul, Sudoeste e Noroeste de Campinas, realizado entre 2011-2012. Estudaram-se as características do chefe de família, dos antecedentes familiares e do domicílio. A variável dependente foi condição de segurança alimentar, categorizada em segurança alimentar, insegurança alimentar leve e insegurança alimentar moderada/grave. Todas as variáveis independentes com p-valor<0,20 na regressão logística multinomial bivariada foram incluídas no modelo final de regressão logística multinomial múltipla, ajustado pela idade do chefe da família, permanecendo aquelas com p<0,05. Resultados: Nos 691 domicílios analisados, houve 65,0% em segurança alimentar, 27,9% em insegurança alimentar leve e 7,1% em insegurança alimentar moderada/grave. As condições associadas à insegurança alimentar leve foram renda familiar mensal per capita menor que um salário mínimo, desemprego do chefe da família por mais de seis meses entre 2004-2010, residir em domicílios de condição cedido/invasão/outro e com densidade maior que duas pessoas por dormitório. A insegurança alimentar moderada/grave esteve associada à informalidade do emprego do chefe da família e ter titular do Bolsa Família no domicílio. Quanto maior o escore de bens de consumo, menor foi a chance de insegurança alimentar leve ou moderada/grave, enquanto que houve maior chance da presença de qualquer tipo de insegurança alimentar nos domicílios construídos com alvenaria inacabada/outros. Conclusão: Mais de um terço dos domicílios apresentam alguma forma de insegurança alimentar. A insegurança alimentar leve está associada às condições demográficas, enquanto que a moderada/grave associa-se às condições socioeconômicas, principalmente relacionadas ao chefe da famíli

    Analysis of kefir information propagated in digital media

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    The amount of available information in the media grows continuously and, frequently, it does not have a basis in the scientific literature. In the area of ​​food and nutrition, the contents are available on social media profiles, websites and blogs, which usually appoint some foods as “superfoods” – able of curing diseases or inhibiting their development –  or, on the other hand, classifying other foods as the cause of damage to health. Kefir-based products can be classified in the first category, being considered a “superfood” by the media. Thus, the aim of this study is to search for information about kefir in digital media and to evaluate such information based on scientific articles. The contents were collected from 50 websites or blogs, using Google as a search tool. The data obtained were divided into 25 positive categories and 5 negative categories. One made a comparison with the scientific literature. Analyzing the information about kefir, the majority has a scientific basis, however, digital media put the research data in a superficial way, without clear information to readers

    The importance of the obesogenic environment in the high social vulnerability population Campinas/SP

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    Orientadores: Ana Maria Segall Corrêa, Leticia De Las Mercedes Marin LeonTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: A obesidade é uma doença crônica, multifatorial, de etiologia não totalmente conhecida, definida como o acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal, acarretando prejuízos à saúde do indivíduo. Reconhecida mundialmente como uma epidemia global. Mudanças ocorridas ao longo de cinquenta anos, tem submetido a população brasileira à intensas transformações, nas suas condições de vida, saúde e nutrição. Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores do ambiente construído e do ambiente alimentar associados à obesidade, bem como analisar o efeito do comportamento alimentar sobre o consumo adequado de frutas e vegetais, em áreas de baixa renda do município de Campinas-SP. Os resultados deste estudo são apresentados sob a forma de três artigos. O primeiro, "Auditoria virtual do ambiente construído em região de baixo nível socioeconômico em Campinas/SP", objetivou realizar uma auditoria virtual do ambiente construído, por meio de ferramentas disponíveis na web e analisar fatores do ambiente que podem favorecer a obesidade e dificultar a atividade física. Alta prevalência de obesidade esteve associada a segmentos com maior número de cruzamentos, faixa de pedestre, placas sinalizadoras de velocidade, ruas em aclive e ao menor índice de área verde. No segundo artigo, "Disponibilidade de comércios varejistas de alimentos e a prevalência de obesidade", descreveram-se áreas com baixas e altas prevalências de obesidade, quanto às diferenças de tipos de comércios varejista de alimentos, características sociodemográficas e de comportamento alimentar dos adultos residentes em área periférica de uma grande cidade industrial. Analisaram-se dados individuais a partir de um inquérito domiciliar, e dados locais do ambiente alimentar, obtidos por meio de visitas diretas aos comércios varejistas de alimentos. Foram identificados 187 estabelecimentos, observou-se que apenas 18 destes ofereciam frutas e vegetais. Regiões com alta prevalência de obesidade apresentaram maior número de mercados locais, e os seus residentes caracterizaram-se por baixa escolaridade do chefe da família, e da pessoa entrevistada. Compravam também mais refrigerantes mensalmente, em comparação com as regiões de baixa prevalência de obesidade. No terceiro artigo, descreveu-se a frequência de consumo de frutas e vegetais por adultos de Campinas/SP, e analisaram-se os fatores associados. O desfecho foi consumo inadequado de frutas e vegetais. Houve maior chance do consumo inadequado de frutas e vegetais entre os entrevistados com renda familiar mensal per capita menor que um salário mínimo, que não moravam em casa própria quitada, com saúde regular, ruim e/ou muito ruim, com consumo não diário de feijão e azeite e que não realizaram suas compras de alimentos em hipermercado. Espera-se que este estudo auxilie na elaboração de outros estudos sobre o ambiente obesogênico e que tenha mostrado a necessidade de elaboração de políticas públicas a nível individual e no âmbito coletivo, no enfrentamento da epidemia da obesidadeAbstract: Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial disease of not totally known etiology, defined as the excessive accumulation of body fat, leading to health damages and recognized as a global epidemic. Changes that took place over a period of fifty years have subjected the Brazilian population to intense transformations in their living conditions, health and nutrition. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify the factors of the built environment and the food environment associated to obesity, as well as to analyze the effect of food behavior on the adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables in low income areas of the city of Campinas, SP. The results of this study are presented in the form of three articles. The first, "Virtual audit of the built environment in a low socioeconomic level region in Campinas / SP", aimed to perform a virtual audit of the built environment, using tools available on the web and analyze environmental factors that may favor obesity and hinder physical activity. High prevalence of obesity was associated with segments with greater number of crossings, pedestrian range, speed signaling boards, slopes and the lowest index of green area. In the second article, "Availability of food retailers and the prevalence of obesity", areas with low and high prevalence of obesity are described, in terms of differences in types of food retailing, socio-demographic characteristics and food behavior of adult residents in the peripheral area of a large industrial city. Individual data were analyzed from a household survey, and local data from the food environment were obtained through direct visits to food retailers. A total of 187 establishments were identified, with only 18 of these offering fruits and vegetables. Regions with a high prevalence of obesity had a greater number of local markets, and their residents were characterized by low level of education of the head of the family and of the person interviewed. They also purchased monthly more soft drinks compared to areas with low prevalence of obesity. In the third article, the frequency of fruit and vegetable intake by adults and the associated factors were analyzed. The outcome was inadequate intake of fruits and vegetables. There was a greater chance of inadequate consumption of fruits and vegetables among those interviewed with less than a minimum wage of monthly per capita household income, who did not live in their own home, with poor, and / or very poor health, with non-daily consumption of beans and olive oil and do not purchase food in hypermarket. It is expected that this study will help in the elaboration of other studies related to obesogenic environment and that it showed the necessity of elaboration of public policies at the individual level and in the collective scope to face the obesity epidemicDoutoradoEpidemiologiaDoutora em Saúde Coletiva01P 1738/20162012/25438-6CAPESFAPES

