152 research outputs found

    Elevated temperature and carbon dioxide levels alter growth rates and shell composition in the fluted giant clam, Tridacna squamosa

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    Giant clams produce massive calcified shells with important biological (e.g., defensive) and ecological (e.g., habitat-forming) properties. Whereas elevated seawater temperature is known to alter giant clam shell structure, no study has examined the effects of a simultaneous increase in seawater temperature and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) on shell mineralogical composition in these species. We investigated the effects of 60-days exposure to end-of-the-century projections for seawater temperature (+ 3 °C) and pCO2 (+ 500 ”atm) on growth, mineralogy, and organic content of shells and scutes in juvenile Tridacna squamosa giant clams. Elevated temperature had no effect on growth rates or organic content, but did increase shell [24Mg]/[40Ca] as well as [40Ca] in newly-formed scutes. Elevated pCO2 increased shell growth and whole animal mass gain. In addition, we report the first evidence of an effect of elevated pCO2 on element/Ca ratios in giant clam shells, with significantly increased [137Ba]/[40Ca] in newly-formed shells. Simultaneous exposure to both drivers greatly increased inter-individual variation in mineral concentrations and resulted in reduced shell N-content which may signal the onset of physiological stress. Overall, our results indicate a greater influence of pCO2 on shell mineralogy in giant clams than previously recognized

    Will life find a way? Evolution of marine species under global change

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    Projections of marine biodiversity and implementation of effective actions for its maintenance in the face of current rapid global environmental change are constrained by our limited understanding of species’ adaptive responses, including transgenerational plasticity, epigenetics and natural selection. This special issue presents 13 novel studies, which employ experimental and modelling approaches to (i) investigate plastic and evolutionary responses of marine species to major global change drivers; (ii) ask relevant broad eco-evolutionary questions, implementing multiple species and populations studies; (iii) show the advantages of using advanced experimental designs and tools; (iv) construct novel model organisms for marine evolution; (v) help identifying future challenges for the field; and (vi) highlight the importance of incorporating existing evolutionary theory into management solutions for the marine realm. What emerges is that at least some populations of marine species have the ability to adapt to future global change conditions. However, marine organisms’ capacity for adaptation appears finite, due to evolutionary trade-offs and possible rapid losses in genetic diversity. This further corroborates the idea that acquiring an evolutionary perspective on how marine life will respond to the selective pressure of future global changes will guide us in better identifying which conservation efforts will be most needed and most effective. -- Keywords : marine evolution ; ocean warming ; ocean acidification ; salinity ; phenotypic plasticity ; local adaptation ; rapid adaptation ; epigenetics ; evolutionary modeling ; transgenerational responses ; DNA methylation ; common garden experiment

    Metabolic rate thermal plasticity in the marine annelid Ophryotrocha labronica across two successive generations

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    Marine ectotherms have evolved a range of physiological strategies to cope with temperature changes that persist across generations. For example, metabolic rates are expected to increase following an acute exposure to temperature, with potential detrimental impacts for fitness. However, they may be downregulated in the following generation if offspring experience the thermal conditions of their parents, with a resulting decrease in maintenance costs and fitness maximization. Yet, trans-generational studies on metabolic rates are few in marine ectotherms, thus limiting our ability to accurately predict longer-term implications of ocean warming on organisms' performance, metabolic rates being the fundamental pacemaker for all biological processes. This is particularly true for small-size organisms, for which the determination of individual metabolic rates has been historically challenging, and for many groups of marine invertebrates, such as annelids, which are under-represented in physiological investigations. Here, we exposed the subtidal annelid Ophryotrocha labronica (body length: ~4 mm) to a thermal gradient (21, 24, 26, 29°C) and measured, for the first time in this species, the temperature dependence of metabolic rates across two generations. We found that metabolic rates were positively related to temperature, but this relationship did not differ between generations. Our study provides additional evidence for the diversity of temperature-associated physiological responses of marine ectotherms and offers a number of methodological recommendations for unveiling the mechanisms underpinning the observed trans-generational responses of metabolic rates in marine annelid species. -- Keywords : Acclimation ; annelids ; ectotherms ; oceanwarming ; oxygen uptake rates ; trans-generational effects

    Overwintering individuals of the Arctic krill Thysanoessa inermis appear tolerant to short-term exposure to low pH conditions

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    Areas of the Arctic Ocean are already experiencing seasonal variation in low pH/elevated pCO2 and are predicted to be the most affected by future ocean acidification (OA). Krill play a fundamental ecological role within Arctic ecosystems, serving as a vital link in the transfer of energy from phytoplankton to higher trophic levels. However, little is known of the chemical habitat occupied by Arctic invertebrate species, and of their responses to changes in seawater pH. Therefore, understanding krill’s responses to low pH conditions has important implications for the prediction of how Arctic marine communities may respond to future ocean change. Here, we present natural seawater carbonate chemistry conditions found in the late polar winter (April) in Kongsfjord, Svalbard (79°North) as well as the response of the Arctic krill, Thysanoessa inermis, exposed to a range of low pH conditions. Standard metabolic rate (measured as oxygen consumption) and energy metabolism markers (incl. adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and L-lactate) of T. inermis were examined. We show that after a 7 days experiment with T. inermis, no significant effects of low pH on MO2, ATP and L-lactate were observed. Additionally, we report carbonate chemistry from within Kongsfjord, which showed that the more stratified inner fjord had lower total alkalinity, higher dissolved inorganic carbon, pCO2 and lower pH than the well-mixed outer fjord. Consequently, our results suggest that overwintering individuals of T. inermis may possess sufficient ability to tolerate short-term low pH conditions due to their migratory behaviour, which exposes T. inermis to the naturally varying carbonate chemistry observed within Kongsfjord, potentially allowing T. inermis to tolerate future OA scenarios. -- Keywords : Euphausiacea ; Arctic Ocean ; Kongsfjord ; Ocean acidification ; Ocean change ; Crustaceans

    Plastic adjustments of biparental care behavior across embryonic development under elevated temperature in a marine ectotherm

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    Phenotypic plasticity in parental care investment allows organisms to promptly respond to rapid environmental changes by potentially benefiting offspring survival and thus parental fitness. To date, a knowledge gap exists on whether plasticity in parental care behaviors can mediate responses to climate change in marine ectotherms. Here, we assessed the plasticity of parental care investment under elevated temperatures in a gonochoric marine annelid with biparental care, Ophryotrocha labronica, and investigated its role in maintaining the reproductive success of this species in a warming ocean. We measured the time individuals spent carrying out parental care activities across three phases of embryonic development, as well as the hatching success of the offspring as a proxy for reproductive success, at control (24℃) and elevated (27℃) temperature conditions. Under elevated temperature, we observed: (a) a significant decrease in total parental care activity, underpinned by a decreased in male and simultaneous parental care activity, in the late stage of embryonic development; and (b) a reduction in hatching success that was however not significantly related to changes in parental care activity levels. These findings, along with the observed unaltered somatic growth of parents and decreased brood size, suggest that potential cost-benefit trade-offs between offspring survival (i.e., immediate fitness) and parents' somatic condition (i.e., longer-term fitness potential) may occur under ongoing ocean warming. Finally, our results suggest that plasticity in parental care behavior is a mechanism able to partially mitigate the negative effects of temperature-dependent impacts. -- Keywords : Behavioral plasticity ; Brood size ; Global warming ; Hatching success ; Invertebrates ; Parental investment

    Low pH conditions impair module capacity to regenerate in a calcified colonial invertebrate, the bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana

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    Many aquatic animals grow into colonies of repeated, genetically identical, modules (zooids). Zooid interconnections enable colonies to behave as integrated functional units, while plastic responses to environmental changes may affect individual zooids. Plasticity includes the variable partitioning of resources to sexual reproduction, colony growth and maintenance. Maintenance often involves regeneration, which is also a routine part of the life history in some organisms, such as bryozoans. Here we investigate changes in regenerative capacity in the encrusting bryozoan Cryptosula pallasiana when cultured at different seawater pCO2 levels. The proportion of active zooids showing polypide regeneration was highest at current oceanic pH (8.1), but decreased progressively as pH declined below that value, reaching a six-fold reduction at pH 7.0. The zone of budding of new zooids at the colony periphery declined in size below pH 7.7. Under elevated pCO2 conditions, already experienced sporadically in coastal areas, skeletal corrosion was accompanied by the proportional reallocation of resources from polypide regeneration in old zooids to the budding of new zooids at the edge of the colony. Thus, future ocean acidification can affect colonial organisms by changing how they allocate resources, with potentially profound impacts on life-history patterns and ecological interactions. -- Keywords : Phenotypic plasticity ; Resource allocation ; Climate change ; Ocean acidification ; Modular organism ; Bryozoa

    Can trans-generational experiments be used to enhance species resilience to ocean warming and acidification?

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    Human-assisted, trans-generational exposure to ocean warming and acidification has been proposed as a conservation and/or restoration tool to produce resilient offspring. To improve our understanding of the need for and the efficacy of this approach, we characterized life-history and physiological responses in offspring of the marine polychaete Ophryotrocha labronica exposed to predicted ocean warming (OW: + 3 degrees C), ocean acidification (OA: pH -0.5) and their combination (OWA: + 3 degrees C, pH -0.5), following the exposure of their parents to either control conditions (within-generational exposure) or the same conditions (trans-generational exposure). Trans-generational exposure to OW fully alleviated the negative effects of within-generational exposure to OW on fecundity and egg volume and was accompanied by increased metabolic activity. While within-generational exposure to OA reduced juvenile growth rates and egg volume, trans-generational exposure alleviated the former but could not restore the latter. Surprisingly, exposure to OWA had no negative impacts within-or trans-generationally. Our results highlight the potential for trans-generational laboratory experiments in producing offspring that are resilient to OW and OA. However, trans-generational exposure does not always appear to improve traits and therefore may not be a universally useful tool for all species in the face of global change

