236 research outputs found

    Carbonate platform evolution and conodont stratigraphy during the middle Silurian Mulde Event, Gotland, Sweden

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    Evidence from sedimentology and conodont biostratigraphy is used to reinterpret the mid-Homerian (Late Wenlock) succession on Gotland, Sweden. A new conodont zonation includes from below: the Ozarkodina bohemica longa Zone (including five subzones), the Kockelella ortus absidata Zone and the Ctenognathodus murchisoni Zone (two taxa are named, Ozarkodina bohemica longa and Pseudooneotodus linguicornis). These new zones are integrated with facies in order to correlate strata and infer the major depositional environments and the controls on deposition during the mid-Homerian Mulde Event. Reef-associated and skeletal carbonate deposition predominated before and after the event, i.e. during the uppermost O. s. sagitta Zone and, again, in the C. murchisoni Zone. These periods are characterized by the expansion of reefs and shoal facies across marls in the topmost Slite Group on eastern Gotland and in the lower parts of the Klinteberg Formation on western Gotland, respectively. The intervening O. b. longa and K. o. absidata zones are initially characterized by rapid facies changes, including siliciclastic deposition, and later stabilisation of a carbonate depositional system. The composition of sediments and depositional rates are closely related to the creation and destruction of accommodation space and reflects a classical case of depositional bias of the carbonate and siliciclastic depositional systems. Based on coastline migration, stratal boundaries, and the stratigraphic position of major reef belts, several facies associations can be fitted into a sequence stratigraphic model for platform evolution. A highstand systems tract (HST) situation prevailed prior to, and during the early part of the event; the upper Slite Group including the lower Frjel Formation. This HST was characterized by prolific skeletal production and regional reef development except for during the latest stage when carbonate production declined at the onset of the Mulde Event. Platform growth was inhibited during a following regressive systems tract (RST) when regional siliciclastic deposition predominated; the Gannarve Member. The subsequent lowstand resulted in regional emersion and karstification, i.e. a complete termination of the platform. The post-extinction transgressive systems tract (TST) is exclusively composed of non-skeletal carbonates; the Bara Member of the Halla Formation. Re-occurrence of reefs and a prolific skeletal production marks platform recovery during a second HST; the remaining Halla and the lower Klinteberg formations. Integration of high-resolution biostratigraphy and sequence stratigraphy reveals that the major physical control on platform evolution was a 5th order eustatic sea-level change during an early part of the Mulde Event, and that the bulk of the strata accumulated when the platform aggraded and prograded during the highstand systems tracts. Thus, Silurian oceanic events and associated sea-level changes had profound impact on the neritic carbonate system. The Gotland-based middle and late Homerian sea-level curve shows two rapid regressions, both leading to truncation of highstand systems tracts. The first lowstand occurred at the very end of the C. lundgreni Chron, and the second at the end of the Co.? ludensis Chron. The intervening interval was characterized by stillstand or possibly slow transgression

    Haemophilus influenzae Sepsis and Placental Abruption in an Unvaccinated Immigrant

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    Background: Haemophilus influenzae infections have declined dramatically in the United States sinceimplementation of the conjugate vaccine. However, in countries where widespread immunization is notroutine, H influenzae remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. We report a case of apreviously unvaccinated immigrant with confirmed H influenzae sepsis and placental abruption leadingto spontaneous abortion.Objectives: To alert emergency medicine practitioners that H influenzae should be recognized as amaternal, fetal, and neonatal pathogen. Clinicians should consider this diagnosis in immigrants presentingwith uncertain vaccination history, as H influenzae can cause significant morbidity and mortality.Case Presentation: A 36-year-old female was referred to our emergency department (ED) with lowerabdominal pain with some vaginal spotting. The patient had an initial visit with normal laboratoryinvestigations and normal imaging results, with complete resolution of symptoms. The patient returned tothe ED with sudden onset of vaginal bleeding and abdominal pain. She presented at this time with sepsis,which progressed to septic shock, causing placental abruption and ultimately, spontaneous abortion. Thepatient was treated with pressors and antibiotics and was admitted to the medical intensive care unitwhere she received ampicillin, gentamycin, and clindamycin for suspected chorioamnionitis. The patient’sblood cultures came back positive after 1 day for H influenzae. The patient did well and was dischargedfrom the hospital 4 days later.Conclusion: Haemophilus influenzae should be recognized as a neonatal and maternal pathogen.Clinicians should consider this diagnosis in immigrants presenting with uncertain vaccination history,especially in pregnant females, as H influenzae can cause significant morbidity and mortality. [West JEmerg Med. 2012;13(1):133–135.

    Obituary Lennart Jeppsson 1940-2015

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    Osmium and lithium isotope evidence for weathering feedbacks linked to orbitally paced organic carbon burial and Silurian glaciations

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    The Ordovician (∼487 to 443 Ma) ended with the formation of extensive Southern Hemisphere ice sheets, known as the Hirnantian glaciation, and the second largest mass extinction in Earth History. It was followed by the Silurian (∼443 to 419 Ma), one of the most climatically unstable periods of the Phanerozoic as evidenced by several large scale (> 5‰) carbon isotope (δ13C) perturbations associated with further extinction events. Despite several decades of research, the cause of these environmental instabilities remains enigmatic. Here, we provide osmium (187Os/188Os) and lithium (δ7Li) isotope measurements of marine sedimentary rocks that cover four Silurian δ13C excursions. Osmium and Li isotope records resemble those previously recorded for the Hirnantian glaciation suggesting a similar causal mechanism. When combined with a new dynamic carbon-osmium-lithium biogeochemical model we suggest that astronomical forcing of the marine organic carbon cycle, as opposed to a decline in volcanic arc degassing or the rise of early land plants, resulted in drawdown of atmospheric CO2, triggering continental scale glaciation, intense global cooling and eustatic sea-level lows recognised in the geological record. Lower atmospheric pCO2 and temperatures during the Hirnantian and Silurian glaciations suppressed CO2 removal by silicate weathering, driving 187Os/188Os and δ7Li variability, supporting the existence of climate-regulating feedbacks

    Palaeobiology, ecology, and distribution of stromatoporoid faunas in biostromes of the mid-Ludlow of Gotland

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    Six well exposed mid−Ludlow stromatoporoid−dominated reef biostromes in four localities from the Hemse Group in southeastern Gotland, Sweden comprise a stromatoporoid assemblage dominated by four species; Clathrodictyon mohicanum, “Stromatopora” bekkeri, Plectostroma scaniense, and Lophiostroma schmidtii. All biostromes investigated in this area (of approximately 30 km2) are interpreted to belong to a single faunal assemblage forming a dense accumulation of fossils that is probably the best exposed stromatoporoid−rich deposit of the Silurian. The results from this comprehensive study strengthen earlier interpretations of a combination of genetic and environmental control on growth−forms of the stromatoporoids. Growth styles are similar for stromatoporoids in all six biostromes. Differences in biostrome fabric are due to variations in the degree of disturbance by storms. The uniformity of facies and the widespread low−diversity fauna support the view that palaeoenvironmental conditions were similar across the area where these biostromes crop out, and promoted the extraordinary growth of stromatoporoids in this shallow shelf area