182 research outputs found

    Optimisation of a road construction using 3D visualisation

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    The main purpose of this work presented in this paper, is the possibility to optimisea road construction using visualisation in 3D, in a scale 1:1. With virtual realitytechnology, we can visualise the whole road and the environment around. Therefore thepossibility to control the position of traffic signals, SOS telephone cabs, noise-protectionroad walls, safety exits, tunnels height or eventual bridges during the virtual visit of theroad. In the same time, we can control the visibility of the road by driver, from start till theend of the road. Doing this, we can help architects, technicians and civil engineeringgroup to modify their plans before they start to construct the real road.In this sense, we can contribute to make the work properly from the beginning,instead of doing several interventions to modify the road that are usually done once theroad is over. Of course, the cost of such interventions is very high and in the same timethe traffic is stopped.Concretly, we realised the A5 highway application. Besides the modelisation withtextures and visualisation of the road, we added the interactivity in real time through adriver of a virtual car. This application run very well, presenting a high degree of virtualreality

    Facebook As A Campaign Tool During The 2012 Elections: A New Dimension To Agenda Setting Discourse

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    The social networking site Facebook has risen to become an important campaign tool for politicians while also raising new questions about how its use is reshaping the agenda setting paradigm. This research examines the extent to which the Facebook messages of presidential nominees during the 2012 U.S. presidential campaign were transferred to the online public on Facebook and, via a two-step flow, to the greater citizen’s agenda. Findings demonstrate that in their political campaigns on Facebook, politicians are successfully transferring their first- and, to a lesser extent, second-level agendas to the Facebook public agenda, which largely mirrors the greater public agenda.


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    ”Aksionet dhe indekset bursiere” do tĂ« jetĂ« tema e cila do tĂ« shtjellohet gjatĂ« kĂ«tij punimi seminarik nĂ« tĂ« cilĂ«n do tĂ« flitet fillimisht rreth nocioneve tĂ« ndryshme si aksionet, llojet e aksioneve dhe investimeve dhe klasifikimeve tĂ« investimeve, analiza financiare, si zhvillohen analizat dhe kujt i duhen ato analiza financiare, letrat me vlerĂ«, pĂ«rshkrimin e indekseve mĂ« tĂ« njohura siç janĂ« Standard and Poor’s, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, Russell 2000, dhe nga Dow Jones janĂ« marr si shembull 3 kompani nga lista e paraqitura dhe janĂ« bĂ«rĂ« analiza duke pĂ«rdorur modelin CAPM, i cili na tregon vendimmarrjen investuese nĂ« aksionet e duhura gjithashtu informacione tĂ« detajuara si dhe figura tĂ« ndryshme rreth uljeve dhe ngritjeve tĂ« çmimeve tĂ« aksioneve, aksione kĂ«to qĂ« klasifikohen nĂ« indekset e lartpĂ«rmendura. Si pikĂ«nisje e konkretizimit tĂ« kĂ«tij diskursi do tĂ« jetĂ« mbledhja e opinioneve dhe teorive nga personalitete, pĂ«r t’i dhĂ«nĂ« kaheje pozitive zhvillimore, ngjarjeve tĂ« caktuara problematike. Si vazhdim tek pjesa e analizĂ«s sĂ« tĂ« dhĂ«nave janĂ« marrĂ« 3 kompanitĂ« mĂ« tĂ« njohura Apple, Microsoft dhe Intel ku janĂ« analizuar nĂ« bazĂ« tĂ« vlerave tĂ« marruar nga Dow Jones, nĂ«se janĂ« nĂ«nvlerĂ«suar apo mbivlerĂ«suar aksionet e tĂ« tre kompanive. NĂ« fund janĂ« paraqitur rekomandimet, diskutimet dhe konkluzionet e nxjerra si pĂ«rfundim i rezultateve tĂ« marrura nga hulumtimi. Krejt nĂ« fund, tek referencat mund tĂ« gjeni emĂ«rtimin e burimeve tĂ« dhĂ«nave qĂ« kanĂ« shĂ«rbyer pĂ«r pasurimin e substancialitetit e asaj qĂ« Ă«shtĂ« diskutuar


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    Summary. The paper deals with the impact the charging railway infrastructure access has on the competitiveness of railway transport in the selected European countries. It researched into the development of indicators that indicate the competition in the railways transport market, such as volume of transport, traffic performances, and number of trains of private railway operators compared with national operators. It used the new approach for research of the share of railway transport in the transport market. The research was based on a comparative analysis of models of charging railway infrastructure, subsidies to rail infrastructure, and development of transport performances of all rail operators. The results of research are presented in terms of freight and passenger railway transport

    Pojavnost aflatoksina M1 u uzorcima jogurta pronađenima na trĆŸiĆĄtu u Kosovu tijekom proljeća 2023.

