528 research outputs found

    The Solidarity Manifesto: A New Network for Future Change

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    Colonialism is a scheme of standpoint; colonizer versus colonized, West versus East, good versus bad. When put in the foreground, the value of what we see heavily relies on our perspective and knowledge. When learning to dissect, deconstruct, and decolonize spaces, we need to start utilizing decolonial thought as an historical tool rather than a true depiction of reality. Decolonizing spaces and recognizing Western colonization practices means challenging the normative structures in colonial history, thus breaking the cycle of oppression through building community and fostering solidarity. Drawing on theories exploring access to public spheres, representation, protection, permanence, cultural displacement and the creation of crosscultural ecosystems, this study gives special highlight to the (dis)connection between global policy processes and local initiatives through a decolonial feminist lens. Prescribing the need for decolonial discourses in helping bridge the gap between the literary and physical spaces that inform decision-making bodies today, this thesis places emphasis on Françoise Vergès’ A Decolonial Feminism and A Feminist Theory of Violence: A Decolonial Perspective to inform solidarity-centered approaches to future change in policy making. Through a decolonial case study analysis of the Italian occupation of Libya, the exclusive power of language, and observations of NGO work at the United Nations, and by proposing the Solidarity Model based on accountability and representation, the aim of this study is to deconstruct current systems and their discourses to explore future international networks based on human solidarit

    Cardiotoxicity in cancer patients: beyond the left ventricular ejection fraction.

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    Life-expectancy for patients with cancer is steadily improving, with an increasing rate of treatment related complications. Antineoplastic therapy employed in cancer treatment is frequently complicated by the development of cardiotoxicity. Cardiovascular complications can be different, ranging from heart failure, myocardial ischemia or infarction to hypertension, arrhythmias and thromboembolism. It is therefore mandatory to early recognize and treat cardiovascular side effects related to chemotherapy drugs. Echocardiography has been and it is still the cornerstone in the diagnosis and follow-up of cardiac dysfunction due to its availability, safety and versatility. The most used parameter to evaluate cardiac dysfunction in this context is the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and current European Society of Echocardiography and American Society of Echocardiography guidelines for the evaluation of adult patients during and after cancer therapy are based on LVEF. However this parameter has several limits and may mask cardiac dysfunction. Recently developed strain imaging may provide a more sensitive and early detection of altered left ventricular function. In the present study we evaluated 53 patients (age 53 ± 13 years, women 64%) on cancer drug therapies referred to the cardio-oncology clinic of the Royal Brompton Hospital in London. All patients had 2D echo-derived LVEF ≥55% and echo images suitable to speckle tracking analysis for global longitudinal (GLS), circumferential (GCS) and radial strain (GRS). Concomitant troponin I and BNP levels were measured and 43 (81%) patients underwent CMR imaging. The 2D strain data were compared to 25 healthy age matched controls using the student t test. Conventional echocardiographic parameters were substantially normal, including diastolic measurements All strain parameters were significantly lower in patients on cancer drug therapies compared to controls. In the cancer population (n=53) we found mean global peak systolic values of global longitudinal strain (GLS) global circumferential strain (GCS) and global radial strain (GRS) respectively of -19.8 ± 3.3%, -23.4 ± 4.8% and 29.7 ± 14%. In the 25 controls strain imaging values were respectively -22 ± 2% for GLS, -29.5 ± 5% for GCS and 42 ± 10% for GRS. CMR showed loss of torsion and/or fibrosis in 10(23%) patients with no correlation to strain values. BNP was elevated in 34(64%) patients with no differences in strain values compared to those with normal BNP values. Troponin I was elevated in only one patient. Intra-observer reproducibility carried out in a subgroup of 20 random selected cancer patients revealed good correlation for global longitudinal and circumferential strain (ICC 0.8; r=0.7) and moderate correlation for global radial strain (ICC 0.7; r=0.6) while inter-observer variability showed moderate correlation for all the three parameters (ICC 0.7; r=0.5). In our study cancer patients on current chemotherapy drugs with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF ≥ 55%) showed significantly lower GLS, GCS and GRS values when compared to our echo-lab normal reference values (p<.05). In our study, despite having a normal LVEF, patients on cancer drug therapies had evidence of sub-clinical myocardial dysfunction affecting all myocardial layers and in particular radial function. Strain can be therefore a sensitive tool to detect early chemotherapy related cardiotoxicity and to prevent morbidity and mortality through close follow-up and appropriate cardiac therapy. CMR findings and BNP levels may provide additional complementary information. The clinical relevance of these findings requires further study

