48 research outputs found

    Optical Systems Identification through Rayleigh Backscattering

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    : We introduce a technique to generate and read the digital signature of the networks, channels, and optical devices that possess the fiber-optic pigtails to enhance physical layer security (PLS). Attributing a signature to the networks or devices eases the identification and authentication of networks and systems thus reducing their vulnerability to physical and digital attacks. The signatures are generated using an optical physical unclonable function (OPUF). Considering that OPUFs are established as the most potent anti-counterfeiting tool, the created signatures are robust against malicious attacks such as tampering and cyber attacks. We investigate Rayleigh backscattering signal (RBS) as a strong OPUF to generate reliable signatures. Contrary to other OPUFs that must be fabricated, the RBS-based OPUF is an inherent feature of fibers and can be easily obtained using optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR). We evaluate the security of the generated signatures in terms of their robustness against prediction and cloning. We demonstrate the robustness of signatures against digital and physical attacks confirming the unpredictability and unclonability features of the generated signatures. We explore signature cyber security by considering the random structure of the produced signatures. To demonstrate signature reproducibility through repeated measurements, we simulate the signature of a system by adding a random Gaussian white noise to the signal. This model is proposed to address services including security, authentication, identification, and monitoring

    PCR-RFLP approaches to easily identify Pleuronectes platessa from other flatfishes: a rapid and efficient tool to control label information

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    Submitted by Patrícia Correia ([email protected]) on 2017-11-21T09:48:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Caldelli et al. - 2014 - PCR- RFLP approaches to easily identify Pleuronect.pdf: 566430 bytes, checksum: b24dccaef6a451b030a229b797e2e7c0 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Patrícia Correia([email protected]) on 2017-11-21T09:48:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Caldelli et al. - 2014 - PCR- RFLP approaches to easily identify Pleuronect.pdf: 566430 bytes, checksum: b24dccaef6a451b030a229b797e2e7c0 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-21T09:48:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caldelli et al. - 2014 - PCR- RFLP approaches to easily identify Pleuronect.pdf: 566430 bytes, checksum: b24dccaef6a451b030a229b797e2e7c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 201

    A novel semi-fragile forensic watermarking scheme for remote sensing images

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    Peer-reviewedA semi-fragile watermarking scheme for multiple band images is presented. We propose to embed a mark into remote sensing images applying a tree structured vector quantization approach to the pixel signatures, instead of processing each band separately. The signature of themmultispectral or hyperspectral image is used to embed the mark in it order to detect any significant modification of the original image. The image is segmented into threedimensional blocks and a tree structured vector quantizer is built for each block. These trees are manipulated using an iterative algorithm until the resulting block satisfies a required criterion which establishes the embedded mark. The method is shown to be able to preserve the mark under lossy compression (above a given threshold) but, at the same time, it detects possibly forged blocks and their position in the whole image.Se presenta un esquema de marcas de agua semi-frágiles para múltiples imágenes de banda. Proponemos incorporar una marca en imágenes de detección remota, aplicando un enfoque de cuantización del vector de árbol estructurado con las definiciones de píxel, en lugar de procesar cada banda por separado. La firma de la imagen hiperespectral se utiliza para insertar la marca en el mismo orden para detectar cualquier modificación significativa de la imagen original. La imagen es segmentada en bloques tridimensionales y un cuantificador de vector de estructura de árbol se construye para cada bloque. Estos árboles son manipulados utilizando un algoritmo iteractivo hasta que el bloque resultante satisface un criterio necesario que establece la marca incrustada. El método se muestra para poder preservar la marca bajo compresión con pérdida (por encima de un umbral establecido) pero, al mismo tiempo, detecta posiblemente bloques forjados y su posición en la imagen entera.Es presenta un esquema de marques d'aigua semi-fràgils per a múltiples imatges de banda. Proposem incorporar una marca en imatges de detecció remota, aplicant un enfocament de quantització del vector d'arbre estructurat amb les definicions de píxel, en lloc de processar cada banda per separat. La signatura de la imatge hiperespectral s'utilitza per inserir la marca en el mateix ordre per detectar qualsevol modificació significativa de la imatge original. La imatge és segmentada en blocs tridimensionals i un quantificador de vector d'estructura d'arbre es construeix per a cada bloc. Aquests arbres són manipulats utilitzant un algoritme iteractiu fins que el bloc resultant satisfà un criteri necessari que estableix la marca incrustada. El mètode es mostra per poder preservar la marca sota compressió amb pèrdua (per sobre d'un llindar establert) però, al mateix temps, detecta possiblement blocs forjats i la seva posició en la imatge sencera

