93 research outputs found

    Spontaneous muscle hematoma in older patients with COVID-19: two case reports and literature review

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    Background: In late December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases due to a novel betacoronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 was reported in China. The so-called COVID 19 is responsible not only for respiratory symptoms, from mild up to pneumonia and even acute respiratory distress syndrome, but also for extrapulmonary involvement. Cases presentation: Here we present two cases of spontaneous muscle hematoma in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, both on therapeutic LMWH for atrial fibrillation: the first one was an 86-year-old Caucasian female with a history of hypertensive cardiomyopathy and the second one was an 81-year-old Caucasian male with a history of hypertension, diabetes and ischemic heart disease. Blood tests revealed a considerable drop of hemoglobin and alterations of coagulation system. In both cases, embolization of femoral artery was performed. A few other cases of bleeding manifestations are reported in literature, while a lot has been published about the hypercoagulability related to COVID-19. Conclusions: Our reports and literature review highlight the need of active surveillance for possible hemorrhagic complications in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Mitochondria, Cognitive Impairment, and Alzheimer's Disease

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    To date, the beta amyloid (Aβ) cascade hypothesis remains the main pathogenetic model of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but its role in the majority of sporadic AD cases is unclear. The “mitochondrial cascade hypothesis” could explain many of the biochemical, genetic, and pathological features of sporadic AD. Somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) could cause energy failure, increased oxidative stress, and accumulation of Aβ, which in a vicious cycle reinforce the mtDNA damage and the oxidative stress. Despite the evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in AD, no causative mutations in the mtDNA have been detected so far. Indeed, results of studies on the role of mtDNA haplogroups in AD are controversial. In this review we discuss the role of the mitochondria, and especially of the mtDNA, in the cascade of events leading to neurodegeneration, dementia, and AD

    Imaging and molecular mechanisms of Alzheimer's fisease: a review

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    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and is a significant burden for affected patients, carers, and health systems. Great advances have been made in understanding its pathophysiology, to a point that we are moving from a purely clinical diagnosis to a biological one based on the use of biomarkers. Among those, imaging biomarkers are invaluable in Alzheimer’s, as they provide an in vivo window to the pathological processes occurring in Alzheimer’s brain. While some imaging techniques are still under evaluation in the research setting, some have reached widespread clinical use. In this review, we provide an overview of the most commonly used imaging biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease, from molecular PET imaging to structural MRI, emphasising the concept that multimodal imaging would likely prove to be the optimal tool in the future of Alzheimer’s research and clinical practice

    Flutriciclamide (F-18-GE180) PET: First-in-Human PET Study of Novel Third-Generation In Vivo Marker of Human Translocator Protein

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    Neuroinflammation is associated with neurodegenerative disease. PET radioligands targeting the 18-kDa translocator protein (TSPO) have been used as in vivo markers of neuroinflammation, but there is an urgent need for novel probes with improved signal-to-noise ratio. Flutriciclamide (18F-GE180) is a recently developed third-generation TSPO ligand. In this first study, we evaluated the optimum scan duration and kinetic modeling strategies for 18F-GE180 PET in (older) healthy controls. Methods: Ten healthy controls, 6 TSPO high-affinity binders, and 4 mixed-affinity binders were recruited. All subjects underwent detailed neuropsychologic tests, MRI, and a 210-min 18F-GE180 dynamic PET/CT scan using metabolite-corrected arterial plasma input function. We evaluated 5 different kinetic models: irreversible and reversible 2-tissue-compartment models, a reversible 1-tissue model, and 2 models with an extra irreversible vascular compartment. The minimal scan duration was established using 210-min scan data. The feasibility of generating parametric maps was also investigated using graphical analysis. Results: 18F-GE180 concentration was higher in plasma than in whole blood during the entire scan duration. The volume of distribution (VT) was 0.17 in high-affinity binders and 0.12 in mixed-affinity binders using the kinetic model. The model that best represented brain 18F-GE180 kinetics across regions was the reversible 2-tissue-compartment model (2TCM4k), and 90 min resulted as the optimum scan length required to obtain stable estimates. Logan graphical analysis with arterial input function gave a VT highly consistent with VT in the kinetic model, which could be used for voxelwise analysis. Conclusion: We report for the first time, to our knowledge, the kinetic properties of the novel third-generation TSPO PET ligand 18F-GE180 in humans: 2TCM4k is the optimal method to quantify the brain uptake, 90 min is the optimal scan length, and the Logan approach could be used to generate parametric maps. Although these control subjects have shown relatively low VT, the methodology presented here forms the basis for quantification for future PET studies using 18F-GE180 in different pathologies

    Relationship between astrocyte reactivity, using novel 11C-BU99008 PET, and glucose metabolism, grey matter volume and amyloid load in cognitively impaired individuals

