3 research outputs found

    Oxidative stress involving changes in Nrf2 and ER stress in early stages of Alzheimer's disease

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    AbstractOxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress have been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression. In this study we analyzed whether oxidative stress involving changes in Nrf2 and ER stress may constitute early events in AD pathogenesis by using human peripheral blood cells and an AD transgenic mouse model at different disease stages. Increased oxidative stress and increased phosphorylated Nrf2 (p(Ser40)Nrf2) were observed in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Moreover, we observed impaired ER Ca2+ homeostasis and increased ER stress markers in PBMCs from MCI individuals and mild AD patients. Evidence of early oxidative stress defense mechanisms in AD was substantiated by increased p(Ser40)Nrf2 in 3month-old 3xTg-AD male mice PBMCs, and also with increased nuclear Nrf2 levels in brain cortex. However, SOD1 protein levels were decreased in human MCI PBMCs and in 3xTg-AD mice brain cortex; the latter further correlated with reduced SOD1 mRNA levels. Increased ER stress was also detected in the brain cortex of young female and old male 3xTg-AD mice. We demonstrate oxidative stress and early Nrf2 activation in AD human and mouse models, which fails to regulate some of its targets, leading to repressed expression of antioxidant defenses (e.g., SOD-1), and extending to ER stress. Results suggest markers of prodromal AD linked to oxidative stress associated with Nrf2 activation and ER stress that may be followed in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

    Stargazin Dephosphorylation Mediates Homeostatic Synaptic Downscaling of Excitatory Synapses

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    Synaptic scaling is a form of homeostatic plasticity that is critical for maintaining neuronal activity within a dynamic range, and which alters synaptic strength through changes in postsynaptic AMPA-type glutamate receptors. Homeostatic scaling down of excitatory synapses has been shown to occur during sleep, and to contribute to synapse remodeling and memory consolidation, but the underlying mechanisms are only partially known. Here, we report that synaptic downscaling in cortical neurons is accompanied by dephosphorylation of the transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory protein stargazin, and by an increase in its cell surface mobility. The changes in stargazin surface diffusion were paralleled by an increase in the mobility of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors at synaptic sites. In addition, stargazin dephosphorylation was required for the downregulation of surface levels of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors promoted by chronic elevation of neuronal activity, specifically by mediating the interaction with the adaptor proteins AP-2 and AP-3A. Disruption of the stargazin-AP-3A interaction was sufficient to prevent the decrease in cell surface GluA1-AMPA receptor levels associated with chronically enhanced synaptic activity, suggesting that scaling down is accomplished through decreased AMPA receptor recycling and enhanced lysosomal degradation. Thus, synaptic downscaling is associated with both increased stargazin and AMPA receptor cell surface diffusion, as well as with stargazin-mediated AMPA receptor endocytosis and lysosomal degradation

    Stargazin Dephosphorylation Mediates Homeostatic Synaptic Downscaling of Excitatory Synapses

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    Synaptic scaling is a form of homeostatic plasticity that is critical for maintaining neuronal activity within a dynamic range, and which alters synaptic strength through changes in postsynaptic AMPA-type glutamate receptors. Homeostatic scaling down of excitatory synapses has been shown to occur during sleep, and to contribute to synapse remodeling and memory consolidation, but the underlying mechanisms are only partially known. Here, we report that synaptic downscaling in cortical neurons is accompanied by dephosphorylation of the transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory protein stargazin, and by an increase in its cell surface mobility. The changes in stargazin surface diffusion were paralleled by an increase in the mobility of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors at synaptic sites. In addition, stargazin dephosphorylation was required for the downregulation of surface levels of GluA1-containing AMPA receptors promoted by chronic elevation of neuronal activity, specifically by mediating the interaction with the adaptor proteins AP-2 and AP-3A. Disruption of the stargazin-AP-3A interaction was sufficient to prevent the decrease in cell surface GluA1-AMPA receptor levels associated with chronically enhanced synaptic activity, suggesting that scaling down is accomplished through decreased AMPA receptor recycling and enhanced lysosomal degradation. Thus, synaptic downscaling is associated with both increased stargazin and AMPA receptor cell surface diffusion, as well as with stargazin-mediated AMPA receptor endocytosis and lysosomal degradation