565 research outputs found

    Probabilistic logic programming in 2P-KT

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    The work introduces an elastic and platform-agnostic approach to probabilistic logic programming aimed at linking this paradigm with modern mainstream programming platforms, thus widening its usability and portability (e.g. towards the JVM, Android, Python, and JavaScript platforms). We design our solution as an extension of the 2P-Kt symbolic AI ecosystem to inherit its multi-platform and multi-paradigm nature

    Modular Logic Argumentation in Arg-tuProlog

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    A modular extension of Arg-tuProlog, a light-weight argumentation tool, is here presented and discussed, highlighting how it enables reasoning with rules and interpretations of multiple legal systems. Its effectiveness is demonstrated with examples from different national private international law (PIL) laws, running in Arg-tuProlog. PIL addresses overlaps and conflicts between legal systems by distributing cases between the authorities of such systems (jurisdiction) and establishing what rules these authorities have to apply to each case (choice of law)

    Promoting Essential Laminations

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    We show that every co--orientable taut foliation F of an orientable, atoroidal 3-manifold admits a transverse essential lamination. If this transverse lamination is a foliation G, the pair F,G are the unstable and stable foliation respectively of an Anosov flow. Otherwise, F admits a pair of transverse very full genuine laminations. In the second case, M satisfies the weak geometrization conjecture - either its fundamental group contains Z+Z or it is word-hyperbolic. Moreover, if M is atoroidal, the mapping class group of M is finite, and any automorphism homotopic to the identity is isotopic to the identity.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figures; version 3: final version, incorporates referee's suggestion

    Tracking primary thermalization events in graphene with photoemission at extreme timescales

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    Direct and inverse Auger scattering are amongst the primary processes that mediate the thermalization of hot carriers in semiconductors. These two processes involve the annihilation or generation of an electron-hole pair by exchanging energy with a third carrier, which is either accelerated or decelerated. Inverse Auger scattering is generally suppressed, as the decelerated carriers must have excess energies higher than the band gap itself. In graphene, which is gapless, inverse Auger scattering is instead predicted to be dominant at the earliest time delays. Here, <8<8 femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet pulses are used to detect this imbalance, tracking both the number of excited electrons and their kinetic energy with time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Over a time window of approximately 25 fs after absorption of the pump pulse, we observe an increase in conduction band carrier density and a simultaneous decrease of the average carrier kinetic energy, revealing that relaxation is in fact dominated by inverse Auger scattering. Measurements of carrier scattering at extreme timescales by photoemission will serve as a guide to ultrafast control of electronic properties in solids for PetaHertz electronics.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient compliance checking of RDF data

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    Automated compliance checking, i.e. the task of automatically assessing whether states of affairs comply with normative systems, has recently received a lot of attention from the scientific community, also as a consequence of the increasing investments in Artificial Intelligence technologies for the legal domain (LegalTech). The authors of this paper deem as crucial the research and implementation of compliance checkers that can directly process data in RDF format, as nowadays more and more (big) data in this format are becoming available worldwide, across a multitude of different domains. Among the automated technologies that have been used in recent literature, to the best of our knowledge, only two of them have been evaluated with input states of affairs encoded in RDF format. This paper formalizes a selected use case in these two technologies and compares the implementations, also in terms of simulations with respect to shared synthetic datasets

    Even Galois Representations and the Fontaine--Mazur conjecture II

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    We prove, under mild hypotheses, that there are no irreducible two-dimensional_even_ Galois representations of \Gal(\Qbar/\Q) which are de Rham with distinct Hodge--Tate weights. This removes the "ordinary" hypothesis required in previous work of the author. We construct examples of irreducible two-dimensional residual representations that have no characteristic zero geometric (= de Rham) deformations.Comment: Updated to take into account suggestions of the referee; the main theorems remain unchange

    Acúmulo e Velocidade de Liberação de Potássio de Resíduos de Plantas Anuais de Inverno Sob Diferentes Preparos de Solo

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    A manutenção dos resíduos vegetais sobre o solo, o tipo de resíduo e sua velocidade de decomposição são de grande importância no estudo da ciclagem de nutrientes. Este estudo foi desenvolvido na área experimental do IAPAR - Pato Branco-PR, onde foram avaliados seis resíduos de coberturas de inverno: tremoço azul (Lupinus angustifolius L.), ervilhaca comum (Vicia sativa L.), aveia preta (Avena strigosa S.), nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus L.), centeio (Secale cereale L.) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.), sob Sistema Plantio Direto (SPD) e Sistema Cultivo Convencional (SCC) em um Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico. Foi avaliado: velocidade de liberação de potássio (K), matéria seca remanescente (MSR) em bolsas de decomposição, teor de carbono orgânico (Corg), potássio total (Kt) e nitrogênio total (Nt). O centeio foi a planta que apresentou a maior produção de matéria seca, o maior acúmulo de potássio ocorreu na ervilhaca sendo seu valor 2 e 2,4 vezes maior que no centeio e no trigo, respectivamente. A velocidade de liberação foi maior para todas as leguminosas em relação às gramíneas, sendo velocidade inicial rápida (entre 0 e 28 dias) e ao diminuindo longo do tempo

    Liberação de Fósforo de Resíduos de Plantas de Cobertura Cultivadas em Latossolo Vermelho Sob Sistema Plantio Direto por Longa Duração

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a liberação de P a partir da decomposição dos resíduos de plantas de cobertura. Em setembro de 2011, em um experimento instalado em 1986 sobre um Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico, no IAPAR, Pato Branco, PR, foram coletadas amostras da parte aérea das plantas de cobertura tremoço azul, ervilhaca comum, aveia branca, nabo forrageiro, centeio e trigo, manejadas sob SPD. Mediu-se a decomposição dos resíduos das plantas e a liberação de P por meio de bolsas de decomposição de poliéster, que foram coletadas aos 0,7,14,28,56 e 112 dias após o manejo das plantas. Avaliaram-se as taxas de decomposição e o tempo de meia vida da MSPA e do P. O delineamento estatístico utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com três repetições. Realizou-se a análise da variância e a comparação das médias por meio do teste SCOTT-KNOTT a 5% de probabilidade de erro. Verificou-se que a quantidade de P liberado dos resíduos das plantas não é dependente apenas da sua taxa de decomposição e do seu teor total de P. A ervilhaca comum e o centeio reciclaram a maior quantidade de P do solo, pois a primeira possui a maior capacidade de acumular P no tecido associado a um tecido com elevada taxa de decomposição, enquanto a segunda produziu elevada quantidade de MSPA. A liberação de P dos resíduos de plantas de cobertura deve ser levada em consideração para reduzir o uso de fertilizantes fosfatados nas culturas cultivadas em sequência

    On bi-invariant word metrics

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    We prove that bi-invariant word metrics are bounded on certain Chevalley groups. As an application we provide restrictions on Hamiltonian actions of such groups.Comment: 16 pages; few typos from printed version correcte