67 research outputs found

    Deficit of temporal dynamics of detection of a moving object during egomotion in a stroke patient: a psychophysical and MEG study

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    To investigate the temporal dynamics underlying object motion detection during egomotion, we used psychophysics and MEG with a motion discrimination task. The display contained nine spheres moving for 1 second, eight moved consistent with forward observer translation, and one (the target) with independent motion within the scene (approaching or receding). Observers's task was to detect the target. Seven healthy subjects (7HS) and patient PF with an infarct involving the left occipital-temporal cortex participated in both the psychophysical and MEG study. Psychophysical results showed that PF was severely impaired on this task. He was also impaired on the discrimination of radial motion (with even poorer performance on contraction) and 2D direction as well as on detecting motion discontinuity. We used anatomically constrained MEG and dynamic Granger causality to investigate the direction and dynamics of connectivity between the functional areas involved in the object-motion task and compared the results of 7HS and PF. The dynamics of the causal connections among the motion responsive cortical areas (MT, STS, IPS) during the first 200 ms of the stimulus was similar in all subjects. However, in the later part of the stimulus (>200 ms) PF did not show significant causal connections among these areas. Also the 7HS had a strong, probably attention modulatory connection, between MPFC and MT, which was completely absent in PF. In PF and the 7HS, analysis of onset latencies revealed two stages of activations: early after motion onset (200–400 ms) bilateral activations in MT, IPS, and STS, followed (>500 ms) by activity in the postcentral sulcus and middle prefrontal cortex (MPFC). We suggest that the interaction of these early and late onset areas is critical to object motion detection during self-motion, and disrupted connections among late onset areas may have contributed to the perceptual deficits of patient PF.Published versio

    Reorganization of retinotopic maps after occipital lobe infarction

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    Published in final edited form as: J Cogn Neurosci. 2014 June ; 26(6): 1266–1282. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00538.We studied patient JS, who had a right occipital infarct that encroached on visual areas V1, V2v, and VP. When tested psychophysically, he was very impaired at detecting the direction of motion in random dot displays where a variable proportion of dots moving in one direction (signal) were embedded in masking motion noise (noise dots). The impairment on this motion coherence task was especially marked when the display was presented to the upper left (affected) visual quadrant, contralateral to his lesion. However, with extensive training, by 11 months his threshold fell to the level of healthy participants. Training on the motion coherence task generalized to another motion task, the motion discontinuity task, on which he had to detect the presence of an edge that was defined by the difference in the direction of the coherently moving dots (signal) within the display. He was much better at this task at 8 than 3 months, and this improvement was associated with an increase in the activation of the human MT complex (hMT^+) and in the kinetic occipital region as shown by repeated fMRI scans. We also used fMRI to perform retinotopic mapping at 3, 8, and 11 months after the infarct. We quantified the retinotopy and areal shifts by measuring the distances between the center of mass of functionally defined areas, computed in spherical surface-based coordinates. The functionally defined retinotopic areas V1, V2v, V2d, and VP were initially smaller in the lesioned right hemisphere, but they increased in size between 3 and 11 months. This change was not found in the normal, left hemisphere of the patient or in either hemispheres of the healthy control participants. We were interested in whether practice on the motion coherence task promoted the changes in the retinotopic maps. We compared the results for patient JS with those from another patient (PF) who had a comparable lesion but had not been given such practice. We found similar changes in the maps in the lesioned hemisphere of PF. However, PF was only scanned at 3 and 7 months, and the biggest shifts in patient JS were found between 8 and 11 months. Thus, it is important to carry out a prospective study with a trained and untrained group so as to determine whether the patterns of reorganization that we have observed can be further promoted by training.This work was supported by NIH grant R01NS064100 to L. M. V. Lucia M. Vaina dedicates this article to Charlie Gross, who has been a long-time collaborator and friend. I met him at the INS meeting in Beaune (France), and since then we often discussed the relationship between several aspects of high-level visual processing described in his work in monkeys physiology and my work in neuropsychology. In particular, his pioneering study of biological motion in monkeys' superior temporal lobe has influenced my own work on biological motion and has led us to coauthor a paper on this topic. Working with Charlie was a uniquely enjoyable experience. Alan Cowey and I often spoke fondly about Charlie, a dear friend and close colleague to us both, whose work, exquisite sense of humor, and unbound zest of living we both deeply admired and loved. (R01NS064100 - NIH)Accepted manuscrip

