480 research outputs found

    A comparative study on the clinical decision making processes of nurse practitioners versus medical doctors using scenarios within a secondary care environment

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    Subjects This study was conducted from May 2012 to January 2013.Aim To investigate the decision-making skills of secondary care nurse practitioners compared to those of medical doctors.Background A literature review was conducted, searching for articles published from 1990 to 2012. The review found that nurse practitioners are key to the modernisation of the National Health Service. Studies have shown that compared to doctors, nurse practitioners can be efficient and cost-effective in consultations.Design Qualitative research design. Methods The information processing theory and think-aloud approach were used to understand the cognitive processes of 10 participants (5 doctors and 5 nurse practitioners). One nurse practitioner was paired with one doctor from the same speciality, and they were compared using a structured scenario-based interview. To ensure that all critical and relevant cues were covered by the individual participating in the scenario, a reference model was used to measure the degree of successful diagnosis, management and treatment.Results The data were processed for 5 months, from July to November 2012. The two groups of practitioners differed in the number of cue acquisitions obtained in the scenarios. In our study, nurse practitioners took three minutes longer to complete the scenarios. Conclusion This study suggests that nurse practitioner consultations are comparable to those of medical doctors within a secondary care environment in terms of correct diagnoses and therapeutic treatments. The information processing theory highlighted that both groups of professionals had similar models for decision-making processes.NH

    The Ursinus Weekly, April 5, 1907

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    The German-American patriot • Baseball outlook • Pictures for history room • Athletic Association • Musical clubs • Here and there • Intercollegiate • Alumni notes • Reserves\u27 baseball schedule • Literary Supplement: The college bell; Menominee; Rudyard Kipling; The passing of the American home; The methods of Thomas Morrishttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2939/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, June 3, 1929

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    Debating Club banquet held at Schwenksville • Reading alumni elect new officers at dinner • Schwenkfeldian exiles hold interesting meeting • Student council officers elected Tuesday, May 28 • Atwater Kent contest won by Wm. Saalman \u2729 • Summary shows Young \u2730 at head of batting list • Annual banquet of track men held Monday, May 27 • President Omwake speaks at dinner to Dr. Haas • Randolph Helffrich \u2729 announces engagement • Oratorical contest to be well contested • Debating Club elections • Phi Beta Kappa honors President G. L. Omwake • Portrait of president to be given to Ursinus • Our colleges twenty-five years ago • The growth of the memorial trees • Ursinus students to attend Eagles Mere summer conference, June 12-22 • Junior girls entertain seniors at breakfast • Piano students give annual recital Monday, May 27 • Girls\u27 tennis team has very successful seasonhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2187/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 24, 1930

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    Rev. E. H. Bonsall speaker at annual week of prayer • Rev. E. M. Sando \u2704 heads York alumni association • Spring sports starting on difficult schedules • Characters for Zwing play chosen • 1930 Ruby makes early appearance on campus • Ursinus reporter gets scoop of the year • May queen and attendants chosen for May pageant • Girls\u27 debating teams divide with Cedar Crest • Recent graduates united in marriage Saturday • Ursinus women defeat Swarthmore debating team • Student council dance features quiet week-end • Ursinus Woman\u27s Club to present entertainment • Cast chosen for junior play, The 13th Chair • Executives plan liberal arts college movement • Rosemont girls defeat Ursinus team 35-12 • Ursinus girls beaten by Beaver sextette • Survey shows alumni favor their alma mater • I.N.A. conference to be held at Bucknell University • Music Club meeting • Literary Club meeting • Physics Journal Club • Late novel discussed at English Club meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2146/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, November 25, 1929

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    I.N.A. fall convention meets at Washington • Interesting papers read at Biology Club meeting • Prep and Pep offered by women\u27s dorm committee • 1929-30 basketball schedule announced • Waiters and Derr Hall boys battle to 0-0 tie • Freshman football team ends impressive season • Faculty representatives attend Harrisburg conference • Board of control debates Christmas entertainment • Large cast for Schaff play selected Tuesday • Bears getting ready for Albright Lions Thursday • Varsity hockey holds Beaver team to 1-1 tie • Persia described for International Relations Club • Y.M.C.A. to hold smoker and Albright pep meeting • Frosh-soph hockey tilt ends 5 to 1 for sophs • Editorial comment: Water fighting, the why and the why not • The selection of college students in high schools • Bi-monthly meeting of English Club held Monday • Music Club elects new members at meeting, Thursday • Recreation committee discusses radio drive • Ruby photographs takenhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2133/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 28, 1929