    Ala. Dep\u27t of Revenue v. CSX Transp., Inc., 135 S. Ct. 1136 (2015)

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    Technological processes for CIGS based solar cells

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    The solar photovoltaics (PV) market has been booming since the late 1990’s with an impressive 40% average annual growth rate and rapid growth has continued even in the last four years despite the bottlenecks in silicon feedstock availability. , which have determined a slow down in the decline of PV module prices. As an economic alternative to silicon a great deal of attention has been devoted to Cu(InxGa1-x)Se2 (CIGS) thin film based solar cells, whose development lead to demonstrate in 2010 a record efficiency of 20.3% on a 0.5 cm2 laboratory cell. The activity discussed in this thesis was performed in the frame of PED4PV project (“Industria 2015” programme of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development) aiming at the low cost production of thin film CIGS-based solar cells on conventional glass substrates as well as on alternative substrates suitable for building integration (such as ceramic and cement tiles) by using the relatively new, highly efficient, but yet largely unexplored technology called “Pulsed electron deposition”. This thesis reports about the set up of the technological processes that complement PED growth of the multilayer structure in the fabrication of the solar cells and their characterization. In particular the optimization of the Mo back contact deposition by sputtering is detailed, and the activity devoted to support Marazzi S.p.a and CTG S.p.a. in the development of ceramic and cement substrates, respectively, is described. A relevant part of the work has been devoted to the characterization of the cells. Current-voltage, capacitance-voltage and infrared thermography measurements gave the PED group the feedbacks necessary to improve the multilayer structure properties up to achieve an efficiency of 15.5% on lab-scale solar cells completely prepared at IMEM by depositing CIGS from a stoichiometric quaternary target at low temperature (270 °C) and without any post-growth treatment

    Synthesis and characterization of multiferroic BiMn7_7O12_{12}

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    We report on the high pressure synthesis of BiMn7_7O12_{12}, a manganite displaying a "quadruple perovskite" structure. Structural characterization of single crystal samples shows a distorted and asymmetrical coordination around the Bi atom, due to presence of the 6s26s^{2} lone pair, resulting in non-centrosymmetric space group Im, leading to a permanent electrical dipole moment and ferroelectric properties. On the other hand, magnetic characterization reveals antiferromagnetic transitions, in agreement with the isostructural compounds, thus evidencing two intrinsic properties that make BiMn7_7O12_{12} a promising multiferroic material.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Multidimensional mobile mapping and integrated approach for the digitalisation of underground transport infrastructure

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    The tunnel industry has started focusing on the maintenance and management challenges of an existing infrastructure. It is an urgent matter in industrialised countries, where the stakeholders’ attention is increasing at a fast pace considering the incidents and the disruptions caused by improper monitoring and maintenance. This paper presents an innovative methodology to survey and inspect existing railway tunnels through multi-dimensional mobile mapping systems. The proposed approach belongs to the digital strategies for infrastructure maintenance. An integrated multidimensional survey system (ARCHITA) allows for collecting information necessary for the diagnostics of a structure with non-destructive tests. Linear cameras, thermographic cameras, and ground-penetrating radars acquire data to be digitalised and manipulated in different IT environments. The results, in terms of the collected data on structural defects, allow for a new approach for the Management and Identification of the Risk for Existing Tunnels (MIRET). The innovative approach aims at a smart integration of information and models for the Facility Management of the transport system. The workflow for the digitalisation and diagnosis from mobile mapping data has been implemented on two 40km-long metro tunnels

    Hipotaxe adverbial e suas funções textual-discursivas no gênero resposta argumentativa

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    We aim in this paper to analyze how adverbial hypotaxis can contribute to the construction of argumentativeness of genre argumentative response.  We selected as the object of analysis the textual productions of candidates for the entrance summer exam UEM/2011. Considering   the theoretical panorama,   the functionalism, the hypothesis to be explored in this paper corresponds to the investigation of textual-discursive functions of adverbial clauses that function as guide value, transitional bridge, frame, focus, topical function among other functions in conjunction causes that can contribute to the construction of argumentativeness genre of argumentative response. As a theoretical contribution, we combine studies of functionalist as Mann & Thompson (1988); Matthiessen & Thompson (1988), Theory of Rhetoric Text Structure. According to this theory, the rhetorical relations give coherence to the discourse, giving unity and allowing the producer to achieve its purposes with the text produced, that is, the theory is based on the principle that the text, in addition to the explicit propositions or explicit statements emerge implied propositions characterized as meaning that emerges between two portions of text. Added to this approach: the assumptions Decat (2009), Neves (1997, 2000) and postulations about genre according to the view of Bakhtin (2000).Propomos neste trabalho analisar como a hipotaxe adverbial pode contribuir para a construção da argumentatividade do gênero resposta argumentativa. Para isso, selecionamos como objeto de análise as produções textuais prototípicas dos candidatos ao vestibular de verão da UEM/2011.  Levando em consideração o panorama teórico do funcionalismo, a hipótese a ser explorada neste trabalho corresponde à investigação das funções textual-discursivas das orações adverbiais que funcionam como valor de guia, ponte de transição, moldura, foco, função tópica, dentre outras funções, na articulação de orações que podem contribuir para a construção da argumentatividade do gênero resposta argumentativa. Como aporte teórico, aliamos estudos de funcionalistas, como Mann & Thompson (1988); Matthiessen & Thompson (1988), à Teoria da Estrutura Retórica do Texto. De acordo com essa teoria, as relações retóricas dão coerência ao discurso, conferindo unidade e permitindo que o produtor atinja seus propósitos com o texto que produziu, ou seja, essa teoria fundamenta-se no principio de que, no texto, além das proposições explicitas, ou enunciados explícitos, emergem proposições implícitas, que se caracterizam como o significado que emerge entre duas porções de texto. Somam-se a esse enfoque os pressupostos de Decat (2009), de Neves (1997, 2000) e as postulações sobre gênero defendidas por Bakhtin (2000)

    Crenças e atitudes linguísticas de alunos dos cursos da disciplina de língua portuguesa no âmbito da educação a distância

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    Ao refletirmos sobre ‘as falas’ de alguns escritores da mídia impressa, televisiva e digital, ao pensarmos sobre as conversas referentes à língua, em qualquer esfera da vida social, sobretudo, no curso de Letras e em cursos que incluem em suas matrizes curriculares a língua portuguesa, observamos que há um conceito homogêneo sobre a língua: no caso dos falantes da língua,  há uma concepção de que a língua limita-se ao falar e escrever bem, isto é, há uma noção de que as manifestações de nossa língua são sinônimas da materialização do formalismo linguístico. No âmbito de alguns cursos de ensino superior, especificamente, o curso de Letras e áreas afins em EaD, há uma expectativa de se aprender, exclusivamente, a norma, isto é, os graduandos possuem uma crença de que durante o curso de Letras ou os cursos que têm a disciplina de Língua Portuguesa, aprenderão ‘a língua’ e não ‘sobre a língua. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho, assenta-se na tentativa de desconstruir o conceito de língua unívoca, a fim de evidenciar se a Sociolinguística Educacional pode funcionar, ou não, como uma ferramenta favorável à desconstrução da concepção de uma variedade tida como padrão, única, para que seja possível traçar pedagogias, livros, manuais e instruções sobre os estudos da língua aos alunos e professores de Letras e áreas afins no âmbito da EaD. Para tanto, este trabalho alia estudos Sociolinguísticos a estudos de natureza funcionalista

    Vinte anos de luta antimanicomial no Brasil -- arte e comunicação como estratégia de participação e transformação social no contexto da reforma psiquiátrica

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    Em 2007, ano em que se celebram vinte anos da luta antimanicomial no Brasil, poder-se-ia indagar após tanto debate e mobilização sociopolítica: O que se pode ou deve ser entendido por reforma psiquiátrica? O que mudou em relação à política e às práticas de atenção à saúde mental no país? O que há de novo? Que  alternativas e estratégias estão sendo construídas a fim de enfrentar o estigma e promover a participação e inclusão social dos sujeitos em sofrimento mental na sociedade? Como a arte e a comunicação se articulam a esse processo