    Civiltà della Campania. Anno II, n. 3 (agosto-ottobre 1975)

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    A. II, n.3 (agosto-ottobre 1975): Il messaggio dell’Assessore Emilio de Feo, P. 3 ; M. Parrilli, Continuità nel turismo regionale, P. 3 ; Napoli nei secoli, P. 5 ; G. Galasso, Tumulti ed elezioni del ’600, P. 6 ; N. Cilento, Nella città medioevale, P. 18 ; B. Gatta, Capri tra Napoleone e Murat, P. 24 ; R. Causa, Gioacchino Toma a Napoli, P. 30 ; A. Assante, Napoli e il suo porto, P. 34 ; G. Grimaldi, Messaggio di fede dell’Anno Santo, P. 40 ; R. Vlad, Musica all’aperto, P. 50 ; M. Stefanile, Viaggio nella storia di Amalfi, P. 52 ; D. Rea, Mappa minore, P. 60 ; M. Prisco , Incontro con la Badia, P. 68 ; P. Amos e A. Gambardella, Il villaggio di Albori, P. 74 ; R. Virtuoso, Giovanni Cuomo ritorna tra i giovani, P. 76 ; V. Panebianco, Il turismo venuto dalla storia, P. 80 ; A.P. Carbone, Le grotte di Pertosa, P. 84 ; F. de Ciuceis, Il mare di Caserta, P. 88 ; E. Tirone, Riti settennali a Guardia Sanframondi, P. 92 ; F. Calabro, Turismo e cultura a Capri, P. 98 ; F. de Ciuceis, Settembre al Borgo, P. 102 ; I. Santoro, Teggiano citta museo, P. 104 ; Notiziario, P. 108

    Overview of the FTU results

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    Since the 2016 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, FTU operations have been mainly devoted to experiments on runaway electrons and investigations into a tin liquid limiter; other experiments have involved studies of elongated plasmas and dust. The tearing mode onset in the high density regime has been studied by means of the linear resistive code MARS, and the highly collisional regimes have been investigated. New diagnostics, such as a runaway electron imaging spectroscopy system for in-flight runaway studies and a triple Cherenkov probe for the measurement of escaping electrons, have been successfully installed and tested, and new capabilities of the collective Thomson scattering and the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy diagnostics have been explored

    Euclid preparation. Spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei with NISP

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    The statistical distribution and evolution of key properties (e.g. accretion rate, mass, or spin) of active galactic nuclei (AGN), remain an open debate in astrophysics. The ESA Euclid space mission, launched on July 1st 2023, promises a breakthrough in this field. We create detailed mock catalogues of AGN spectra, from the rest-frame near-infrared down to the ultraviolet, including emission lines, to simulate what Euclid will observe for both obscured (type 2) and unobscured (type 1) AGN. We concentrate on the red grisms of the NISP instrument, which will be used for the wide-field survey, opening a new window for spectroscopic AGN studies in the near-infrared. We quantify the efficiency in the redshift determination as well as in retrieving the emission line flux of the Hα\alpha+[NII] complex as Euclid is mainly focused on this emission line as it is expected to be the brightest one in the probed redshift range. Spectroscopic redshifts are measured for 83% of the simulated AGN in the interval where the Hα\alpha+[NII] is visible (0.89<z<1.83 at a line flux >2x10−16>2x10^{-16} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2}, encompassing the peak of AGN activity at z≃1−1.5z\simeq 1-1.5) within the spectral coverage of the red grism. Outside this redshift range, the measurement efficiency decreases significantly. Overall, a spectroscopic redshift is correctly determined for ~90% of type 2 AGN down to an emission line flux of 3x10−163x10^{-16} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2}, and for type 1 AGN down to 8.5x10−168.5x10^{-16} erg s−1^{-1} cm−2^{-2}. Recovered black hole mass values show a small offset with respect to the input values ~10%, but the agreement is good overall. With such a high spectroscopic coverage at z<2, we will be able to measure AGN demography, scaling relations, and clustering from the epoch of the peak of AGN activity down to the present-day Universe for hundreds of thousand AGN with homogeneous spectroscopic information.Comment: 29 pages, 23 figures. Submitted to A&A, revised versio

    Euclid preparation: XXXVIII. Spectroscopy of active galactic nuclei with NISP

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    The statistical distribution and evolution of key properties of active galactic nuclei (AGN), such as their accretion rate, mass, and spin, remains a subject of open debate in astrophysics. The ESA Euclid space mission, launched on July 1 2023, promises a breakthrough in this field. We create detailed mock catalogues of AGN spectra from the rest-frame near-infrared down to the ultraviolet -including emission lines -to simulate what Euclid will observe for both obscured (type 2) and unobscured (type 1) AGN. We concentrate on the red grisms of the NISP instrument, which will be used for the wide-field survey, opening a new window for spectroscopic AGN studies in the near-infrared. We quantify the efficiency in the redshift determination as well as in retrieving the emission line flux of the Hα+[N II] complex, as Euclid is mainly focused on this emission line, given that it is expected to be the brightest one in the probed redshift range. Spectroscopic redshifts are measured for 83% of the simulated AGN in the interval where the Hα is visible (i.e. 0.89 &lt; z &lt; 1.83 at a line flux of &gt; 2 × 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2, encompassing the peak of AGN activity at z ≃ 1 - 1.5) within the spectral coverage of the red grism. Outside this redshift range, the measurement efficiency decreases significantly. Overall, a spectroscopic redshift iscorrectly determined for about 90% of type 2 AGN down to an emission line flux of roughly 3 × 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2, and for type 1 AGN down to 8.5 × 10-16 erg s-1 cm-2. Recovered values for black hole mass show a small offset with respect to the input values by about 10%, but the agreement is good overall. With such a high spectroscopic coverage at z &lt; 2, we will be able to measure AGN demography, scaling relations, and clustering from the epoch of the peak of AGN activity down to the present-day Universe for hundreds of thousands of AGN with homogeneous spectroscopic information

    Euclid preparation. Measuring detailed galaxy morphologies for Euclid with Machine Learning

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    The Euclid mission is expected to image millions of galaxies with high resolution, providing an extensive dataset to study galaxy evolution. We investigate the application of deep learning to predict the detailed morphologies of galaxies in Euclid using Zoobot a convolutional neural network pretrained with 450000 galaxies from the Galaxy Zoo project. We adapted Zoobot for emulated Euclid images, generated based on Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS images, and with labels provided by volunteers in the Galaxy Zoo: Hubble project. We demonstrate that the trained Zoobot model successfully measures detailed morphology for emulated Euclid images. It effectively predicts whether a galaxy has features and identifies and characterises various features such as spiral arms, clumps, bars, disks, and central bulges. When compared to volunteer classifications Zoobot achieves mean vote fraction deviations of less than 12% and an accuracy above 91% for the confident volunteer classifications across most morphology types. However, the performance varies depending on the specific morphological class. For the global classes such as disk or smooth galaxies, the mean deviations are less than 10%, with only 1000 training galaxies necessary to reach this performance. For more detailed structures and complex tasks like detecting and counting spiral arms or clumps, the deviations are slightly higher, around 12% with 60000 galaxies used for training. In order to enhance the performance on complex morphologies, we anticipate that a larger pool of labelled galaxies is needed, which could be obtained using crowdsourcing. Finally, our findings imply that the model can be effectively adapted to new morphological labels. We demonstrate this adaptability by applying Zoobot to peculiar galaxies. In summary, our trained Zoobot CNN can readily predict morphological catalogues for Euclid images.Comment: 27 pages, 26 figures, 5 tables, submitted to A&

    Euclid Preparation. XXXVII. Galaxy colour selections with Euclid and ground photometry for cluster weak-lensing analyses

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    We derived galaxy colour selections from Euclid and ground-based photometry, aiming to accurately define background galaxy samples in cluster weak-lensing analyses. Given any set of photometric bands, we developed a method for the calibration of optimal galaxy colour selections that maximises the selection completeness, given a threshold on purity. We calibrated galaxy selections using simulated ground-based grizgriz and Euclid YEJEHEY_{\rm E}J_{\rm E}H_{\rm E} photometry. Both selections produce a purity higher than 97%. The grizgriz selection completeness ranges from 30% to 84% in the lens redshift range zl∈[0.2,0.8]z_{\rm l}\in[0.2,0.8]. With the full grizYEJEHEgrizY_{\rm E}J_{\rm E}H_{\rm E} selection, the completeness improves by up to 2525 percentage points, and the zlz_{\rm l} range extends up to zl=1.5z_{\rm l}=1.5. The calibrated colour selections are stable to changes in the sample limiting magnitudes and redshift, and the selection based on grizgriz bands provides excellent results on real external datasets. The grizgriz selection is also purer at high redshift and more complete at low redshift compared to colour selections found in the literature. We find excellent agreement in terms of purity and completeness between the analysis of an independent, simulated Euclid galaxy catalogue and our calibration sample, except for galaxies at high redshifts, for which we obtain up to 50 percent points higher completeness. The combination of colour and photo-zz selections applied to simulated Euclid data yields up to 95% completeness, while the purity decreases down to 92% at high zlz_{\rm l}. We show that the calibrated colour selections provide robust results even when observations from a single band are missing from the ground-based data. Finally, we show that colour selections do not disrupt the shear calibration for stage III surveys.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures. Published by A&

    Reorganization of Retinotopic Maps after Occipital Lobe Infarction

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    We studied patient JS who had a right occipital infarct that encroached on visual areas V1, V2v and VP. When tested psychophysically, he was very impaired at detecting the direction of motion in random dot displays where a variable proportion of dots moving in one direction (signal) were embedded in masking motion noise (noise dots). The impairment on this Motion Coherence task was especially marked when the display was presented to the upper left (affected) visual quadrant, contralateral to his lesion. However, with extensive training, by 11 months his threshold fell to the level of healthy subjects. Training on the Motion Coherence task generalized to another motion task, the Motion Discontinuity task, on which he had to detect the presence of an edge that was defined by the difference in the direction of the coherently moving dots (signal) within the display. He was much better at this task at 8 than 3 months, and this improvement was associated with an increase in the activation of the human MT complex (hMT+) and in the kinetic occipital region (KO) as shown by repeated fMRI scans. We also used fMRI to perform retinotopic mapping at 3, 8 and 11 months after the infarct. We quantified the retinotopy and areal shifts by measuring the distances between the center of mass of functionally defined areas, computed in spherical surface-based coordinates. The functionally defined retinotopic areas V1, V2v, V2d and VP were initially smaller in the lesioned right hemisphere, but they increased in size between 3 and 11 months. This change was not found in the normal, left hemisphere, of the patient or in either hemispheres of the healthy control subjects. We were interested in whether practice on the motion coherence task promoted the changes in the retinotopic maps. We compared the results for patient JS with those from another patient (PF) who had a comparable lesion but had not been given such practice. We found similar changes in the maps in the lesioned hemisphere of PF. However, PF was only scanned at 3 and 7 months, and the biggest shifts in patient JS were found between 8 and 11 months. Thus, it is important to carry out a prospective study with a trained and untrained group so as to determine whether the patterns of reorganization that we have observed can be further promoted by training

    Does a strict glycemic control during acute coronary syndrome play a cardioprotective effect? Pathophysiology and clinical evidence

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    A hyperglycemic state, also in non-diabetic subjects, may be associated with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Aim of this review is to describe the pathophysiologic association between ACS and hyperglycemic state, the protective mechanisms of a tight glycaemic control in ACS on CV outcomes, and the supporting clinical evidence. Several mechanisms may be responsible of a poor CV outcome in subjects with hyperglycemia during ACS. Endothelial NAPDH oxidase-2 (NOX2) activation in response to high glucose alters the balance between Raf/MAPK-dependent vasoconstriction and PI3K/Akt-dependent vasodilation in favour of constriction. Hyperglycaemia induces an overproduction of superoxide by the mitochondrial electron transport chain through different molecular mechanisms. Moreover, hyperglycaemia increases the size of the infarct by causing myocardial cell death through apoptosis and reducing the collateral blood flow. High FFA concentrations lead to toxicity mechanisms in acutely ischemic myocardium. On the other hand, a tight glycaemic control in ACS exerts a cardioprotective action by anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic mechanisms, anti-oxidative stress, endothelium protection, FFA reduction, anti-glucotoxic effect, IR and cardiac fuel metabolisms improvement, heart stem cells protection and reduced activation of adrenergic system. Unfortunately, the clinical studies supporting the above pathophysiological background are few and sometimes controversial, more likely due the risk of hypoglycemia linked to the insulin therapy generally used during ACS. Intriguingly, GLP-1 RA and SGLT2i, demonstrated highly effective in the cardiovascular prevention in high-risk subjects without the risk of hypoglycemia, might keep this cardioprotective effect even in acute conditions such as ASC
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