57 research outputs found

    Parametric Experiments on Palladio’s 5 by 3 Villas

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    This paper investigates and describes the parametric reconstruction of Palladio’s villas, using his treatise, I Quattro libri dell’architettura, as the primary source. The process starts with an extensive comparison of Palladio’s rooms’ ratios, the compositional rules of the villas’ plans, and the digital creation of parametric architectural elements. Finally, the process of parametric construction on three selected case studies of 5 by 3 villas—Villa Poiana, Villa Zeno, and Villa Thiene in Cicogna—is undertaken. The developed instrument offers an experimental laboratory in which different hypotheses of integration by the authors, or other scholars with reference to the sources, could be tested

    Reading the crisis: legal, philosophical and literary perspectives

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    Almost a decade has passed since the outbreak of the economic crisis; from its original nucleus, its effects have quickly affected the social and geopolitical fields. Such wide impact and its complex implications make the crisis an object susceptible of multiple readings. The particular aim of the studies collected in this volume is to explore the impact of the crisis on law, culture and society, in order to test the depth of the problem, by comparing the analytical perspectives obtainable from legal and human sciences. The book focuses on three main issues: the crisis as a social object, in order to consider the crisis in terms of its attributing force; the problem of democracy, which is becoming an increasingly central question now, as the changes imposed by the crisis have begun to settle down; the interdisciplinary challenge that, in time of crisis, questions paradigms of knowledge, competences and methods, in order to enable an heuristic dialogue between human, social and legal sciences.Introduction / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 9-12). -- The Crisis as a Social Object : -- Narrating the Crisis: Fictions of Finance in Contemporary British Novels / Silvana Colella (pp. 15-37). -- Social Rights in Crisis: Any Role for the Court of Justice of the EU? / Francesco Costamagna (pp. 39-64). -- Ripensare la nazione ottocentesca. Vecchi e nuovi paradigmi tra storia, diritto e globalità / Eliana Augusti (pp. 65-97). -- Ma cos'è questa crisi? / Carla Canullo (pp. 99-113). -- The Problem of Democracy : -- Defending Collective Sociality: The Oresteia at Shakespeare's Globe / Louise Owen (pp. 117-131). -- Representation of the Crisis vs Representative Democracy in Italy / Roberta Calvano (pp. 133-148). -- The Unbearable Lightness of the Freedom of Movement: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Brexit and Inmigration / Lucia Barbone, Erik Longo (pp.149-174). -- Représentation, perception de la crise et modification de la «sécurité sociale». Entre prédiction et anticipation, que signifie agir das un monde incertain? / Jean-Philipe Pierron (pp. 175-188). -- The Interdisciplinary Challenge : -- Intercultural Categories of Thought in Times of Crisis: The Challenge of Inter/Multi-discipinary Research / Flavia Stara (pp. 191-198). -- An Interdisciplinary Approach to International Law? Some Cursory Remarks / Paolo Palchetti (pp. 199-208). -- Rights in Times of Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Issue for Legal Studies / Massimo Meccarelli (pp. 209-219). -- Contributors (pp. 221-224)

    La cooperazione giudiziaria in materia penale e di polizia

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    The EU progressively expands its fields of action to areas in which the EU legislation is questioning the respect of constitutional principles and national sovereignty. After the monetary union, the third pillar was one of the main controversial areas to be developed. In connection with September 11 2001 and the threat of international terrorism, the EU action in the area of judicial and police cooperation in criminal matters expanded rapidly, notwithstanding the difficulty to apply the principles developed in relation with the freedoms of the common market to fields where the habeas corpus principle is being restricted. Some of the constitutional problems are being solved, especially after the Amsterdam treaty, as the author explains, but many other issues are still unsolved and deal with the central question of the nature and the future of the EU

    Il Caso Pupino: ovvero dell’alterazione per via giudiziaria dei rapporti tra diritto interno (processuale penale), diritto Ue e diritto comunitario

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    voce "Statuto regionale"

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    The encyclopedia entry describes the discipline of article 123 of the Constitution and analyzes interpretative problems it raises. The so called "reform of Title V" approved in 1999-2001 increased regional autonomy conferring to Regions the power to approve their own “Statutes of autonomy”. The author reflects on the main instrument of Regional autonomy questioning its nature, its capability/legitimacy to discipline fundamental rights, its position compared to other sources of law in relation with the proceedings for its deliberation

    Il ruolo dei principi fondamentali nella giurisprudenza costituzionale

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    The constitutional court established since 1988 as a higher and stronger level for fundamental principles inside the Constitution. They are since then used to set limits to constitutional amendment procedures, to EU legislation, to the effects of art. 7 of the Constitution. It was never cleared though which are those principles

    Voce: Mandato d'arresto europeo

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    ENCICLOPEDIAThis article is an encyclopedia entry about the European Arrest Warrant dealing with the european union law instrument as seen from the point of view of constitutional law. The issues raised in front of courts and by legal scholars are examined in view of the necessity to a uniform interpretation and a more satisfactory evolution of the instrument in order to respect fundamental rights in Europe

    La Corte costituzionale e la Cedu nella sentenza n. 348 del 2007: orgoglio e pregiudizio?

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    The so called twin-rulings 348 and 349 of 2007 by the Italian Constitutional court raised a huge debate over the role of ECHR in the Italian legal order, its assumed primautè over internal legislation and the correct answer to all interpretative doubts that was offered by the constitutional court. Art. 117 par. 1 of the Constitution, as modified in 2001, sets the Convention as an instrument to evaluate the conformity of national legislation to the Constitutio

    Verso un sistema di garanzie costituzionali dell’UE? La giustizia costituzionale comunitaria dopo il Trattato di Nizza

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    The author examines from a constitutional point of view the role and competences attributed to the European Court of justice in the Treaty of Nic

    Premio Sapienza Ricerca 2010 per la ricerca sul Mandato d'arresto europeo

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    Il premio viene conferito per le pubblicazioni relative al tema del Mandato d'arresto europeo al centro della ricerca dell'autrice negli anni 2007-2010
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