11,733 research outputs found


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    The Workmen\u27s Compensation Situation in Kentucky

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    The Molecular Sememe: A Model for Literary Interpretation

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    In this paper I propose to describe, in brief, a semiotic paradigm which results from the redefinition of the linguistic sign as a molecular sememe. Borrowing a tactic from Wittgenstein, I wish to use the game of chess as an analogy for the sake of describing what a molecular sememe is. Then I hope to use it further to sketch several implications of this semiotic paradigm for literary criticism and critical theory

    Development and Validation of an Experimental Test Rig for Electrohydrodynamic Enhancement of Forced Convective Heat Transfer

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    This report details the development of a facility for the experimental investigation of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) enhancement of forced convection heat transfer. The test facility was developed for the Thermal and Transparencies Laboratory (TATLAB), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), for use in future research into the applicability of EHD for the miniaturization of Air Force heat exchangers. During this research, a closed l6op, medium scale electrohydrodynamic test rig was developed and brought online. The test fluid loop was integrated with a data acquisition and parameter control system. Basic loop and fluid performance testing was accomplished through the use of a 3mm hydraulic diameter, square channel test section using Flourinert FC-72, a dielectric electronics coolant, as the working fluid. Due to the design of the test section, no heat transfer data was generated in this initial study. However, this study greatly expanded the experimental and practical understanding of the EHD phenomenon within AFRL, by providing a working knowledge of the basics of effective EHD test section design, contamination control procedures, and loop design and operation. Deficiencies in the design of the loop, data acquisition system, and test section were identified and recommendations for improvements in future work were delivered. The Air Force Research Laboratory is now poised to generate useful EHD heat transfer data with this test facility

    Forward Looking Radar: Interference Modelling, Characterization, and Suppression

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    This research characterizes forward looking radar performance while noting differences with traditionally examined sidelooking radar. The target detection problem for forward looking radar is extremely difficult due to the severe, heterogeneous and range dependent ground clutter. Consequently, forward looking radar detection represents an important but overlooked topic because of the increased difficulty compared to sidelooking radar. This void must be filled since most fighter aircraft use forward looking radar, making this topic intensely interesting to the Air Force. After characterizing forward looking radar performance, basic radar concepts along with advanced adaptive interference suppression techniques improve the output Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) and target detection rates using fixed false alarm for linear arrays. However, target detection probabilities and output SINR do not improve enough. Although the methods considered are adaptive in azimuth and Doppler, effective range ambiguous clutter mitigation requires elevation adaptivity, a feature not offered by linear arrays. The research continues by examining planar arrays. Elevation adaptivity combined with azimuth and Doppler adaptivity allows suppressing range ambiguous clutter and significantly increasing output SINR, detection probability, and maximum detection range. Specifically, three-dimensional Space-Time Adaptive Processing (3D STAP) techniques with adaptivity in elevation, azimuth, and Doppler achieve detection probability improvements of over 10 dB in required input SINR compared to two-dimensional (2D) STAP processing. Additionally, 3D STAP improves detection probability versus input SINR curves over 30 dB when compared to 2D conventional processing techniques. As a result, forward looking radars using 3D STAP have the capacity to detect targets that conventi

    Gauge Field Preheating at the End of Inflation

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    Here we consider the possibility of preheating the Universe via the parametric amplification of a massless, U(1) abelian gauge field. We assume that the gauge field is coupled to the inflaton via a conformal factor with one free parameter. We present the results of high-resolution three-dimensional simulations of this model and show this mechanism efficiently preheats the Universe to a radiation-dominated final state.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Plant canopy shape and the influences on UV exposures to the canopy

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    The solar spectra at selected sites over hemispherical, conical and pinnacle plant canopy models has been evaluated with a dosimetric technique. The irradiance at the sites varies by up to a factor of 0.31 compared to the irradiance on a horizontal plane. The biologically effective (UVBE) exposures evaluated with the dosimetric technique at sites over the plant canopy are up to 19% of that on a horizontal plane. Compared to a spectroradiometer, the technique provides a more practicable method of measuring the UVBE exposures at multiple sites over a plant canopy. Usage of a dosimeter at one site to provide the exposures at that site for different sun angles introduces an error of more than 50%. Knowledge of the spectra allowed the UV and UVBE exposures to be calculated at each site along with the exposures to the entire canopies. These were dependent on the sun angle and the canopy shape. For plant damage, the UVBE was a maximum of about 1.4 mJ cm-2/min. Compared to the hemispherical canopy, the UVBE exposure for generalised plant damage was 45% less for the pinnacle canopy and 23% less for the conical canopy. The canopy exposures could not be determined from measurements of the ambient exposure

    The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: WFPC2 Observations of Andromeda I

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    Images have been obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 camera of Andromeda I, a dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy that lies in the outer halo of M31. The resulting color-magnitude diagrams reveal for the first time the morphology of the horizontal branch in this system. We find that, in a similar fashion to many of the galactic dSph companions, the horizontal branch (HB) of And~I is predominantly red. Combined with the metal abundance of this dSph, this red HB morphology indicates that And I can be classified as a ``second parameter'' system in the outer halo of M31. This result then supports the hypothesis that the outer halo of M31 formed in the same extended chaotic manner as is postulated for the outer halo of the Galaxy.Comment: 26 pages using aas2pp4.sty, including 2 tables and 7 figures, to be published in AJ. Figure 1 is in gif form. To include in main ps file, use xv to create a ps file called Da_Costa.fig1.ps and uncomment appropriate lines in .tex fil
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