37 research outputs found

    NMR Imaging of low pressure, gas-phase transport in packed beds using hyperpolarized xenon-129

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    Gas-phase magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to investigate heterogeneity in mass transport in a packed bed of commercial, alumina, catalyst supports. Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI enables study of transient diffusion for micro- scopic porous systems using xenon chemical shift to selectively image gas within the pores, and, thence, permits study of low-density, gas-phase mass-transport, such that diffusion can be studied in the Knudsen regime, and not just the molecular regime, which is the limitation with other current techniques. Knudsen-regime diffusion is common in many industrial, catalytic processes. Significantly, larger spatial variability in mass transport rates across the packed bed was found compared to techniques using only molecular diffusion. It has thus been found that that these heterogeneities arise over length-scales much larger tha

    General approaches for shear-correcting coordinate transformations in Bragg coherent diffraction imaging: Part 2

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    X-ray Bragg coherent diffraction imaging has been demonstrated as a powerful three-dimensional (3D) microscopy approach for the investigation of sub-micrometer-scale crystalline particles. It is based on the measurement of a series of coherent diffraction intensity patterns that are numerically inverted to retrieve an image of the spatial distribution of relative phase and amplitude of the Bragg structure factor of the scatterer. This 3D information, which is collected through an angular rotation of the sample, is necessarily obtained in a non-orthogonal frame in Fourier space that must be eventually reconciled. To deal with this, the currently favored approach (detailed in Part I) is to perform the entire inversion in conjugate non-orthogonal real and Fourier space frames, and to transform the 3D sample image into an orthogonal frame as a post-processing step for result analysis. In this article, a direct follow-up of Part I, we demonstrate two different transformation strategies that enable the entire inversion procedure of the measured data set to be performed in an orthogonal frame. The new approaches described here build mathematical and numerical frameworks that apply to the cases of evenly and non-evenly sampled data along the direction of sample rotation (the rocking curve). The value of these methods is that they rely on and incorporate significantly more information about the experimental geometry into the design of the phase retrieval Fourier transformation than the strategy presented in Part I. Two important outcomes are 1) that the resulting sample image is correctly interpreted in a shear-free frame, and 2) physically realistic constraints of BCDI phase retrieval that are difficult to implement with current methods are easily incorporated. Computing scripts are also given to aid readers in the implementation of the proposed formalisms

    Nanoscopic diffusion of water on a topological insulator.

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    The microscopic motion of water is a central question, but gaining experimental information about the interfacial dynamics of water in fields such as catalysis, biophysics and nanotribology is challenging due to its ultrafast motion, and the complex interplay of inter-molecular and molecule-surface interactions. Here we present an experimental and computational study of the nanoscale-nanosecond motion of water at the surface of a topological insulator (TI), Bi2Te3. Understanding the chemistry and motion of molecules on TI surfaces, while considered a key to design and manufacturing for future applications, has hitherto been hardly addressed experimentally. By combining helium spin-echo spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations, we are able to obtain a general insight into the diffusion of water on Bi2Te3. Instead of Brownian motion, we find an activated jump diffusion mechanism. Signatures of correlated motion suggest unusual repulsive interactions between the water molecules. From the lineshape broadening we determine the diffusion coefficient, the diffusion energy and the pre-exponential factor

    Parimagnetism in HoCo2 and TmCo2

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    X ray magnetic circular dichroism XMCD , longitudinal ac and transverse TS ac magnetic susceptibility have been measured in the RCo2 series R Ho, and Tm as a functionof temperature and applied magnetic field. We show that parimagnetism is a general behavior among the RCo2 ferrimagnetic series R being a heavy rare earth ion . XMCD results supply evidence of the presence of two compensation temperatures above Tc, defining two different parimagnetic configurations, which is a fully unexpected result. The inverse amp; 967; amp; 8242;ac curve exhibits a small anomaly which vanishes under low applied magnetic fields. The combination of TS and XMCD measurements allows one to depict new magnetic phase diagrams for these compounds of the RCo2 series. A new scenario allowing one to understand the observed phenomenology as a Griffiths phase like behavior is proposed, where the amorphous RCo2 represents the undiluted system cas

    X‐Ray Microscopy of Halide Perovskites: Techniques, Applications, and Prospects

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    X‐ray microscopy can provide unique chemical, electronic, and structural insights into perovskite materials and devices leveraging bright, tunable synchrotron X‐ray sources. Over the last decade, fundamental understanding of halide perovskites and their impressive performance in optoelectronic devices has been furthered by rigorous research regarding their structural and chemical properties. Herein, studies of perovskites are reviewed that have used X‐ray imaging, spectroscopy, and scattering microscopies that have proven valuable tools toward understanding the role of defects, impurities, and processing on perovskite material properties and device performance. Together these microscopic investigations have augmented the understanding of the internal workings of perovskites and have helped to steer the perovskite community toward promising directions. In many ways, X‐ray microscopy of perovskites is still in its infancy, which leaves many exciting paths unexplored including new ptychographic, multimodal, in situ, and operando experiments. To explore possibilities, pioneering X‐ray microscopy along these lines is briefly highlighted from other semiconductor systems including silicon, CdTe, GaAs, CuInx_xGa1x_{1−x}Se2_2, and organic photovoltaics. An overview is provided on the progress made in utilizing X‐ray microscopy for perovskites and present opportunities and challenges for future work