62 research outputs found

    Josephson junction microwave amplifier in self-organized noise compression mode

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    The fundamental noise limit of a phase-preserving amplifier at frequency is the standard quantum limit . In the microwave range, the best candidates have been amplifiers based on superconducting quantum interference devices (reaching the noise temperature at 700 MHz), and non-degenerate parametric amplifiers (reaching noise levels close to the quantum limit at 8 GHz). We introduce a new type of an amplifier based on the negative resistance of a selectively damped Josephson junction. Noise performance of our amplifier is limited by mixing of quantum noise from Josephson oscillation regime down to the signal frequency. Measurements yield nearly quantum-limited operation, at 2.8 GHz, owing to self-organization of the working point. Simulations describe the characteristics of our device well and indicate potential for wide bandwidth operation

    Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be characterized by a specific pattern of orientation fluctuations of actin molecules

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    A single-point mutation in the gene encoding the ventricular myosin regulatory light chain (RLC) is sufficient to cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC). Most likely, the underlying cause of this disease is an inefficient energy utilization by the mutated cardiac muscle. We set out to devise a simple method to characterize two FHC phenotypes caused by the R58Q and D166V mutations in RLC. The method is based on the ability to observe a few molecules of actin in working ex vivo heart myofibril. Actin is labeled with extremely diluted fluorescent dye, and a small volume within the I-band (10⁻Âč⁶L), containing on average three actin molecules, is observed by confocal microscopy. During muscle contraction, myosin cross-bridges deliver cyclic impulses to actin. As a result, actin molecules undergo periodic fluctuations of orientation. We measured these fluctuations by recording the parallel and perpendicular components of fluorescent light emitted by an actin-bound fluorophore. The histograms of fluctuations of fluorescent actin molecules in wild-type (WT) hearts in rigor were represented by perfect Gaussian curves. In contrast, histograms of contracting heart muscle were peaked and asymmetric, suggesting that contraction occurred in at least two steps. Furthermore, the differences between histograms of contracting FHC R58Q and D166V hearts versus corresponding contracting WT hearts were statistically significant. On the basis of our results, we suggest a simple new method of distinguishing between healthy and FHC R58Q and D166V hearts by analyzing the probability distribution of polarized fluorescence intensity fluctuations of sparsely labeled actin molecules.9 page(s

    Trapping single molecules by dielectrophoresis

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    We have trapped single protein molecules of R-phycoerythrin in an aqueous solution by an alternating electric field. A radio frequency voltage is applied to sharp nanoelectrodes and hence produces a strong electric field gradient. The resulting dielectrophoretic forces attract freely diffusing protein molecules. Trapping takes place at the electrode tips. Switching off the field immediately releases the molecules. The electric field distribution is computed, and from this the dielectrophoretic response of the molecules is calculated using a standard polarization model. The resulting forces are compared to the impact of Brownian motion. Finally, we discuss the experimental observations on the basis of the model calculations

    Application of Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission to Study of Muscle

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    Muscle contraction results from interactions between actin and myosin cross-bridges. Dynamics of this interaction may be quite different in contracting muscle than in vitro because of the molecular crowding. In addition, each cross-bridge of contracting muscle is in a different stage of its mechanochemical cycle, and so temporal measurements are time averages. To avoid complications related to crowding and averaging, it is necessary to follow time behavior of a single cross-bridge in muscle. To be able to do so, it is necessary to collect data from an extremely small volume (an attoliter, 10(−18) liter). We report here on a novel microscopic application of surface plasmon-coupled emission (SPCE), which provides such a volume in a live sample. Muscle is fluorescently labeled and placed on a coverslip coated with a thin layer of noble metal. The laser beam is incident at a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) angle, at which it penetrates the metal layer and illuminates muscle by evanescent wave. The volume from which fluorescence emanates is a product of two near-field factors: the depth of evanescent wave excitation and a distance-dependent coupling of excited fluorophores to the surface plasmons. The fluorescence is quenched at the metal interface (up to ∌10 nm), which further limits the thickness of the fluorescent volume to ∌50 nm. The fluorescence is detected through a confocal aperture, which limits the lateral dimensions of the detection volume to ∌200 nm. The resulting volume is ∌2 x 10(−18) liter. The method is particularly sensitive to rotational motions because of the strong dependence of the plasmon coupling on the orientation of excited transition dipole. We show that by using a high-numerical-aperture objective (1.65) and high-refractive-index coverslips coated with gold, it is possible to follow rotational motion of 12 actin molecules in muscle with millisecond time resolution

    Plasmonic platforms of self-assembled silver nanostructures in application to fluorescence

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    Fluorescence intensity changes were investigated theoretically and experimentally using self-assembled colloidal structures on silver semitransparent mirrors. Using a simplified quasi-static model and finite element method, we demonstrate that near-field interactions of metallic nanostructures with a continuous metallic surface create conditions that produce enormously enhanced surface plasmon resonances. The results were used to explain the observed enhancements and determine the optimal conditions for the experiment. The theoretical parts of the studies are supported with reports on detailed emission intensity changes which provided multiple fluorescence hot spots with 2–3 orders of enhancements. We study two kinds of the fluorophores: dye molecules and fluorescent nanospheres characterized with similar spectral emission regions. Using a lifetime-resolved fluorescence/reflection confocal microscopy technique, we find that the largest rate for enhancement (~1000-fold) comes from localized areas of silver nanostructures
