83 research outputs found

    A educação das meninas a partir da boneca Barbie e seus padrões. The education of girls based on the Barbie Doll and its standards

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    Resenha/Review [ROVERI, Fernanda Theodoro. Barbie na educação de meninas: do rosa ao choque. São Paulo: Annablume, 2012. 134p.

    Tardive Dyskinesia, Oral Parafunction, and Implant-Supported Rehabilitation.

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    Oral movement disorders may lead to prosthesis and implant failure due to excessive loading. We report on an edentulous patient suffering from drug-induced tardive dyskinesia (TD) and oral parafunction (OP) rehabilitated with implant-supported screw-retained prostheses. The frequency and intensity of the movements were high, and no pharmacological intervention was possible. Moreover, the patient refused night-time splint therapy. A series of implant and prosthetic failures were experienced. Implant failures were all in the maxilla and stopped when a rigid titanium structure was placed to connect implants. Ad hoc designed studies are desirable to elucidate the mutual influence between oral movement disorders and implant-supported rehabilitation

    Testosterone Enanthate: An In Vitro Study of the Effects Triggered in MG-63 Cells

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the androgenic hormone testosterone enanthate (TE) on human MG-63 cells. MG-63 were cultured for 24 h in the presence of TE at increasing concentrations to assess its lethal dose. Therefore, the suitable concentration for a prolonged use of TE in vitro was assessed by viability assay over 9 days. Finally, MG-63 were exposed to TE for 14 days and assayed for differentiation by qPCR and Alizarin Red S staining. TE in the amount of 100 µM resulted as the maximum dose tolerated by MG-63 cells after 24 h. However, a prolonged exposure in culture TE in the amount of 100 µM showed a cytostatic effect on cell proliferation. On the contrary, TE 10 µM was tolerated by the cells and did not boost cell proliferation, but did enhance new bone formation, as revealed by COL1A1, ALPL, BGLAP, and IBSP gene expression after 3, 7, and 14 days, and calcium deposition by Alizarin Red S staining after 14 days. Based on the current study, 10 µM is the critical dose of TE that should be used in vitro to support bone differentiation of MG-63 cells

    The Core Dimensions of Integrated Care: A Literature Review to Support the Development of a Comprehensive Framework for Implementing Integrated Care

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    Objective: As part of the EU-funded Project INTEGRATE, the research sought to develop an evidence-based understanding of the key dimensions and items of integrated care associated with successful implementation across varying country contexts and relevant to different chronic and/or long-term conditions. This paper identifies the core dimensions of integrated care based on a review of previous literature on the topic. Methodology: The research reviewed literature evidence from the peer-reviewed and grey literature. It focused on reviewing research articles that had specifically developed frameworks on integrated care and/or set out key elements for successful implementation. The search initially focused on three main scientific journals and was limited to the period from 2006 to 2016. Then, the research snowballed the references from the selected published studies and engaged leading experts in the field to supplement the identification of relevant literature. Two investigators independently reviewed the selected articles using a standard data collection tool to gather the key elements analyzed in each article. Results: A total of 710 articles were screened by title and abstract. Finally, 18 scientific contributions were selected, including studies from grey literature and experts’ suggestions. The analysis identified 175 items grouped in 12 categories. Conclusions: Most of the key factors reported in the literature derive from studies that developed their frameworks in specific contexts and/or for specific types of conditions. The identification and classification of the elements from this literature review provide a basis to develop a comprehensive framework enabling standardized descriptions and benchmarking of integrated care initiatives carried out in different contexts

    Strumentazione ottica per la misura di strutture trabecolari: caratterizzazione metrologica e confronto tra setup sperimentali

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    L’additive manufacturing (prototipazione rapida o stampa 3D) è una tecnica che permette di riprodurre oggetti senza i vincoli geometrici tipici della manifattura classica. Questa tecnica consente di realizzare particolari di estrema complessità tra cui le cosiddette “strutture trabecolari”, strutture che presentano proprietà fisiche, meccaniche e topologiche molto vantaggiose. Grazie a queste caratteristiche, negli ultimi anni, esse sono state sempre più utilizzate in ambiti applicativi quali ad esempio la biomedica e l’automotive. Nonostante l’elevata flessibilità delle macchine per la prototipazione, la complessità di queste strutture è tale da generare spesso differenze tra la struttura progettata e il risultato finale della stampa 3D. Risulta quindi necessario progettare e realizzare dei banchi di misura che possano individuare tali differenze. Attualmente la caratterizzazione sperimentale è infatti limitata alla valutazione delle curve di sforzo (mediante test di compressione), e alla valutazione della porosità della superficie (tramite microscopi elettronici). Queste valutazioni vengono eseguite tramite tecniche quali, ad esempio, la Digital Image Correlation. Un altro approccio di misura comprende la visione 2D e 3D, con la quale è possibile effettuare misure dimensionali di campioni di strutture trabecolari prototipate. La presente memoria descrive i primi risultati ottenuti tramite due diversi setup sperimentali per la misura dimensionale di una struttura trabecolare realizzata tramite additive manufacturing. In particolare sono stati utilizzati due trasduttori di misura differenti, un triangolatore laser e una telecamera con ottica telecentrica, per la misura delle dimensioni caratteristiche di un campione prototipato. Le misure effettuate sono state valutate sia in termini di accuratezza di misura che di conformità con il progetto di partenza

    Organic Selenium induces ferroptosis in pancreatic cancer cells

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) cells reprogram both mitochondrial and lysosomal functions to support growth. At the same time, this causes significant dishomeostasis of free radicals. While this is compensated by the upregulation of detoxification mechanisms, it also represents a potential vulnerability. Here we demonstrate that PDA cells are sensitive to the inhibition of the mevalonate pathway (MVP), which supports the biosynthesis of critical antioxidant intermediates and protect from ferroptosis. We attacked the susceptibility of PDA cells to ferroptotic death with selenorganic compounds, including dibenzyl diselenide (DBDS) that exhibits potent pro-oxidant properties and inhibits tumor growth in vitro and in vivo. DBDS treatment induces the mobilization of iron from mitochondria enabling uncontrolled lipid peroxidation. Finally, we showed that DBDS and statins act synergistically to promote ferroptosis and provide evidence that combined treatment is a viable strategy to combat PDA

    Corticotropin-releasing hormone, its binding protein and receptors in human cervical tissue at preterm and term labor in comparison to non-pregnant state

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    BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is still the leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. The level of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is known to be significantly elevated in the maternal plasma at preterm birth. Although, CRH, CRH-binding protein (CRH-BP), CRH-receptor 1 (CRH-R1) and CRH-R2 have been identified both at mRNA and protein level in human placenta, deciduas, fetal membranes, endometrium and myometrium, no corresponding information is yet available on cervix. Thus, the aim of this study was to compare the levels of the mRNA species coding for CRH, CRH-BP, CRH-R1 and CRH-R2 in human cervical tissue and myometrium at preterm and term labor and not in labor as well as in the non-pregnant state, and to localize the corresponding proteins employing immunohistochemical analysis. METHODS: Cervical, isthmic and fundal (from non-pregnant subjects only) biopsies were taken from 67 women. Subjects were divided in 5 groups: preterm labor (14), preterm not in labor (7), term labor (18), term not in labor (21) and non-pregnant (7). Real-time RT-PCR was employed for quantification of mRNA levels and the corresponding proteins were localized by immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: The levels of CRH-BP, CRH-R1 and CRH-R2 mRNA in the pregnant tissues were lower than those in non-pregnant subjects. No significant differences were observed between preterm and term groups. CRH-BP and CRH-R2 mRNA and the corresponding proteins were present at lower levels in the laboring cervix than in the non-laboring cervix, irrespective of gestational age. In most of the samples, with the exception of four myometrial biopsies the level of CRH mRNA was below the limit of detection. All of these proteins could be detected and localized in the cervix and the myometrium by immunohistochemical analysis. CONCLUSION: Expression of CRH-BP, CRH-R1 and CRH-R2 in uterine tissues is down-regulated during pregnancy. The most pronounced down-regulation of CRH-BP and CRH-R2 occurred in laboring cervix, irrespective the length of gestation. The detection of substantial expression of the CRH and its receptor proteins, as well as receptor mRNA in the cervix suggests that the cervix may be a target for CRH action. Further studies are required to elucidate the role of CRH in cervical ripening

    Prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases—The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline

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    Background: The recently published Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of stages I–IV periodontitis provided evidence-based recommendations for treating periodontitis patients, defined according to the 2018 classification. Peri-implant diseases were also re-defined in the 2018 classification. It is well established that both peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are highly prevalent. In addition, peri-implantitis is particularly challenging to manage and is accompanied by significant morbidity. Aim: To develop an S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases, focusing on the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches required to prevent the development of peri-implant diseases or their recurrence, and to treat/rehabilitate patients with dental implants following the development of peri-implant diseases. Materials and Methods: This S3 level CPG was developed by the European Federation of Periodontology, following methodological guidance from the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation process. A rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 13 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, formulation of specific recommendations, and a structured consensus process involving leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. Results: The S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases culminated in the recommendation for implementation of various different interventions before, during and after implant placement/loading. Prevention of peri-implant diseases should commence when dental implants are planned, surgically placed and prosthetically loaded. Once the implants are loaded and in function, a supportive peri-implant care programme should be structured, including periodical assessment of peri-implant tissue health. If peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis are detected, appropriate treatments for their management must be rendered. Conclusion: The present S3 level CPG informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public on the available and most effective modalities to maintain healthy peri-implant tissues, and to manage peri-implant diseases, according to the available evidence at the time of publication

    Treatment of stage I-III periodontitis-The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline

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    Background: The recently introduced 2017 World Workshop on the classification of periodontitis, incorporating stages and grades of disease, aims to link disease classification with approaches to prevention and treatment, as it describes not only disease severity and extent but also the degree of complexity and an individual's risk. There is, therefore, a need for evidence-based clinical guidelines providing recommendations to treat periodontitis. Aim: The objective of the current project was to develop a S3 Level Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the treatment of Stage I–III periodontitis. Material and Methods: This S3 CPG was developed under the auspices of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP), following the methodological guidance of the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). The rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 15 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, the formulation of specific recommendations and consensus, on those recommendations, by leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. Results: The S3 CPG approaches the treatment of periodontitis (stages I, II and III) using a pre-established stepwise approach to therapy that, depending on the disease stage, should be incremental, each including different interventions. Consensus was achieved on recommendations covering different interventions, aimed at (a) behavioural changes, supragingival biofilm, gingival inflammation and risk factor control; (b) supra- and sub-gingival instrumentation, with and without adjunctive therapies; (c) different types of periodontal surgical interventions; and (d) the necessary supportive periodontal care to extend benefits over time. Conclusion: This S3 guideline informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public on the available and most effective modalities to treat periodontitis and to maintain a healthy dentition for a lifetime, according to the available evidence at the time of publication