155 research outputs found

    Using Genetic Algorithms with Variable-length Individuals for Planning Two-Manipulators Motion

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    International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms. 01/01/1997. NorwichA method based on genetic algorithms for obtaining coordinated motion plans of manipulator robots is presented. A decoupled planning approach has been used; that is, the problem has been decomposed into two subproblems: path planning and trajectory planning. This paper focuses on the second problem. The generated plans minimize the total motion time of the robots along their paths. The optimization problem is solved by evolutionary algorithms using a variable-length individuals codification and specific genetic operators


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    En el presente trabajo titulado: Manifestaciones de la religiosidad popular en torno a la imagen de santa Elena de la Cruz en Santa Cruz Cuahutenco 1950-2017, se aborda de una manera crítica y descriptiva la realización de la fiesta patronal que se lleva a cabo en la comunidad de Cuahutenco. En el primer capítulo presentamos y analizamos las principales características que le dan forma a la categoría analítica de religiosidad popular, a través de los planteamientos de diversos estudiosos en la materia. Posteriormente, en el capítulo dos, abordamos cuales han sido los elementos que le han dado vida y sustentabilidad a la festividad en torno a la emperatriz romana. Se consideran aspectos que se han recreado en diversos momentos y bajo distintas circunstancias dentro y fuera de la comunidad. En el capítulo tercero, se analiza a la mayordomía que se reproduce en torno a la imagen Santa Elena dentro de Cuahutenco, para determinar de qué manera este grupo se convierte en el eje que guía las prácticas festivas. Finalmente, en el capítulo cuarto, en once apartados se describen las partes estructurales de la celebración patronal, para corroborar que estas prácticas festivas se han convertido en la máxima expresión religiosa-popular que la comunidad genera en torno a santa Elena de la Cruz

    An Evolutionary and Local Search Algorithm for Motion Planning of Two Manipulators

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    A method for obtaining coordinated motion plans of robot manipulators is presented. A decoupled planning approach has been used; that is, the problem has been decomposed into two subproblems: path planning, where a collision-free path is found for each robot independently only considering fixed obstacles, and trajectory planning, where the paths are timed and synchronized to avoid collisions with other robots. This article focuses on the second problem. The proposed plan can easily be implemented by programs written in most industrial robot programming languages. The generated programs minimize the total motion time of the robots along their paths. The method does not require accurate dynamic models of the robots and uses an evolutionary algorithm followed by a local search which produces near optimal solutions with a relatively small computational cost

    Capacidad de innovación y capital social directivo en la empresa hotelera andaluza

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    La capacidad de acceso y movilización de recursos externos en empresas hoteleras es un tema muy analizado en los últimos años. Entre las fórmulas posibles para conseguirlo, la basada en las relaciones que mantienen sus directivos toma cada vez más relevancia. Sin embargo, en la literatura no resulta sencillo identificar herramientas que permitan su medición. Este trabajo profundiza en el capital social de los directivos hoteleros, presentando un modelo que lo relaciona con la capacidad innovadora de la empresa. Su principal objetivo es el análisis de estas relaciones, mostrando al capital social directivo y al grado de orientación al mercado de la compañía hotelera como antecedentes de su capacidad de innovación. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, el contraste de las hipótesis del modelo se realiza sobre una muestra de 200 hoteles andaluces (muestreo aleatorio estratificado según categoría de establecimiento y provincia). Se emplean escalas validadas en dos de los constructos (orientación al mercado y capacidad de innovación) y se crea una nueva para el capital social directivo. Los resultados confirman la relación entre la orientación al mercado de la empresa hotelera y su capacidad de innovación. Asimismo, ponen de manifiesto la influencia positiva que el capital social directivo ejerce sobre ésta

    Diseño óptimo de un disipador de calor para luminaria LED mediante moderación modelación computacional

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    Resumen: En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una selección de materiales y simulación térmica en el diseño de disipadores de calor para sistemas de iluminación de estado sólido (SSL) mejor conocidos como luminarias LEDs. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático con la capacidad de predecir el comportamiento térmico de la luminaria cuando se encuentra en operación. El modelo matemático fue resuelto mediante un software de distribución libre el cual permite resolver ecuaciones diferenciales mediante el método de elemento finito. Los resultados obtenidos en el modelo matemático planteado fueron validados con los resultados obtenidos mediante experimentación usando imágenes termográficas. Palabras clave: LEDs, Diseño asistido por computadora, modelación computacional, Selección computacional de materiales

    Coordinated motion planning of manipulators by evolution strategies

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    A method for obtaining coordinated motion plans of manipulator robots is presented. This planning can be easily implemented by programs written in any industrial robot programming language, such as VAL II. The generated programs minimize the total motion time of the robots along their paths, with some constraints directed at avoiding collision between the robots. A method based on Evolution Strategies is used for the optimization

    Automatic Generation of Collision-Free Programs for Multiple Manipulators Using Evolutive Algorithms

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    A method based on Evolutionary Algorithms for obtaining coordinated motion plans of multiple manipulator robots using a Decoupled Planning approach is presented. The problem has been decomposed in two subproblems: path planning of each robot independently of the other robots and trajectory planning, where the paths are synchronized. This paper is focused on the second problem. An evolutionary algorithm is proposed to generate free collision robot programs that minimize the total motion time of the robots along their path

    Crossflow microfiltration of fungal fermentation broths to obtain natural extracts

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    Motivation: One of the main milestones after developing a laboratory scale product is to transform the acquired knowledge into an economic production structure. The production of natural extracts in BioflowSur is carried out by using a fermentation process; then, natural extracts are separated from the fungus by vacuum filtration. However, this type of filtration is not feasible with large volumes so that the use of tangential microfiltration with membrane technology was studied.Methods: The fungal fermentation broth was filtrated using a bench-scale crossflow filtration unit (Prozesstechnik GmbH) equipped with a ceramic membrane either of 0,2 μm pore diameter (with active layer) or 5-8 μm pore diameter (without active layer). Two modes of operation were used: concentration and diafiltration. In the first mode the product concentrates in small volumes and in the second mode water is added to facilitate the filtration [1].Results: The diafiltration was discarded as mode of operation after the first test due to the generation of large volumes that complicate the subsequent extraction of the active principle. In addition, results reveal that the optimal temperature is 30ºC because higher temperatures facilitate the passage of residues to the permeate.The concentration tests performed with the membrane of 0.2 μm showed that there was active principle in the concentrate and in the permeate, while the membrane of 5-8 μm allowed fungus to pass to the permeate after several rounds of filtration. In addition, the high pressures generated due to the fouling drastically reduced the flow and, hence, increased the time of the process [2]

    Evolutionary association rules for total ozone content modeling from satellite observations

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    In this paper we propose an evolutionary method of association rules discovery (EQAR, Evolutionary Quan titative Association Rules) that extends a recently published algorithm by the authors and we describe its ap plication to a problem of Total Ozone Content (TOC) modeling in the Iberian Peninsula. We use TOC data from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) on board the NASA Nimbus-7 satellite measured at three lo cations (Lisbon, Madrid and Murcia) of the Iberian Peninsula. As prediction variables for the association rules we consider several meteorological variables, such as Outgoing Long-wave Radiation (OLR), Temperature at 50 hPa level, Tropopause height, and wind vertical velocity component at 200 hPa. We show that the best as sociation rules obtained by EQAR are able to accurate modeling the TOC data in the three locations consid ered, providing results which agree to previous works in the literatur