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    The aim of this work was to study the hygienic and qualitative parameters of a traditional meat product from Calabria, named 'Nduja di Spilinga, characterised by an high amount in fat (50%) and chilli pepper (25%). In this regard, 30 products, weight 500g, were prepared with and without chilli pepper (respectively, p-series: 15 products and np-series:15 products) and analysed for the count of Enterobacteria (Ent), Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), Gram+Catalase+Cocci (GCC+) and Yeasts. Furthermore pH, aw and Free Fatty Acids (FFA), expressed as percentage of oleic acid on 100g of total fat (TF), were evaluated. Finally, in order to estimate the potential compliance with the Regulation (EC) 2073/05 and further modifications, a challenge test for Listeria monocytogenes was carried out. Obtained data show a high decrease, during the seasoning, of Enterobacteria and L. monocytogenes especially in samples of pseries, according to their lower pH values than np-series samples. With regard to the microflora of technological interest, Yeast were the only population which significantly increases during the seasoning of p-series products, presumably influencing the increase of FFA which reached the highest concentration (5.75% oleic acid/TF) at the same time in which Yeasts reached maximum population density (17th day)

    Primary epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma of the pituitary gland

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    Primary salivary gland-like tumors of the sella are rare and often challenging to diagnose. They reportedly derive from serous and mucinous glands that remain trapped in the infundibulum during embryogenesis. We report a 68-year-old man who presented with partial left third cranial nerve palsy, visual loss in the left eye without visual field defects, headache, weight loss and reduced muscle bulk. Neuroimaging studies demonstrated a solid and cystic, avidly enhancing lesion expanding the pituitary fossa and extending to the left cavernous sinus. The patient underwent craniotomy and the tissue removed showed features of epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma similar to the salivary gland, skin and breast counterpart. No primary tumor was found outside the sella. The lesion behaved aggressively despite radio-chemotherapy and the patient died 22 months from the onset. The tumor showed a novel TP53 in-frame deletion (Gly154del) while no variants were found in H-RAS hotspot regions (codons 12, 13 and 61). Our report expands the spectrum of salivary gland-like tumors primarily occurring in the sella and emphasizes the need for specialist review of rare, non-neuroendocrine tumors of the pituitary and sella regions

    Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Bound Phenolic Acids in Bran and Flour Fractions from Sorghum and Maize Cultivars Varying in Hardness

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    To release bound phenolic acids, a microwave-assisted extraction procedure was applied to bran and flour fractions obtained from eight sorghum and eight maize cultivars varying in hardness. The procedure was followed by HPLC analysis, and the identities of phenolic acids were confirmed by MS/MS spectra. The extraction of sorghum and maize bound phenolic acids was done for 90 s in 2 M NaOH to release ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid from bran and flour. Two diferulic acids, 8-O-4′- and 8-5′-benzofuran form, were identified and quantitated in sorghum bran, and only the former was found in maize bran. The contents of ferulic acid and diferulic acids in sorghum bran were 416−827 and 25−179 μg/g, respectively, compared to 2193−4779 and 271−819 μg/g in maize. Phenolic acid levels of sorghum were similar between hard and soft cultivars, whereas those of maize differed significantly (p < 0.05) except for ferulic acid in flour. Sorghum phenolic acids were not correlated with grain hardness as measured using a tangential abrasive decortication device. Maize ferulic acid (r = −0.601, p < 0.01), p-coumaric acid (r = −0.668, p < 0.01), and 8-O-4′-diferulic acid (r = −0.629, p < 0.01) were significantly correlated with hardness.The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant program and the Canada Foundation for Innovation (New Opportunities Fund and Leaders Opportunity Fund).http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jafcauhb2017Food Scienc