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    Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), a toxic byproduct of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) produced by Aspergillus fungi, is a carcinogenic mycotoxin that can contaminate various agricultural commodities. It can be transferred from AFB1-contaminated feed to milk and dairy products, including yogurt, posing a potential health risk to consumers. In spring 2023, a total of 74 yogurt samples were collected from the largest food suppliers in Kosovo for analysis, including samples produced in Kosovo and seven other countries: Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, and Germany. A rapid and sensitive analytical method, Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), was used for the analysis. The results of the study highlight discernible differences in the maximum tolerable levels of AFM1 between the countries. More specifically, yogurt samples from Slovenia and Germany had lower levels than those from other countries. Additionally, the median levels of AFM1 in samples from Slovenia and Germany were significantly lower. The mean concentrations of AFM1 in yogurt samples from Kosovo and other countries were 0.071 ÎŒg/kg and 0.080 ÎŒg/kg, respectively. Out of all samples, 66 (89%) exceeded the maximum tolerable limit of 0.05 ÎŒg/kg. Among the exporting countries, Albania had the highest median AFM1 level of 0.085 ÎŒg/kg and the highest maximum level of 0.195 ÎŒg/kg. Slovenia had the lowest median AFM1 level, while Germany had the lowest maximum AFM1 level. All samples from Albania, Greece, and Bosnia and Herzegovina exceeded the maximum tolerable limit. High prevalence was also observed in samples from Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Slovenia. Considering the average daily consumption of about 250 grams of yogurt, and the total median value of Aflatoxin M1 concentration (0.071 ÎŒg/kg), the estimated daily intake was calculated to be 0.017 ÎŒg. These findings highlight the importance of monitoring and enforcing regulatory limits to ensure yogurt safety and to protect public health. Efforts should be focused on mitigating AFM1 contamination and implementing measures to minimise its presence in dairy products, especially in regions where levels exceed the established limits.Aflatoksin M1 (AFM1), toksični nusproizvod aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) kojeg proizvode gljivice Aspergillus kancerogeni je mikotoksin koji moĆŸe kontaminirati različite poljoprivredne proizvode. MoĆŸe se prenijeti iz hrane za ĆŸivotinje kontaminirane s AFB1 na mlijeko i mliječne proizvode, uključujući jogurt, predstavljajući potencijalni rizik po zdravlje potroĆĄača. U proljeće 2023. godine prikupljeno je ukupno 74 uzoraka jogurta od najvećih dobavljača hrane na Kosovu za analizu, uključujući uzorke proizvedene na Kosovu i u sedam drugih zemalja: Albaniji, Sjevernoj Makedoniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, Sloveniji, Grčkoj, Italiji i Njemačkoj. Za analizu je rabljena brza i osjetljiva analitička metoda, Enzimski povezani imunosorbentni test (ELISA). Rezultati studije ukazuju da nalazi ove studije naglaĆĄavaju zamjetne razlike u maksimalno dopuĆĄtenim razinama AFM1 između različitih zemalja. Točnije, u uzorcima jogurta iz Slovenije i Njemačke zamijećene su niĆŸe razine od onih iz drugih zemalja. Uz to, srednje razine AFM1 u uzorcima iz Slovenije i Njemačke bile su značajno niĆŸe. Srednje koncentracije AFM1 u uzorcima jogurta s Kosova i iz drugih zemalja bile su 0,071 ÎŒg/kg, odnosno 0,080 ÎŒg/kg. Od svih uzoraka, 66 (89 %) prekoračilo je maksimalno dopuĆĄteno ograničenje od 0,05 ÎŒg/kg. Od zemalja izvoznica, Albanija je imala najveću srednju razinu AFM1 od 0,085 ÎŒg/kg i najveću maksimalnu razinu od 0,195 ÎŒg/kg. Slovenija je imala najniĆŸu srednju razinu AFM1, a Njemačka najniĆŸu maksimalnu razinu AFM1. Svi uzorci iz Albanije, Grčke i Bosne i Hercegovine prekoračili su maksimalnu dopuĆĄtenu razinu. Visoka prevalencija zamijećena je i u uzorcima s Kosova, iz Sjeverne Makedonije i Slovenije. Razmatrajući prosječnu dnevnu konzumaciju od jedne čaĆĄice od oko 250 g jogurta i ukupnu srednju vrijednost koncentracije aflatoksina M1 (0,071 ÎŒg/kg), izračunat je procijenjeni dnevni unos od 17,75 ÎŒg. Ovi nalazi naglaĆĄavaju vaĆŸnost nadziranja i provođenja regulatornih ograničenja kako bi se osigurala sigurnost jogurta i zaĆĄtitilo javno zdravlje. Potrebno je uloĆŸiti napore za smanjenje kontaminacije AFM1 i provedbu mjera za smanjenje njegove prisutnosti u mliječnim proizvodima, posebice u regijama gdje razine prekoračuju utvrđena ograničenja

    Carlo Tagliavini (18. VI. 1903—31. V. 1982)

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    EFEMP1 binds the EGF receptor and activates MAPK and Akt pathways in pancreatic carcinoma cells

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    The EGF-related protein EFEMP1 (EGF-containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 1) has been shown to promote tumor growth in human adenocarcinoma. To understand the mechanism of this action, the signal transduction activated upon treatment with this protein has been investigated. We show that EFEMP1 binds EGF receptor (EGFR) in a competitive manner relative to epidermal growth factor (EGF), implicating that EFEMP1 and EGF share the same or adjacent binding sites on the EGFR. Treatment of pancreatic carcinoma cells with purified EFEMP1 activates autophosphorylation of EGFR at the positions Tyr-992 and Tyr-1068, but not at the position Tyr-1048. This signal is further transduced to phosphorylation of Akt at position Thr-308 and p44/p42 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) at positions Thr-202 and Tyr-204. These downstream phosphorylation events can be inhibited by treatment with the EGFR kinase inhibitor PD 153035. The observed signal transduction upon treatment with EFEMP1 can contribute to the enhancement of tumor growth shown in pancreatic carcinoma cells overexpressing EFEMP1


    Full text link
    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67348/2/10.1177_00030651970450031204.pd