    Life-history traits display strong associations to genome size in annelids

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    Genome size, known also as the C-value, has been proposed as an important determinant of life-history variation in numerous animal taxa. We assessed the relationships between genome size and fitness-related life-history traits in six species of interstitial marine annelids of the genus Ophryotrocha. Life-history traits and genome size data obtained from 18 additional annelid species were included in our analyses to have a broader phylogenetic scope. Unexpectedly, genome sizes assessed here by flow cytometry in four Ophryotrocha species were three times larger than previously reported values obtained using Feulgen densitometry. This has implications for the hypothesis that harsh interstitial habitats select for small genomes in meiofaunal annelids. Within the genus Ophryotrocha, significant and positive relationships were found between genome size and nucleus size, and between genome size, age at first egg mass deposition, body size and lifespan. These relationships held up in the broader phylogenetic comparison. Our study provides evidence for the important role played by genome size in the evolution of life-history traits in annelids. -- Keywords : C-value ; Flow cytometry ; Ophryotrocha ; Body size ; Developmental rate ; Lifespan

    Good News — Bad News: Combined Ocean Change Drivers Decrease Survival but Have No Negative Impact on Nutritional Value and Organoleptic Quality of the Northern Shrimp

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    Nutritional and organoleptic qualities (taste, smell, texture, appearance) are key characteristics of seafood when it comes to defining consumer choices. These qualities, which are determined by the biochemical properties of the seafood, can be altered by environmental conditions, such as those imposed by ongoing global ocean change. However, these effects have rarely been studied despite their potential important economic and dietary implications: many human communities depend upon seafood as a primary source of nutrition and/or income from the associated seafood industry. The Northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, makes the 3rd most valuable fishery in Eastern Canada, and figures among the most important fisheries in the North-Eastern Atlantic. This study aimed to determine the impact of combined ocean warming, acidification and hypoxia on (a) muscle mineral content as proxy for nutritional quality, and (b) the taste, smell, texture, and appearance as proxies for organoleptic quality of this commercially important species. These proxies were determined after an exposure of 30 days under laboratory conditions to different ocean global change scenarios of temperature (2, 6, and 10°C), pH (7.75 and 7.4) and oxygen (100 and 35% relative to air saturation), in isolation and in combination. Shrimp survival was significantly lower (68%) for shrimp exposed to warming and low pH, and even lower (37%) when hypoxia was superimposed, compared to an average survival of 88% for all other treatments. Mineral contents were globally higher in shrimp exposed to the highest temperature, while organoleptic attributes were comparable across all scenarios tested. Thus, while we do not expect nutritional value and organoleptic quality of shrimp, broadly speaking, to be altered by global changes even in areas where conditions will correspond to our warmest (10°C) and lowest pH (7.4) scenarios, the lower survival rate we report could negatively impact the viability of shrimp populations and consequently the shrimp industry. This may be particularly true for areas that are currently becoming or are expected to become hypoxic. -- Keywords : Ocean warming ; Ocean acidification ; Hypoxia ; Sensory quality ; Mortality ; Seafood

    Stage-Specific Changes in Physiological and Life-History Responses to Elevated Temperature and Pco2 during the Larval Development of the European Lobster Homarus gammarus (L.)

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    An organism’s physiological processes form the link between its life-history traits and the prevailing environmental conditions, especially in species with complex life cycles. Understanding how these processes respond to changing environmental conditions, thereby affecting organismal development, is critical if we are to predict the biological implications of current and future global climate change. However, much of our knowledge is derived from adults or single developmental stages. Consequently, we investigated the metabolic rate, organic content, carapace mineralization, growth, and survival across each larval stage of the European lobster Homarus gammarus, reared under current and predicted future ocean warming and acidification scenarios. Larvae exhibited stage-specific changes in the temperature sensitivity of their metabolic rate. Elevated Pco2 increased C∶N ratios and interacted with elevated temperature to affect carapace mineralization. These changes were linked to concomitant changes in survivorship and growth, from which it was concluded that bottlenecks were evident during H. gammarus larval development in stages I and IV, the transition phases between the embryonic and pelagic larval stages and between the larval and megalopa stages, respectively. We therefore suggest that natural changes in optimum temperature during ontogeny will be key to larvae survival in a future warmer ocean. The interactions of these natural changes with elevated temperature and Pco2 significantly alter physiological condition and body size of the last larval stage before the transition from a planktonic to a benthic life style. Thus, living and growing in warm, hypercapnic waters could compromise larval lobster growth, development, and recruitment. -- Keywords : Homarus gammarus ; ocean warming ; ocean acidification ; life history ; larval development ; seafood