    Growth velocity in the first year of life : anemia and other associated factors

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    Orientador: Leticia de las Mercedes Marín LeónDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: O potencial de crescimento infantil depende da herança genética, mas é intensamente influenciado por fatores ambientais físicos e sociais. A realização completa desse potencial é favorecida por uma alimentação saudável, boas condições de vida, ótimo estado nutricional e de condições de saúde. Alta prevalência de anemia na primeira infância tem sido associada ao déficit de crescimento infantil. Estima-se que no Brasil aproximadamente, 20,9% das crianças menores de cinco anos de idade apresentam hemoglobina menor que 11g/dL. A deficiência de ferro é a mais comum e prevalente entre as deficiências de micronutrientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos e de saúde da mãe/bebê que interferem na velocidade de crescimento no primeiro ano de vida. Trata-se de um estudo de coorte prospectivo, envolvendo 280 pares mãe/bebê com dados completos, nascidos no Hospital Estadual de Sumaré/SP, entre maio e dezembro de 2005. São apresentados dados do nascimento, 150 e 360 dias. Mediante teste t-Student, qui-quadrado de Pearson, teste exato de Fisher e análises de regressão logística univariada e múltipla onde foram calculados Odds Ratio e intervalo de confiança de 95% brutos e ajustados para identificar as variáveis associadas à menor velocidade de crescimento no primeiro e segundo semestre do primeiro ano de vida. Entre o nascimento e os 150 dias, apresentaram menor média de crescimento (escore z Estatura/Idade) as crianças nascida com peso insuficiente (-1,14 vs 0,23 p=<0,001); pré-termo (-0,86 vs -0,02 p=0,003), que apresentaram aos 150 dias de vida Hb <11g/dl (0,46 vs 0,86 p=0,025). Entre os 150 e 360 dias de vida, apresentaram menor média de crescimento (escore z Estatura/Idade) as crianças que ainda estavam em AM (-0,46 vs 0,07 p=0,004) e as que tinham apresentado febre nos 30 dias precedentes (-0,47 vs 0,00 p=0,014). Ao usar o indicador incremento de estatura estiveram associadas a crescimento <30%, entre o nascimento e os 150 dias: sobrepeso pré-gestacional da mãe (IMC? 25Kg/m² - OR=3,62; IC95% 1,66-7,89), antecedente de anemia da criança (OR=3,77; IC95% 1,28-11,10) e de diarréia (OR=2,58; IC95% 1,10-6,07). Entre os 150 e 360 dias, apresentaram maior chance de deficit no crescimento, as crianças filhos de mães que apresentaram anemia no pré-natal (OR=2,53; IC95% 1,16 - 5,54); as que tiveram infecção das vias aéreas superiores aos 150 dias (OR=2,21; IC95% 1,09 - 4,46) e as que estavam em aleitamento materno aos 360 dias de vida (OR=1,92; IC95% 1,01 - 3,67). Assim é fundamental que os programas de saúde maternos infantil priorizem a prevenção da anemia materna e infantil como também o tratamento das morbidades no primeiro ano de vidaAbstract: The infant's growth potential depends on genetics, but is strongly influenced by environmental factors, both physical and social. The full attainment of this potential is favored by a healthy diet, good living conditions, excellent nutritional status and health conditions. High prevalence of infant anemia has been associated with infant growth deficit. It is estimated that in Brazil approximately 20.9% of children younger than five years of age have hemoglobin less than 11g/dL. Iron deficiency is the most common and prevalent micronutrient deficiencies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the demographic, socioeconomic and health factors of the mother/baby that interfere with growth rate in the first year of life. This is a prospective cohort study involving 280 pairs mother/baby with complete data, born in the Sumaré State Hospital/SP, between May and December 2005. Data from the birth, 150 and 360 days are presented. Using Student t test, Pearson chi ², Fisher exact test and univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyzes to calculated crude and adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence interval, to identify the variables associated with slower growth in the first and second semester of the first year of life. Between birth and 150 days, it was observed lower mean growth (z score height/age) among children born underweight (-1.14 vs 0.23; p = <0.001), preterm (-0.86 vs -0.02; p = 0.003), which had Hb <11g/dl at 150 days of life (0.46 vs 0.86 p = 0.025). Between 150 and 360 days of age, it was observed lower mean growth (z score height/age) among children that were still being breastfed (-0.46 vs 0.07 p = 0.004) and who had had fever in the previous 30 days (-0.47 vs 0.00 p = 0.014). When the indicator height rate was used, it was observed association with height rate <30% between birth and 150 days, among those born from overweight mother (pre-pregnancy BMI ? 25kg/m² OR = 3.62; CI 1.66 to 7.89), history of child anemia (OR = 3.77 IC 1.28 to 11.10) and diarrhea (OR = 2.58 CI 1.10 to 6.07). Between 150 and 360 days, children with a history of fever (OR = 2.85 CI 1.63 to 4.96) and hemoglobin <9.5 g / dl (OR = 3.63 CI 1.43 to 9.23), were approximately three times more likely to grow less than 12%. Morbidity in the first year of life has a negative effect on linear growth, and in the second half of the first year, anemia was the main inhibitor of growth. Thus it is essential that child health programs prioritize the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Between 150 and 360 days, the conditions that were more likely to decrease the height rate were, maternal prenatal anemia (OR = 2.53; 95% CI 1.16 to 5.54), babies upper respiratory infections at 150 days (OR = 2.21; 95% CI 1.09 to 4.46) and being breast fed at 360 days (OR = 1.92; 95% 1.01 - 3. 67). Thus it is essential that the maternal child health programs prioritize the prevention of maternal and infant anemia and also treatment of morbidity, in the first year of lifeMestradoEpidemiologiaMestra em Saúde Coletiv

    Comparing food environment and food purchase in areas with low and high prevalence of obesity : data from a mapping, in-store audit, and population-based survey

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    Our study aimed to compare key aspects of the food environment in two low-income areas in the city of Campinas, São Paulo State, Brazil: one with low and the other with high prevalence of obesity. We compared the availability of retail food establishments, the types of food sold, and the residents’ eating habits. Demographic and socioeconomic data and eating habits were obtained from a population-based health survey. We also analyzed local food environment data collected from remote mapping of the retail food establishments and audit of the foods sold. For comparison purposes, the areas were selected according to obesity prevalence (body mass index - BMI ≥ 30kg/m²), defined as low prevalence ( 45%). Only 18 out of the 150 points of sale for food products sold fruits and vegetables across the areas. Areas with high obesity prevalence had more grocery stores and shops specialized in fruits and vegetables, as well as more supermarkets that sold fruits and vegetables. With less schooling, residents in the areas with high obesity prevalence reported purchasing food more often in supermarket chains and specialized shops with fruits and vegetables, although they consumed more sodas when compared with residents of areas with low obesity prevalence. Our results suggest interventions in low-income areas should consider the diverse environmental contexts and the interaction between schooling and food purchase behaviors in settings less prone to healthy eating359FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão te