1,886 research outputs found
An Exact Solution to O(26) Sigma Model coupled to 2-D Gravity
By a mapping to the bosonic string theory, we present an exact solution to
the O(26) sigma model coupled to 2-D quantum gravity. In particular, we obtain
the exact gravitational dressing to the various matter operators classified by
the irreducible representations of O(26). We also derive the exact form of the
gravitationally modified beta function for the original coupling constant
. The relation between our exact solution and the asymptotic solution
given in ref[3] is discussed in various aspects.Comment: 10 pages, pupt-144
Melting of Polydisperse Hard Disks
The melting of a polydisperse hard disk system is investigated by Monte Carlo
simulations in the semigrand canonical ensemble. This is done in the context of
possible continuous melting by a dislocation unbinding mechanism, as an
extension of the 2D hard disk melting problem. We find that while there is
pronounced fractionation in polydispersity, the apparent density-polydispersity
gap does not increase in width, contrary to 3D polydisperse hard spheres. The
point where the Young's modulus is low enough for the dislocation unbinding to
occur moves with the apparent melting point, but stays within the density gap,
just like for the monodisperse hard disk system. Additionally, we find that
throughout the accessible polydispersity range, the bound dislocation-pair
concentration is high enough to affect the dislocation unbinding melting as
predicted by Kosterlitz, Thouless, Halperin, Nelson and Young.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
Internal thermal noise in the LIGO test masses : a direct approach
The internal thermal noise in LIGO's test masses is analyzed by a new
technique, a direct application of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem to
LIGO's readout observable, (longitudinal position of test-mass face,
weighted by laser beam's Gaussian profile). Previous analyses, which relied on
a normal-mode decomposition of the test-mass motion, were valid only if the
dissipation is uniformally distributed over the test-mass interior, and they
converged reliably to a final answer only when the beam size was a
non-negligible fraction of the test-mass cross section. This paper's direct
analysis, by contrast, can handle inhomogeneous dissipation and arbitrary beam
sizes. In the domain of validity of the previous analysis, the two methods give
the same answer for , the spectral density of thermal noise, to within
expected accuracy. The new analysis predicts that thermal noise due to
dissipation concentrated in the test mass's front face (e.g. due to mirror
coating) scales as , by contrast with homogeneous dissipation, which
scales as ( is the beam radius); so surface dissipation could
become significant for small beam sizes.Comment: 6 pages, RevTex, 1 figur
A crude model to study radio frequency induced density modification close to launchers
The interplay between radio frequency (RF) waves and the density is discussed by adopting the general framework of a 2-time-scale multi-fluid treatment, allowing to separate the dynamics on the RF time scale from that on the time scale on which macroscopic density and flows vary as a result of the presence of electromagnetic and/or electrostatic fields. The focus is on regions close to launchers where charge neutrality is incomplete and waves are commonly evanescent. The fast time scale dynamics influences the slow time scale behavior via quasilinear terms (the Ponderomotive force for the case of the equation of motion). Electrons and ions are treated on the same footing. Also, both fast and slow waves are retained in the wave description. Although this work is meant as a subtopic of a large study-the wave induced "convective cell" physics at hand is of a 2- or 3-dimensional nature while this paper limits itself to a single dimension-a few tentative examples are presented
Maximal work extraction from quantum systems
Thermodynamics teaches that if a system initially off-equilibrium is coupled
to work sources, the maximum work that it may yield is governed by its energy
and entropy. For finite systems this bound is usually not reachable. The
maximum extractable work compatible with quantum mechanics (``ergotropy'') is
derived and expressed in terms of the density matrix and the Hamiltonian. It is
related to the property of majorization: more major states can provide more
work. Scenarios of work extraction that contrast the thermodynamic intuition
are discussed, e.g. a state with larger entropy than another may produce more
work, while correlations may increase or reduce the ergotropy.Comment: 5 pages, 0 figures, revtex
Chemical Potential and the Nature of the Dark Energy: The case of phantom
The influence of a possible non zero chemical potential on the nature
of dark energy is investigated by assuming that the dark energy is a
relativistic perfect simple fluid obeying the equation of state (EoS),
(). The entropy condition, ,
implies that the possible values of are heavily dependent on the
magnitude, as well as on the sign of the chemical potential. For , the
-parameter must be greater than -1 (vacuum is forbidden) while for not only the vacuum but even a phantomlike behavior () is
allowed. In any case, the ratio between the chemical potential and temperature
remains constant, that is, . Assuming that the dark energy
constituents have either a bosonic or fermionic nature, the general form of the
spectrum is also proposed. For bosons is always negative and the extended
Wien's law allows only a dark component with which includes
vacuum and the phantomlike cases. The same happens in the fermionic branch for
are permmited only if . The thermodynamics and statistical arguments constrain the
EoS parameter to be , a result surprisingly close to the maximal
value required to accelerate a FRW type universe dominated by matter and dark
energy ().Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Efficiency at maximum power of low dissipation Carnot engines
We study the efficiency at maximum power, , of engines performing
finite-time Carnot cycles between a hot and a cold reservoir at temperatures
and , respectively. For engines reaching Carnot efficiency
in the reversible limit (long cycle time, zero dissipation),
we find in the limit of low dissipation that is bounded from above by
and from below by . These bounds are reached when
the ratio of the dissipation during the cold and hot isothermal phases tend
respectively to zero or infinity. For symmetric dissipation (ratio one) the
Curzon-Ahlborn efficiency is recovered.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
Demixing in a single-peak distributed polydisperse mixture of hard spheres
An analytic derivation of the spinodal of a polydisperse mixture is
presented. It holds for fluids whose excess free energy can be accurately
described by a function of a few moments of the size distribution. It is shown
that one such mixture of hard spheres in the Percus-Yevick approximation never
demixes, despite its size distribution. In the
Boublik-Mansoori-Carnahan-Starling-Leland approximation, though, it demixes for
a sufficiently wide log-normal size distribution. The importance of this result
is twofold: first, this distribution is unimodal, and yet it phase separates;
and second, log-normal size distributions appear in many experimental contexts.
The same phenomenon is shown to occur for the fluid of parallel hard cubes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, needs revtex, multicol, epsfig and amstex style
Holevo's bound from a general quantum fluctuation theorem
We give a novel derivation of Holevo's bound using an important result from
nonequilibrium statistical physics, the fluctuation theorem. To do so we
develop a general formalism of quantum fluctuation theorems for two-time
measurements, which explicitly accounts for the back action of quantum
measurements as well as possibly non-unitary time evolution. For a specific
choice of observables this fluctuation theorem yields a measurement-dependent
correction to the Holevo bound, leading to a tighter inequality. We conclude by
analyzing equality conditions for the improved bound.Comment: 5 page
Influence of rotational force fields on the determination of the work done on a driven Brownian particle
For a Brownian system the evolution of thermodynamic quantities is a
stochastic process. In particular, the work performed on a driven colloidal
particle held in an optical trap changes for each realization of the
experimental manipulation, even though the manipulation protocol remains
unchanged. Nevertheless, the work distribution is governed by established laws.
Here, we show how the measurement of the work distribution is influenced by the
presence of rotational, i.e. nonconservative, radiation forces. Experiments on
particles of different materials show that the rotational radiation forces, and
therefore their effect on the work distributions, increase with the particle
refractive index.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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