    Forgery detection from printed images: a tool in crime scene analysis

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    .The preliminary analysis of the genuineness of a photo is become, in the time, the first step of any forensic examination that involves images, in case there is not a certainty of its intrinsic authenticity. Digital cameras have largely replaced film based devices, till some years ago, in some areas (countries) just images made from film negatives where considered fully reliable in Court. There was a widespread prejudicial thought regarding a digital image which, according to some people, it cannot ever been considered a legal proof, since its “inconsistent digital nature”. Great efforts have been made by the forensic science community on this field and now, after all this year, different approaches have been unveiled to discover and declare possible malicious frauds, thus to establish whereas an image is authentic or not or, at least, to assess a certain degree of probability of its “pureness”. Nowadays it’s an easy practice to manipulate digital images by using powerful photo editing tools. In order to alter the original meaning of the image, copy-move forgery is the one of the most common ways of manipulating the contents. With this technique a portion of the image is copied and pasted once or more times elsewhere into the same image to hide something or change the real meaning of it. Whenever a digital image (or a printed image) will be presented as an evidence into a Court, it should be followed the criteria to analyze the document with a forensic approach to determine if it contains traces of manipulation. Image forensics literature offers several examples of detectors for such manipulation and, among them, the most recent and effective ones are those based on Zernike moments and those based on Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). In particular, the capability of SIFT to discover correspondences among similar visual contents allows the forensic analysis to detect even very accurate and realistic copy-move forgeries. In some situation, however, instead of a digital document only its analog version may be available. It is interesting to ask whether it is possible to identify tampering from a printed picture rather than its digital counterpart. Scanned documents or recaptured printed documents by a digital camera are widely used in a number of different scenarios, from medical imaging, law enforcement to banking and daily consumer use. So, in this paper, the problem of identifying copy-move forgery from a printed picture is investigated. The copy-move manipulation is detected by proving the presence of copy-move patches in the scanned image by using the tool, named CADET (Cloned Area DETector), based on our previous methodology which has been adapted in a version tailored for printed image case (e.g. choice of the minimum number of matched keypoints, size of the input image, etc.) In this paper a real case of murder is presented, where an image of a crime scene, submitted as a printed documentary evidence, had been modified by the defense advisors to reject the theory of accusation given by the Prosecutor. The goal of this paper is to experimentally investigate the requirement set under which reliable copy-move forgery detection is possible on printed images, in that way the forgery test is the very first step of an appropriate operational check list manual

    La falsificazione epigrafica. Questioni di metodo e casi di studio

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    This paper aims to reconsider the manuscript by Jacopo Valvasone (1499-1570), formerly owned by the Earl of Leicester (now British Library, Additional MS 49369), which Theodor Mommsen borrowed and inspected in 1876, just before the publication of the second part of CIL V. In the letter that he wrote to thank the Vicar and Librarian of Halkham Hall, Mommsen declared that Valvasone joined \u201cthe the long list of forgers\u201d. The analysis of forgeries in Valvasone\u2019s manuscript could show whether Mommsen was right in his opinion

    Iura sepulcrorum in context: il caso dell'Isola Sacra

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    Sebbene esista una bibliografia ricca e aggiornata sul diritto delle tombe, solo raramente si è cercato di mettere il relazione le iscrizioni contenenti iura sepulcrorum con il contesto di appartenenza. Riprendendo il contributo di Sergio Lazzarini, Sepulcra familiaria: un'indagine epigrafico-giuridica, Milano, 1991, ma estendendo il campione, è questo l'obiettivo della mia ricerca. Ancora una volta come caso di studio viene presa la necropoli dell'Isola Sacra, la quale, per le sue particolari condizioni di conservazione e per l'abbondanza dei documenti relativi ai iura sepulcrorum che ha restituito, permette di contestualizzare le informazioni veicolate attraverso le epigrafi in materia di assetto della proprietà, vicende edilizie del sepolcro, significato della indicazione delle misure, diritto di ammissione e diritto di accesso al sepolcro.Although there is a rich and up-to-date bibliography on the law of tombs, it has only rarely been attempted to relate the inscriptions containing iura sepulcrorum with the context of belonging. Starting from the contribution of Sergio Lazzarini, Sepulcra familiaria: un'indagine epigrafico-giuridica, Milano, 1991, but extending the sample, this is the goal of my research. Once again, as a case study, the necropolis of the Isola Sacra is taken, which, due to its particular conditions of conservation and the abundance of the documents relating to the iura sepulcrorum that it it has passed on, allows to contextualize the information conveyed through the epigraphs concerning the condition of the property, building history of the tomb, meaning of the indication of the measures, right of admission and right of access to the tomb


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    Among 48 sacred dedications to Mater Magna from Rome we distinguish 23 altars erected in connection with the taurobolium/criobolium. Most of them were found in the Vatican area, where the Cataloghi Regionari locate the Phrygianum. All have an inscription in Latin except four which, in addition to being metrical, are in Greek or Greek/Latin. They were republished by L. Moretti in IGUR, I 126-129 but they deserve now specific treatment, as a separate group, not attempted to date. We will try to show how Greek was used not only as a language of ‘mysteries’ but above all to claim a family identity within an aristocratic group, the gens C(a)eionia of the Fourth century, to build and communicate an elite culture in an age of transition

    Ostia, l’Italia e il Mediterraneo. Intorno all'opera di Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni

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    Dedicato alla memoria di Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni, scomparsa il 29 marzo 2017, il volume raccoglie 22 contributi di amici e colleghi presentati al Quinto seminario Ostiense (Roma – Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica, 21 e 22 marzo 2018). Dopo un’introduzione che mette in risalto il ruolo degli studi su Ostia nell’opera scientifica della studiosa, il volume contiene una prima serie di saggi dedicati alla storia istituzionale, sociale o religiosa della città porto di Roma e che si avvalgono di dati nuovi o rivisti di natura epigrafica o archeologica. Sulla linea del percorso intellettuale e delle ricerche di Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni, e talvolta riallacciandosi esplicitamente ai suoi studi, la seconda parte del libro tratta più specificamente il tema delle élites dell’Italia romana, ma allargandosi alla storia del Mediterraneo romano con l’esempio dei riti funebri della colonia di Filippi. Tutti i contributi vogliono offrire un riflesso sfaccettato e nello stesso tempo, anche se non completo, almeno fedele dell’iniziativa dei Seminari Ostiensi da lei sempre sostenuta con particolare impegno, e delle ricerche che ha ispirato nella sua lunga carriera

    Recensione a Silvia Braito, L’imprenditoria al femminile nell’Italia romana: le produttrici di opus doliare, Scienze e Lettere, Roma 2020, 450 pp.; [ISBN 9788866871729]

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    Storia sociale e storia economica si incontrano nel bel libro di Silvia Braito che ha come protagoniste le donne imprenditrici dell’Italia romana