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    Post mortem neuropathology suggests that astrocyte reactivity may play a significant role in neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease. We explored this in vivo using multimodal PET and MRI imaging. Twenty subjects (11 older, cognitively impaired patients and 9 age-matched healthy controls) underwent brain scanning using the novel reactive astrocyte PET tracer (11)C-BU99008, (18)F-FDG and (18)F-florbetaben PET, and T1-weighted MRI. Differences between cognitively impaired patients and healthy controls in regional and voxel-wise levels of astrocyte reactivity, glucose metabolism, grey matter volume and amyloid load were explored, and their relationship to each other was assessed using Biological Parametric Mapping (BPM). Amyloid beta (Aβ)-positive patients showed greater (11)C-BU99008 uptake compared to controls, except in the temporal lobe, whilst further increased (11)C-BU99008 uptake was observed in Mild Cognitive Impairment subjects compared to those with Alzheimer’s disease in the frontal, temporal and cingulate cortices. BPM correlations revealed that regions which showed reduced (11)C-BU99008 uptake in Aβ-positive patients compared to controls, such as the temporal lobe, also showed reduced (18)F-FDG uptake and grey matter volume, although the correlations with (18)F-FDG uptake were not replicated in the ROI analysis. BPM analysis also revealed a regionally-dynamic relationship between astrocyte reactivity and amyloid uptake: increased amyloid load in cortical association areas of the temporal lobe and cingulate cortices was associated with reduced (11)C-BU99008 uptake, whilst increased amyloid uptake in primary motor and sensory areas (in which amyloid deposition occurs later) was associated with increased (11)C-BU99008 uptake. These novel observations add to the hypothesis that while astrocyte reactivity may be triggered by early Aβ-deposition, sustained pro-inflammatory astrocyte reactivity with greater amyloid deposition may lead to astrocyte dystrophy and amyloid-associated neuropathology such as grey matter atrophy and glucose hypometabolism, although the evidence for glucose hypometabolism here is less strong

    Behavioral and psychological effects of coronavirus disease-19 quarantine in patients with dementia

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    Behavioral and psychological effects of coronavirus disease-19 quarantine in patients with dementia

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    Background: In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared a global pandemic due to the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and several governments planned a national quarantine in order to control the virus spread. Acute psychological effects of quarantine in frail elderly subjects with special needs, such as patients with dementia, have been poorly investigated. The aim of this study was to assess modifications of neuropsychiatric symptoms during quarantine in patients with dementia and their caregivers. Methods: This is a sub-study of a multicenter nation-wide survey. A structured telephone interview was delivered to family caregivers of patients with diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and vascular dementia (VD), followed regularly at 87 Italian memory clinics. Variations in behavioral and psychological symptoms (BPSD) were collected after 1 month since quarantine declaration and associations with disease type, severity, gender, and caregiver\u2019s stress burden were analyzed. Results: A total of 4,913 caregivers participated in the survey. Increased BPSD was reported in 59.6% of patients as worsening of preexisting symptoms (51.9%) or as new onset (26%), and requested drug modifications in 27.6% of these cases. Irritability, apathy, agitation, and anxiety were the most frequently reported worsening symptoms and sleep disorder and irritability the most frequent new symptoms. Profile of BPSD varied according to dementia type, disease severity, and patients\u2019 gender. Anxiety and depression were associated with a diagnosis of AD (OR 1.35, CI: 1.12\u20131.62), mild to moderate disease severity and female gender. DLB was significantly associated with a higher risk of worsening hallucinations (OR 5.29, CI 3.66\u20137.64) and sleep disorder (OR 1.69, CI 1.25\u20132.29), FTD with wandering (OR 1.62, CI 1.12\u20132.35), and change of appetite (OR 1.52, CI 1.03\u20132.25). Stress-related symptoms were experienced by two-thirds of caregivers and were associated with increased patients\u2019 neuropsychiatric burden (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Quarantine induces a rapid increase of BPSD in approximately 60% of patients and stress-related symptoms in two-thirds of caregivers. Health services need to plan a post-pandemic strategy in order to address these emerging needs

    Ocular indicators of Alzheimer’s: exploring disease in the retina

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    Parametric mapping using spectral analysis for11C-PBR28 PET reveals neuroinflammation in mild cognitive impairment subjects

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    PURPOSE: Neuroinflammation and microglial activation play an important role in amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution of neuroinflammation in MCI subjects, using spectral analysis (SA) to generate parametric maps and quantify11C-PBR28 PET, and compared these with compartmental and other kinetic models of quantification. METHODS: Thirteen MCI and nine healthy controls were enrolled in this study. Subjects underwent11C-PBR28 PET scans with arterial cannulation. Spectral analysis with an arterial plasma input function was used to generate11C-PBR28 parametric maps. These maps were then compared with regional11C-PBR28 VT(volume of distribution) using a two-tissue compartment model and Logan graphic analysis. Amyloid load was also assessed with18F-Flutemetamol PET. RESULTS: With SA, three component peaks were identified in addition to blood volume. The11C-PBR28 impulse response function (IRF) at 90 min produced the lowest coefficient of variation. Single-subject analysis using this IRF demonstrated microglial activation in five out of seven amyloid-positive MCI subjects. IRF parametric maps of11C-PBR28 uptake revealed a group-wise significant increase in neuroinflammation in amyloid-positive MCI subjects versus HC in multiple cortical association areas, and particularly in the temporal lobe. Interestingly, compartmental analysis detected group-wise increase in11C-PBR28 binding in the thalamus of amyloid-positive MCI subjects, while Logan parametric maps did not perform well. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates for the first time that spectral analysis can be used to generate parametric maps of11C-PBR28 uptake, and is able to detect microglial activation in amyloid-positive MCI subjects. IRF parametric maps of11C-PBR28 uptake allow voxel-wise single-subject analysis and could be used to evaluate microglial activation in individual subjects