160 research outputs found

    Validation of the Brief RCOPE in Portuguese family caregivers of adults with health conditions

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    Background: Coping is a multifactorial and individual process related to responding to stressful situations, such as being a caregiver of a relative with health conditions. Spiritual/religious coping is an important internal resource used by individuals enduring stressful situations. The 14-item Brief RCOPE is a widely used instrument but not available in European Portuguese. Objective: To translate, adapt and validate the 14-item Brief RCOPE in Portuguese caregivers of an adult relative with a health condition. Method: The methodological guideline provided by Sousa and Rojjanasrirat was used to examine the psychometric properties of the Brief RCOPE. Results: The linguistic and conceptual equivalence of the scale was determined. The internal consistency was acceptable (Cronbach’s α = 0.86). The Principal Axis Factor (PAF) analysis with varimax rotation identified two factors made up of 13 items, and one item was excluded from the scale. Conclusion: The European Portuguese version of the Brief RCOPE is a reliable and valid measure for assessing religious coping of family caregivers of adults with health conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of the Portuguese version of the Fertility Adjustment Scale

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    There is an urgent need to provide healthcare professionals and midwives with validated tools as to improve fertility adjustment and promote well-being of couples with infertility. The purpose of this study was to test validity of the Fertility Adjustment Scale among people undergoing assisted reproductive techniques. A cross-sectional and methodological study was conducted, and a total of 104 Portuguese adults undergoing fertility treatment were recruited through fertility-related websites. The Fertility Adjustment Scale was administered along with the Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire and the Resilience Scale for adults as a measure of concurrent validity. Scores revealed the sample’s lack of adjustment to fertility. A significant correlation with measures of resilience provided evidence of convergent validity. There was a significant association of fertility adjustment with time of consultation and the cause of infertility. A Fertility Adjustment Scale with six items is a reliable tool that offers early recognition of patients’ difficulties in adaptation to fertility problems during assisted reproductive techniques, which could be beneficial in not only an early recognition of healthcare intervention but of a more individualized approach to such patients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A qualitative study about palliative care patients’ experiences of comfort: implications for nursing diagnosis and interventions

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    Background and objective:Comfort is a complex experience, particularly important to palliative care patients. Although it is listed in nursing classifications and taxonomies there is a gap between theory and practice. Thus, little research has been done about patient’s perceptions and experiences in this context of care. This paper aims to analyze palliative care patients’ experiences about comfort.Methods:Qualitative study with fifteen participants, using in-depth, semi-structured, face-to-face interviews, tape-recorded,transcribed verbatim and analyzed using interpretative content analysis.Results:Five main themes have been identified. Holistic comfort may be a difficult outcome for many end-of-life patients but the context of provision of care, the presence of family, the way information is managed, the search for meaning in life, and the need to keep life under control were perceived as important determinants for comfort.Conclusions:This study provides a general overview about comfort experiences and the main discomforts of hospitalized patients who are suffering from chronic and incurable diseases. Findings highlight comfort as a complex intervention within multidisciplinary palliative care team and this is supporting the nursing diagnosis “Impaired Comfort” as a syndrome. The study adds a contribution to the accuracy and completeness of nursing classifications and nursing practice in palliative care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A commentary on spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality in nursing management

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    Aim: Bring to discussion how spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality, on a health care system that faces constant challenges and seeks constant adaptations, as a way to guarantee nurses’ well-being and quality of care Background: The work environment has shown to have impact on staff well-being. Workplace spirituality relates to sense of belonging, motivation and commitment. A spiritual leadership is fundamental to develop workplace spirituality. Evaluation: Starting from literature, a reflection on the theme was carried out based on the results of the development of spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality in health care institutions, in professionals and in patients. Key issues: Nurses have spiritual needs which need to be also addressed in order to promote the sense of identification with the institutions vision and goals. A relation between spiritual leadership, workplace spirituality and subjective well-being is often found in literature, and this is critical evidence towards new management and leadership dynamics and models in health care institutions, that should integrate workplace spirituality. Conclusion: Nursing leaders are responsible for workplace spirituality facilitation. Nursing leadership and workplace spirituality seem both an answer and way to the change of health institutions management paradigm, but more studies are needed to inform this change in practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Review and characterization of Portuguese theses, dissertations, and papers about spirituality in health

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    Research about spirituality has grown widely in the past decades and the interest in health care is also evident in Portugal. This literature review aims to identify and to characterize Portuguese theses, dissertations, and papers about spirituality in health, and to provide a systematic overview of the knowledge concerning this subject. The search was conducted in February 2017 and updated in January 2018. Four independent reviewers screened and analyzed all citations, and a total of 76 results were included. Publications started in 2002 and include master degree dissertations (n = 37), scientific papers (n = 31), and PhD theses (n = 8). Papers were published in 24 national and international journals. Most papers were psychology- and nursing-related and had a quantitative design (n = 55). Samples were mostly composed of patients living with a chronic disease (n = 20) or elderly (n = 11). The Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire (SWBQ) was the most used tool. A multidisciplinary approach is regarded as foundational in implementing spirituality in the provision of health care and the results underline the interest on this topic from other disciplines rather than nursing. Further studies must provide a deeper understanding of spirituality in children, adolescents or families’ perspective bringing new insights to advanced health practice.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio