10,862 research outputs found

    The Limits of Quintessence

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    We present evidence that the simplest particle-physics scalar-field models of dynamical dark energy can be separated into distinct behaviors based on the acceleration or deceleration of the field as it evolves down its potential towards a zero minimum. We show that these models occupy narrow regions in the phase-plane of w and w', the dark energy equation-of-state and its time-derivative in units of the Hubble time. Restricting an energy scale of the dark energy microphysics limits how closely a scalar field can resemble a cosmological constant. These results, indicating a desired measurement resolution of order \sigma(w')\approx (1+w), define firm targets for observational tests of the physics of dark energy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Plasma Wakefield Acceleration with a Modulated Proton Bunch

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    The plasma wakefield amplitudes which could be achieved via the modulation of a long proton bunch are investigated. We find that in the limit of long bunches compared to the plasma wavelength, the strength of the accelerating fields is directly proportional to the number of particles in the drive bunch and inversely proportional to the square of the transverse bunch size. The scaling laws were tested and verified in detailed simulations using parameters of existing proton accelerators, and large electric fields were achieved, reaching 1 GV/m for LHC bunches. Energy gains for test electrons beyond 6 TeV were found in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    An inversion in the atmosphere of Titan

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    A very detailed greenhouse model derives a methane to hydrogen ratio of unity and a minimum surface pressure of 0.4 atm. Based on a surface gravity g = 140 cm sec/2, the minimum CH4 abundance is 30-40 km-A and the minimum H2 abundance varies from 15 to 85 km-A. A model of the atmosphere of Titan is proposed which seems to be consistent with observations and requires a much smaller CH4 abundance (of the order or 2 km-atm). Although no H2 is required, the presence of some H2 is readily accommodated. In this model, a temperature inversion exists in the atmosphere due to absorption of blue and ultraviolet solar radiation by small particles. The absorbed radiation is re-radiated by the dust and by molecules having long wavelength bands such as CH4 7.7 micrometer and ethane at 12.2 micrometer. The brightness temperature at 20 micrometer is primarily due to re-radiation by the dust

    Fermion masses in noncommutative geometry

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    Recent indications of neutrino oscillations raise the question of the possibility of incorporating massive neutrinos in the formulation of the Standard Model (SM) within noncommutative geometry (NCG). We find that the NCG requirement of Poincare duality constrains the numbers of massless quarks and neutrinos to be unequal unless new fermions are introduced. Possible scenarios in which this constraint is satisfied are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX; typos are corrected in (19), "Possible Solutions" and "Conclusion" are modified; additional calculational details are included; references are update

    Shortcuts in the fifth dimension

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    If our Universe is a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional anti-deSitter spacetime, in which matter is confined to the brane and gravity inhabits an infinite bulk space, then the causal propagation of luminous and gravitational signals is in general different. A gravitational signal traveling between two points on the brane can take a ``shortcut'' through the bulk, and appear quicker than a photon traveling between the same two points along a geodesic on the brane. Similarly, in a given time interval, a gravitational signal can propagate farther than a luminous signal. We quantify this effect, and analyze the impact of these shortcuts through the fifth dimension on cosmology

    Gear mesh compliance modeling

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    A computer model has been constructed to simulate the compliance and load sharing in a spur gear mesh. The model adds the effect of rim deflections to previously developed state-of-the-art gear tooth deflection models. The effects of deflections on mesh compliance and load sharing are examined. The model can treat gear meshes composed to two external gears or an external gear driving an internal gear. The model includes deflection contributions from the bending and shear in the teeth, the Hertzian contact deformations, and primary and secondary rotations of the gear rims. The model shows that rimmed gears increase mesh compliance and, in some cases, improve load sharing

    High resolution, low temperature photoabsorption cross-section of C2H2 with application to Saturn's atmosphere

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    New laboratory observations of the VUV absorption cross-section of C2H2, obtained under physical conditions approximating stratospheres of the giant planets, were combined with IUE observations of the albedo of Saturn, for which improved data reduction techniques have been used, to produce new models for that atmosphere. When the effects of C2H2 absorption are accounted for, additional absorption by other molecules is required. The best-fitting model also includes absorption by PH3, H2O, C2H6 and CH4. A small residual disagreement near 1600 A suggests that an additional trace species may be required to complete the model

    Study of guidance techniques for aerial application of agricultural compounds

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    Candidate systems were identified for evaluation of suitability in meeting specified accuracy requirements for a swath guidance system in an agriculture aircraft. Further examination reduced the list of potential candidates to a single category, i.e., transponder type systems, for detailed evaluation. Within this category three systems were found which met the basic accuracy requirements of the work statement. The Flying Flagman, the Electronic Flagging and the Raydist Director System. In addition to evaluating the systems against the specified requirements, each system was compared with the other two systems on a relative basis. The conclusions supported by the analyses show the Flying Flagman system to be the most suitable system currently available to meet the requirements