6 research outputs found

    Efecto de la alcalinizacion de la lidocaìna con adrenalina sobre el bloqueo del nervio dentario inferior

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la influencia de la alcalinización de lidocaína con adrenalina sobre el dolor, signos vitales y periodos anestésicos posteriores al bloqueo del nervio dentario inferior. Participaron 50 pacientes voluntarios, ASA I; a los que se les administró aleatoriamente un cartucho de lidocaína 2% con adrenalina 1:80 000 alcalinizada con bicarbonato de sodio y un cartucho de lidocaína 2% con adrenalina 1:80 000 no alcalinizada, con un intervalo de 7 días. Se evaluaron intensidad del dolor, signos vitales y periodos anestésicos (inicio de acción y duración del efecto). Se evidenció menor intensidad de dolor en el grupo de lidocaína alcalinizada (EVA=15 mm) en comparación al grupo de lidocaína no alcalinizada (EVA=19.5mm). Se demostró un tiempo de inicio de acción menor para el grupo de lidocaína alcalinizada (1,4 minutos) en comparación al grupo de lidocaína no alcalinizada (2,1 minutos). No se evidenciaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos en relación a los signos vitales y duración del efecto. Se concluye que existe menor intensidad del dolor y un menor tiempo de inicio de acción para la anestesia con lidocaína alcalinizada con bicarbonato de sodio; sin alterar los signos vitales ni la duración del efecto anestésico. PALABRAS CLAVE: Lidocaína alcalinizada, signos vitales, dolor, inicio de acción, duración del efectoTesi

    Calorimetry and Body Composition Research in Broilers and Broiler Breeders

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    Indirect calorimetry to study heat production (HP) and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for body composition (BC) are powerful techniques to study the dynamics of energy and protein utilization in poultry. The first two chapters present the BC (dry matter, lean, protein, and fat, bone mineral, calcium and phosphorus) of modern broilers from 1 – 60 d of age analyzed by chemical analysis and DEXA. DEXA has been validated for precision, standardized for position, and equations and validations developed for chickens under two different feeding levels. These equations are unique to the machine and software in use. Research in broilers fed exogenous enzymes added alone or mixed as a multi-enzyme composite (protease + glucanase + xylanase + phytase) has shown lower HP and higher protein deposition when protease was evaluated alone or in combination. An unexpected change from protein to fat deposition was seen in the grower phase (around 22d), with a switch back to more protein synthesis in the finisher (\u3e29d). The lower HP let to believe exogenous enzymes reducing the energy for maintenance, the next study resulted in enzymes reducing 6.6% the MEm (metabolizable energy for maintenance) evaluated in retained energy from the body of chicks (16 -27 d). The study was conducted increasing feeding levels and fit by linear regression. The maintenance experiment also showed that under feed deprivation conditions, body directs nutrients to protein synthesis before fat synthesis occurred. Research with broiler breeders resulted in HP increasing continuously along egg production and age from 26 - 59 wk. HP was the highest at 59 wk when the lean tissue was the highest. Respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VO2/VCO2) showed the lowest value at 43 wk suggesting fat utilization is higher at this point of egg production compared to the beginning (26 wk). Lean mass was the lowest at 37, and 50 wk and increased after 50 wk suggesting lean mass being more important than fat during egg production. Hens increased lean tissue after 50 wk suggesting preparation for next clutch as it happens in the wild, so fat is used as fuel for maintenance energy

    Efecto de los AINEs y la presión de oxígeno ambiental sobre la regeneración ósea.

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of administering diclofenac and ketoprofen, as well as the effects of environmental oxygen pressure variation on mandibular bone regeneration. Methods: Thirty-six guinea pigs were distributed into two equal groups. Mandibular bone defects were performed on both groups. Group A was monitored under oxygen pressure at altitude (3320msl, 107mm Hg). Group B was monitored at sea level oxygen pressure (150msl, 157mm Hg). Each group was subdivided into 3 equal groups (A1, A2, A3 and B1, B2, B3). Subgroups A1 and B1 were given diclofenac; subgroups A2 and B2 ketoprofen; subgroups A3 and B3 NaCl. Bone regeneration was evaluated histologically on days 15 and 30. Results: After 15 days in the group controlled at sea level, the level of osteoblasts presented by the control subgroup was significantly higher (28.00±2.65) compared to the diclofenac subgroup (16.00±6.25) and to the ketoprofen subgroup (18.00±4.36); (p=0.041). After 15 days in the group controlled at altitude, the level of osteoblasts was significantly higher in the control subgroup (38.00±5.29) compared to the diclofenac subgroup (21.67±6.35) and to the ketoprofen subgroup (19.33±2.52); p=0.007. After 30 days in the group at sea level there was no difference found in the cell counting; p>0.05. After 30 days in the group controlled at altitude, the level of osteoblast was significantly higher in the control subgroup (58.00±4.58) compared to the diclofenac subgroup (34.33±4.73) and the ketoprofen subgroup (34.00±11.14); (p=0.003). Conclusion: The administration of diclofenac and ketoprofen produced lower mandibular bone regeneration, the effect being significantly more negative at sea level.Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto de la administración de diclofenaco y ketoprofeno y de la variación de la presión de oxígeno ambiental sobre la regeneración ósea mandibular. Métodos: Participaron 36 cobayos distribuidos en dos grupos iguales. A ambos grupos se les realizaron defectos óseos mandibulares. El Grupo A fue controlado bajo presión de oxígeno en altura (3320msnm, 107mm Hg). El Grupo B fue controlado bajo presión de oxígeno a nivel del mar (150msnm, 157mm Hg). Cada grupo fue dividido en 3 subgrupos iguales (A1, A2, A3 y B1, B2, B3). Los subgrupos A1 y B1 recibieron diclofenaco; A2 y B2, ketoprofeno; A3 y B3, NaCl. La regeneración ósea fue evaluada histológicamente a los 15 y 30 días. Resultados: A nivel del mar, a los 15 días, hubo una significativa mayor cantidad de osteoblastos en el subgrupo control (28,00±2,65) comparado con el subgrupo diclofenaco (16,00±6.25) y ketoprofeno (18,00±4.36); (p=0,041). En altura, a los 15 días, hubo una significativa mayor cantidad de osteblastos en el subgrupo control (38,00±5,29) comparado con el subgrupo diclofenaco (21,67±6,35) y ketoprofeno (19,33±2,52); p=0,007. A nivel del mar, a los 30 días, no se encontró diferencia en el conteo celular; p>0,05. En altura, a los 30 días, se encontró una significativa mayor cantidad de osteoblastos en el subgrupo control (58,00±4,58) comparado con el subgrupo diclofenaco (34,33±4,73) y ketoprofeno (34,00±11,14); (p=0,003). Conclusión: La administración de diclofenaco y ketoprofeno produjeron una menor regeneración ósea mandibular, siendo este efecto significativamente más negativo a nivel del mar