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    Ursinus beats Muhlenberg 9-7: Fourth quarter run by Sterner brings bears victory over Mules • First chapel speaker to be Rev. Frederick Lynch, D. D. • Amateur boxing matches feature YMCA smoker • Old timers will find November 16 interesting day • Girls\u27 hockey team wins opener team with Philadelphia Normal • Novel Halloween dance to have Pennsylvania Night Hawks • Webster forensic club starts active season • Cross-country team loses track cup to Dickinson • Bears are eager to face Rutgers eleven Saturday • International Relations Club outlines program • Doctor Price honored at medical convention • Sophomores discuss ring at class meeting Thursday • A standard ring at Ursinus • President Omwake reviews work of education commission • Y.W.C.A. meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2129/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 6, 1929

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    Annual spring news conference held Saturday • Vocational consultant here Tuesday for girls • Annual YMCA officers\u27 conference at Gettysburg • Madrigal singers present enjoyable concert Thursday • Montgomery County schools hold annual May festival • Varsity trackmen lose two meets during week • Grizzlies lose close game with valley team • Ursinus netmen win and tie match this week • Freshman girls entertain upperclass women is gym • Final preparations being made for May Day • Student council dance to climax May Day week • Harvey Marburger secured • Girls\u27 tennis team ties with Beaver coeds, Thursday • Frosh track team wins second dual meet, 65-35 • Van Davies \u2730 elected • Juniors engage Harvey Marburger\u27s orchestra • Cast chosen for junior play to be given May 18https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2183/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 24, 1930

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    Dr. Leich presents impressive chapel talk • Juniata captures debate on Kellogg Pact question • Impressive Color Day ceremony by WSGA • Men debaters achieve win over Susquehanna • Ursinus wrestling team loses to Temple matmen • Male students fight dormitory fire Thursday • Temple defeats Ursinus in dual basketball game • Literary Club features originality at its meeting • Frosh and varsity teams lose to Villanova quintets • Lenten prayer services planned by Brotherhood • Senior musical revue whipping into shape • Ursinus sextette wins over Cedar Crest girls • Junior class elections • Brotherhood of St. Paul meets in Trinity Church • Credit plus religion subject of YMCA talk • Independent team leads fraternity league • Men\u27s Debating Club meeting held on Wednesday • Dr. Broome speaks at annual alumni dinner • Oregon type of debate to be held with Asbury • Juniors defeat seniors in basketball game 17-5 • Report of John Fertig \u2730 at Physics Club meetinghttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2142/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, September 30, 1929

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    Opening council dance ends first football week-end • Dickinson recovers blocked punt to gain 6-6 tie in Ursinus opener • Men\u27s booster committee headed by McGarvey \u2730 • Frosh-soph tug-of-war victory goes to frosh • New student council busy with opening activities • Y.M.C.A. membership drive shows splendid results • Stanley Omwake chosen president of junior class • Doctor Isenberg speaks at opening YM meeting • Girls\u27 hockey team shows promise of good season • Fine material turns out for cross country team • Women\u27s athletic council makes important changes • Brotherhood of St. Paul holds opening meeting • Initial pep meeting shows plenty of school spirit • Sophomore class elections interestingly contested • Literary club elects Paul Mattis \u2730 as president • Freshman class elects Frick first president • Frosh-soph fight • Editorial comment: Freshmen and the Weekly; Wrestling at Ursinus; Improving the group system • Bears will face green Haverford team Saturday • Schell\u27s little bears play Perkiomen schoolhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2125/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 13, 1930

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    Montgomery County dance concludes Xmas vacation • Annual Christmas party held before holidays • Recreation hall scene of first social hour • Annual banquets held preceding Xmas party • Ursinus quintet loses two games during week • Young high scorer in Ursinus-F. & M. contest • Rose Maiden presented by college chorus • Mrs. Omwake hostess at girls\u27 Xmas party • Annual football banquet held at Highland Tuesday • Hockey letters awarded at annual banquet Friday • Basketball squad guests at home of Dr. Jordan • Engagement of prominent alumna announced December 28 • Sophomores defeat junior girls in interclass tilt • Parent education letter prepared by alumnus • W. D. Reimert \u2724 chosen editor of Allentown paper • Xmas communion held • Fogel \u2794 edits proverbs • Frosh quintet loses to F. & M. yearlings 44-20https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/2138/thumbnail.jp
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