490 research outputs found

    Lesbians and Transgenders in Japanese Media

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    Japanese GLBT appear to have always held a place in national media. From the the Edo period to the modern age, the Japanese people have constantly been exposed to different types of GLBT society, whether or not they realized it at the time. In this paper, I explore the representations of lesbians and transgenders during the Edo period (1600 to 1860) and in the modern and post-modern era (1868 to the present). I look at ukiyo-e from the Edo period and then Western-style theatre and newspaper stories from the modern era to grasp how lesbians have been portrayed through the years. Then I look at onnagata of Kabuki and modern-day new half in order to show how the concept of a transgender has changed over time in the media. Just how has the Japanese perspective changed after the mass introduction of Western culture and ideals during the Meiji period

    Corporate strategy revisited: A view from complexity theory

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    Despite its long tradition and well known contributions, corporate strategy research is yet far from being mature. This paper proposes an innovative framework that approaches the field from the theoretical perspective provided by complexity theory. We propose to see the corporate level of the organization as the driver, pacer and framer of the overall firm's evolution process. Drive is provided by the cognitive representation of the corporate fitness landscape that is implicit in the firm's corporate plan. Pacing is a consequence of the kind of strategic initiatives ("search strategy") developed by the company. Framing is achieved through the architectural design that the corporate level implements for the firm.corporate strategy; complexity theory; self-organizing;

    A formal evaluation of the performance of different corporate styles in stable and turbulent environments

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    The notion of "parenting styles", introduced by Goold, Campbell and Alexander, has been widely acknowledged by the Corporate Strategy literature as a good broad description of the different ways in which corporate managers choose to manage and organize multibusiness firms. The purpose of this paper is to present a formal test of the relationship between parenting style and performance. For this test, we developed a set of agent-based simulations using the Performance Landscapes framework, which captures and describes the evolution of firms led by different parenting styles in business environments with different levels of complexity and dynamism. We found that the relative performance of each style is contingent upon the characteristics of the environment in which the firm operates. In less complex business environments, the Strategic Planning style outperforms the Strategic Control and Financial Control styles. In highly complex and highly dynamic environments, by contrast, the Strategic Control style performs best. Our results also demonstrate the importance of planning and flexibility at the corporate level and so contribute to the wider debate on Strategic Planning vs. Emergent Strategies.Corporate strategy; Parenting styles; Agent-based models;

    Corporate strategy in turbulent environments: Key roles of the corporate level

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    This paper analyzes the evolution during the period 1986-2002 of the corporate strategy of Lujan, a highly successful car components manufacturer headquartered in Spain, as a way to explore how the corporate level influences the successful evolution of a company exposed to a "turbulent" environment over a long period. We find that the corporate level plays three key roles. First, it drives a firm's evolution by developing a cognitive representation of the firm's competitive landscape. Second, it paces the company's evolution by alternately shifting the balance of organizational initiatives between static efficiency-based "local search" strategies, chosen in times of stability or economic slowdown, and dynamic efficiency-based "long jump" strategies, adopted during periods of major environmental turbulence. Long-jump corporate strategies, carried out through limited downside strategic initiatives such as real options and strategic alliances ("off-line long-jumps"), are particularly frequent in these circumstances. The third role consists of developing an organizational architecture that frames the self-organized coordination of the different business divisions. The Lujan story clearly illustrates the important role of corporate strategy in a firm that must undergo radical transitions as a result of major environmental changes.corporate strategy; turbulent environments; complexity theory; car components;

    The Effect of genre expectation on EFL Brazilian students' inference generation and reading comprehension

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente.This study investigated the influence of genre expectation on EFL Brazilian undergraduate students' inference generation and reading comprehension. Twelve EFL readers from the last semester of the Letras Course at UFSC participated in this study. The effect of genre expectation was investigated by means of the assessment of students' inference making and reading comprehension in relation to two texts from distinct genres, namely a literary story and a news story. As to allow data triangulation, four instruments were used in this study, namely the Pause Protocol (Cavalcanti, 1989) in the version adapted by Tomitch (2003), reading comprehension questions related to each text, a retrospective questionnaire, and a reader's profile. Participants' reports from the Pause Protocol were transcribed and their utterances were categorized in accordance with Narvaez et al.'s (1999) Inference Categorization Model. Furthermore, participants' answers in the reading comprehension questions were analyzed and scored. Data analysis was carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively, by means of the examination of the results from the Pause Protocol reports, and reading comprehension questions, with data from the retrospective questionnaire and reader's profile contributing to the discussion of the results. Results indicated that genre expectation may have played a role on readers' inference generation, but what seems to have actually influenced their reading strategies and behavior was the text types. Furthermore, participants' performance on the reading comprehension questions seemed to be related to faster reading speed, but not with inferences amount.O presente estudo investigou a influência da expectativa do gênero textual na geração de inferências e na compreensão leitora de estudantes de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira. Doze alunos do último semestre de Letras/Inglês da UFSC participaram desta pesquisa. O efeito da expectativa do gênero textual foi investigado por meio da categorização das inferências geradas e da compreensão leitora dos alunos após a leitura de dois textos de gêneros textuais distintos, sendo um deles um texto literário e o outro uma notícia. A fim de possibilitar a triangulação de dados, quatro instrumentos foram utilizados neste estudo, sendo o Protocolo de Pausa (Cavalcanti, 1989), na versão adaptada por Tomitch (2003), perguntas de compreensão referentes a cada um dos textos, um questionário retrospectivo, e o perfil leitor dos participantes. As verbalizações feitas durante a aplicação do Protocolo de Pausa foram transcritas, e as sentenças foram categorizadas de acordo com o Modelo de Categorização de Inferências proposto por Narvaez et al. (1999). As respostas fornecidas para as perguntas de compreensão foram analisadas e avaliadas. A análise dos dados foi realizada tanto de forma quantitativa quanto qualitativa, por meio da apreciação dos resultados dos registros do Protocolo de Pausa e das perguntas de compreensão, com a contribuição dos dados do questionário retrospectivo e do perfil do leitor para a discussão dos resultados. Os resultados indicam que a expectativa do gênero textual pode ter influenciado a produção de inferências, mas o que parece ter realmente influenciado suas estratégias de leitura foram as tipologias textuais. Além disso, o desempenho dos participantes nas tarefas de compreensão teve relação com a velocidade da leitura, mas não com a quantidade de inferências gerada

    Comparação das Leis de Migração: Projeto de Lei No 2516/15 do Brasil e da Lei No 25781/04 da Argentina

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    O debate sobre migrações tomou evidência a partir dos grandes fluxos do século XXI. Em virtude da necessidade de se estabelecer políticas que regulam os processos de migração, os Estados adotam medidas segundo seu ideal de governo. As medidas adotadas pelos Estados são particulares, e constituem-se devido ao caráter soberano de cada Estado dentro do Sistema Internacional. No que concerne ao campo político, inferimos que a migração é estudada do ponto de vista da segurança nacional, contudo, é contraposta ao campo do direito, onde os preceitos de segurança nacional e do indivíduo interagem. Ao analisar as políticas adotadas nos países da América do Sul, destacam-se os casos brasileiro e argentino, o qual possuem certa relação histórica no processo de criação e adequação das leis eu regulam a migração. Ao abordar o aspecto jurídico averiguou-se que as os preceitos fundamentais das leis fundamentais muito se assemelhavam em aspectos de segurança nacional em virtude do momento em que foram elaboradas. Ademais, as mudanças realizadas nas lei possuem um incentivo em comum, o desenvolvimento por intermédio da integração. Desenvolvimento que é abordado não somente no aspecto econômico, porém, social e cultural, que convergem com a normativa internacional dos direitos humanos. A pesquisa substanciou-se de maneira descritiva, inserindo-se no marco qualitativo de análise de documentos e revisão bibliográfica. Ademais, como base de referencial teórico utilizou-se os escritos de autores como Fernandes (2013), Novick (2017), Piovesan (2010) e Sayad (1998). Ao fim da pesquisa constatou-se que houveram mudanças normativas significativas nas leis de migração brasileira e argentina que vão de encontro com o posicionamento normativo de garantia ao direito de migrar e inserir-se como parte do grupo social local. Em análise concluinte é perceptível que a mudança de posicionamentos é motivada por diversos fatores, onde diversos aspectos devem ser ponderados, pois os processos de migração envolvem diversas esferas para além das culturais e sociais (SAYAD, 1998)The debate on migration has emerged from the great flows of the 21st century. Because of the need to establish policies governing migration processes, the United States of America is in line with its ideal of governance. As measures adopted by States and Particular, and are due to the sovereign character of each State within the International System. Regarding the political field, hell is a migration and studied from the point of view of national security, however, is opposed to the field of law, where the precepts of national security and the individual interact. When analyzing the policies adopted in the countries of South America, the Brazilian and Argentine cases stand out, which is the relationship between the creation process and the adequacy of the laws that regulate migration. In addressing the legal aspect, it was found that as the fundamental precepts of fundamental laws very much resembled aspects of national security by virtue of the time when they were drafted. In addition, as changes made in the laws, a common incentive, development through integration. It is not an economic aspect, however, social and cultural, that converge with the international norm of human rights. Substantial research is done in a descriptive way, inserting itself in the qualitative framework of document analysis and bibliographic review. In addition, as a base of theoretical reference the writings of authors like Fernandes (2013), Novick (2017), Piovesan (2010) and Sayad (1998) were used. At the end of the research it was verified that there were significant normative changes in the laws of Brazilian and Argentine migration that go against the normative position of guarantee to the right to migrate and to insert itself as part of the local social group. In the analysis, the United States, the countries concerned, the various countries, which are more weighted, migration processes involve spheres beyond cultures and enterprises (SAYAD, 1998

    Primary tuberculosis of the parotid gland

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    Government Regulation

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    Abstract. Interest in the use of so-called voluntary approaches to supplement or replace formal environmental regulation is on the rise, both in Europe and in the United States. These approaches fall into two general categories: (1) industry-initiated codes of good practice focusing on environmental management systems or performance goals, and (2) negotiation between government and individual firms (or industry sector trade associations) focusing on regulation or compliance. This paper addresses the latter. In the United States, the motivations for engaging in such negotiation are manifold and sometimes contradictory. They include desires (1) to facilitate the achievement of legislated environmental goals by introducing flexible and cost-effective implementation and compliance measures, (2) to negotiate levels of compliance (standards) fulfilling health-based legislative mandates, (3) to negotiate legal definitions of Best Available Technology and other technology-based requirements, and (4) to weaken environmental regulation. In the United States, administrative agencies have long been experimenting with “negotiated rulemaking as a means of setting regulatory standards, and the Administrative Procedure Act was amended in 1990 to encourage further use of this process. U.S. agencies have also made frequent use of negotiation as a means of defining compliance responsibilities for individual firms. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has sometimes acted outside of the authority given to it by its enabling legislation in an attempt to negotiate environmental policy and implementation. Two recent examples are the "Common Sense Initiative," in which EPA attempted broad-based negotiation focuses on particular industry sectors, and “Project XL", in which the agency attempted to negotiate flexible implementation of environmental requirements with individual firms. Although both programs are now moribund, each provides useful lessons for future efforts at environmental negotiation. This paper describes and analyses negotiated agreements in the United States in the context of EPA efforts to ensure environmental protection. These agreements can be described according to the following taxonomy: (a) negotiated regulation (either preceding formal regulation or as a substitute for formal regulation); (b) negotiated implementation (negotiations with an individual firm to establish the timetable and/or the means for meeting a particular regulatory standard; and (c) negotiated compliance (negotiation in the context of an enforcement action in which the firm is out of compliance with an applicable standard and there is an opportunity for extra-statutory environmental gains, such as encouraging cleaner production through the leveraging of penalty reductions). The criteria for evaluation used in this paper include: environmental outcomes, effects on stimulating technological change, time for development (time to completion), ease of implementation (likelihood of court challenge), stakeholder influence (ability of large firms to dominate outcome, environmentalists-industry balance of power), and administrative features

    Epilogue—Beyond Pollution Control and Prevention:

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    Environmental Law, Policy and Economics: Reclaiming the Environmental Agend