    Effects of ambient oxygen pressure on orthodontic tooth movement

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    Objective: To evaluate the effects of variation in ambient oxygen pressure on orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs. Material and Methods: Seventy-two guinea pigs randomly distributed into two groups (A and B) were evaluated in the study. All specimens were fitted with orthodontic appliances to distalize maxillary incisors. Group A was controlled under conditions of oxygen pressures at sea level (150 masl, 157 mm Hg) and Group B under conditions of oxygen pressures at altitude (3405 masl, 107 mm Hg). The clinical (distance between the distal-incisal angles of the maxillary incisors), biochemical (serum alkaline phosphatase), and histopathological characteristics (osteoblast and osteocyte count) were evaluated before placing the orthodontic devices and after 24 and 72 hours. Results: In the clinical evaluation, the distance between the distal-incisal angles of the maxillary incisors, on day one and three, was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p=0.002 and p=0.001, respectively). In the biochemical evaluation, the level of serum alkaline phosphatase on the first and third days was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p=0.001 and p=0.001, respectively). In the histopathological evaluation, the osteoblasts and osteocytes count on day one and three was significantly higher in group B compared to group A (p<0.05). Conclusion: Oxygen pressure at high altitude positively influenced orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs, improv

    Actualización de Criterios Diagnósticos y Tratamiento de la Neuralgia del Trigémino

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    Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is a painful neuropathic condition that involves one or more branches of the trigeminal nerve. The pain produced for the TN is described as a very intense acute pain, stabbing or shooting, as an electric shock that usually occurs of form unilateral and that goes all the way of the nerve involved. It is important to make the opportune diagnosis of the condition of TN for adequately differentiate of some odontogenic painful conditions and to prevent that the patient receive unnecessary treatment. The first line of treatment of the TN is the pharmacological therapy, in which is used as a drug of first choice to carbamazepine. The second line of treatment of TN is the non-pharmacological therapy, where include various options of surgical treatment: etiologic or symptomatic.La neuralgia del trigémino (NT) es un cuadro doloroso neuropático que compromete una o más ramas del nervio trigémino. El dolor producido por la NT es descrito como un dolor agudo muy intenso, lancinante o punzante, a manera de descarga eléctrica que se presenta usualmente de forma unilateral y que recorre todo el trayecto del nervio comprometido. Es importante realizar el diagnóstico oportuno de los cuadros de NT para poder diferenciarla adecuadamente de algunos cuadros odontogénicos dolorosos y evitar que el paciente reciba tratamientos innecesarios. La primera línea de tratamiento de la NT es la terapia farmacológica, en la cual se utiliza como fármaco de primera elección a la carbamazepina. La segunda línea de tratamiento de la NT es la terapia no farmacológica donde destacan diversas opciones de tratamiento quirúrgico: etiológico o sintomático

    Actualización de Criterios Diagnósticos y Tratamiento de la Angina de Ludwig

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    Ludwig’s angina is a rapidly progressive cellulitis that involves sub mandibular, sub lingual and submental spaces bilaterrally. This was due mainly to per apical infections of the second and third mandible molars. Due to the rapid advancement of the clinical (which in certain occasions could even threaten the patient’s life) it is extremely important to know clearly the criteria for early diagnosis of Ludwig’s angina, which will enable us to provide the most appropriate treatment to halt the progress of the clinical and will prevent the onset of life-threatening complications.La angina de Ludwig es una celulitis rápidamente progresiva que compromete bilateralmente los espacios submaxilar, sublingual y submentoniano; y que se origina principalmente por infecciones periapicales de las segundas y terceras molares mandibulares. Debido a la rápida progresión del cuadro, que en algunos casos puede incluso poner en peligro la vida del paciente, es sumamente importante conocer los criterios necesarios para realizar un diagnóstico oportuno de la angina de Ludwig, el cual nos permita brindar el tratamiento más adecuado para detener la progresión del cuadro y prevenir la aparición de complicaciones potencialmente mortales