444 research outputs found

    Modern Logic and Judicial Decision Making: A Sketch of One View

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    Two hundred years elapsed before the nineteenth century logicians Boole, De Morgan, and others, finally succeeded in formally developing the calculus of reason-ing first suggested by the German mathematician, Leibniz. It is, perhaps, to the credit of the legal profession that less than one century has subsequently elapsed, and already some lawyers and legal writers, along with other scholars, are beginning to explore the relationship between modern logic and law. What is attempted here is to outline the bare bones of one tentative way of looking at the relationship between modern logic and the judicial decision process. From the useful vantage point of a Lasswellian social process framework of analysis, logic and judicial decision making are considered contextually within that total mani-fold of events that we call the world. Thus viewed, the judicial decision making process is just one constituent of the complex unfolding of events through time. We attempt to represent some of the complexities involved in each of these processes and the relationships between them by means of a series of diagrams. By suggesting that we begin with the world as our context, we make no claim to describing it in complete detail. To the contrary, the sketch presented here-we would emphasize the word sketch and the word tentative -is rough, incomplete, and subject to considerable improvement. But one of our purposes will be served if the outline points the way toward cumulative efforts to achieve a comprehensive description of the judicial decision process. In addition to this broad look at logic, judicial decision making, and the world, a more modest aim is to describe, in some detail and with reasonable clarity, one aspect of the relation between logic and judicial decision making

    Feminist Christian bioethics : the theology of Rosemary Ruether in bioethical conversation

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    The purpose of this project is to explore feminist Christian bioethics. There has been, in recent decades, a notable decrease in a theological voice in bioethical conversation. Noting that many patients, as well as health care professionals, are people of faith, and acknowledging that faith matters in ethical decision-making, the absence of attention to this important dimension of the moral lives of persons is an injustice. While there is a body of Christian bioethical literature, much of it is centered in one particular theological perspective. I have examined the theology of a feminist Christian, Rosemary Ruether and extrapolated from her work a basis for a feminist Christian bioethic. Ruther\u27s work is an interpretation of scripture and a broadly-inclusive tradition, seen through the lens of feminist theoryShe centers her work in what she calls the prophetic-liberating tradition of biblical faith, which seeks the realization of the full humanity of women. I have formulated a feminist Christian bioethic, based in Ruether, and examined two bioethical issues. I have explored surrogate motherhood and physician-assisted suicide, comparing the traditional Christian position, the feminist philosophical position, and the feminist Christian position. I have shown that the feminist Christian position does indeed differ in significant ways from the other views, while also having certain dimensions in common. Feminist Christian bioethics may well offer access for a Christian voice to rejoin the larger bioethical conversation, as well as an alternative Christian perspective for some believers

    The Intersections of Medicine and Law: Bases for Future Collaboration

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    “The Place of Dance in Human Life” : Perspectives on the Fieldwork and Dance Notation of Gertrude P. Kurath

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    This article provides a brief biographical sketch of Gertrude P. Kurath and introduces her as a central figure in twentieth century dance scholarship. Her role in the emergence of the field of dance studies in the academia is examined and her promotion of the connection between dance studies and anthropology and ethnomusicology is stressed. This article examines in detail two specific features of her scholarship: her forward-looking fieldwork and her innovation and use of movement notation. Both her fieldwork and her use of notation are contextualized within her extensive research on Native American dance.Cet article offre une brève esquisse biographique de Gertrude Kurath en la présentant comme une figure centrale du vingtième siècle parmi les spécialistes de la danse. Nous insisterons sur son rôle dans l’émergence des travaux universitaires portant sur la danse et sa mise en valeur de la relation entre les études sur la danse, l’anthropologie et l’ethnomusicologie. Cet article examine en détail deux traits spécifiques de son apport : ses recherches de terrain visionnaires ainsi que le caractère novateur de la notation du mouvement. Ses recherches de terrain ainsi que le recours à la notation sont mises en contexte au travers des recherches considérables qu’elle a menées sur la danse amérindienne

    The Intersections of Medicine and Law: Bases for Future Collaboration

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    Alien Registration- Anderson, Mary (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Book Reviews

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