16 research outputs found

    Taller de entrenamiento clasificación de imágenes satelitales y ndvi

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    Las nuevas tecnologías de la información provocan hoy grandes desafíos organizacionales y una carrera de innovación constante, tanto al interior de las empresas como de las administraciones públicas. Los SIG son herramientas que permiten procesar geoinformación (cuya condición básica es su referencia espacial a un determinado sistema de coordenadas geográficas) por esta razón se han transformado en herramientas imprescindibles para la gestión y planificación del territorio y, más específicamente, para el planeamiento urbano.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Understanding the relationship between environmental policies and deforestation activities in the Paraguayan Chaco

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    Over the past 40 years, Paraguay has lost the majority of its natural forest cover, thus becoming one of the countries with the highest deforestation rates in the world. Uninterrupted deforestation practices in the Paraguayan Chaco between 1987 and 2012 resulted in the loss of 27% of its original cover, accounting for almost 44,000 km2 of forested areas depleted. The rapid expansion of the agricultural frontier, cattle ranching, and illegal logging has converted the last forest remnants into isolated patches, thus endangering their continuity and biodiversity within them. In response to these events, the Paraguayan government has implemented numerous environmental programs and regulations to amend the damage that had happened in the past. Although governmental agencies claim a reduction in deforestation activities in the region, proper scientific environmental data that analyze the long-term effect of such regulations/programs remain scarce. Within this context, the present research analyzes the impact of local governments on changes occurred in Paraguayan Chaco forest between the years 1986 and 2020. Remote sensing data acquired from Landsat 4, 5, 7 and 8 images were used to derive the extent of the forest cover and deforestation rates over 34 years. Dynamics of the forest cover was correlated with each of the 10 government terms within the timeframe of the study. By analyzing the forest cover data during and after each term (around five years per government term), we sought to understand the influence of local policies on deforestation activities in the eco-region, aiming to identify social, political, and institutional drivers of change. A comprehensive assessment of creation and effectivities of protected areas, land concession to indigenous communities, and development/implementation of local policies and environmental laws are part of this study. Preliminary results show a significative difference on forest cover loss among governments terms ranging between 1% (2,385 km2) and 9% (14,422 km2). The lack of clear regulations, sound law enforcement, financial support, and inappropriate governance were initially identified as key drivers of change. The use of multi-temporal information was demonstrated to be a key component for designing, supporting, and monitoring conservation strategies and policies. It is crucial to consider not only the outlook of laws and policies aiming to halt deforestation activities but their actual influence on the behavior of natural resources over tim

    Análisis multitemporal del cambio de uso de la tierra en el Departamento de Alto Paraguay, Paraguay

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    The study area focuses in Alto Paraguay Department, located in the Occidental Region of Paraguay. The overall objective of the research was to analyze in inter-annual time sections the changes of land use for the period 1992 – 2012 and estimate the trend of change of land use for the next eight decades in the Department of Alto Paraguay. The first step was to analyze the satellite images of 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012. The variables that were chosen for this research were: land with forest covering and land used for livestock production. It was used a supervised classification with the consequent generation of the finals maps and quantification of the surfaces. Images were introduced in the Idrisi Selva software for prediction for the years 2032, 2050 and 2100. The process of data analysis leads to the conclusion that there were no changes in the landscape matrix in the period 1992 – 2012, which means that the surface with forest covering were greater than the surface using for livestock production. However, it is forecasting that by 2032 there are high probabilities of changes in the matrix. The variables that have more influence on changing land use are: (a) the transition zones distance, and (b) the distance to roads. Livestock activity reports extensive characteristics, which means that new initiatives are more probably to develop in areas surrounding the existing use of land for livestock production.La zona de estudio comprende el Departamento de Alto Paraguay ubicado en la Región Occidental del Paraguay. El objetivo general de la investigación fue analizar el cambio de uso de la tierra durante el periodo 1992 – 2012 y estimar la tendencia de cambio de uso de la tierra para las próximas ocho décadas en el Departamento de Alto Paraguay. Primeramente, se realizó el análisis de las imágenes satelitales de los años 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007 y 2012, las variables analizadas fueron: tierra con cobertura boscosa y tierra con uso pecuario, se realizó una clasificación supervisada con la consecuente generación de los mapas finales y cuantificación de las superficies. Las imágenes se introdujeron al software Idrisi Selva para realizar la predicción para los años 2032, 2050 y 2100. El análisis de datos permitió concluir que no existe cambio en la matriz del paisaje en el periodo 1992 – 2012 ya que la superficie con cobertura boscosa es mayor al uso pecuario. No obstante, se predice que para el año 2032 el cambio perentorio de la matriz. Las variables que ejercen mayor influencia sobre el cambio de uso de la tierra son la distancia a zonas de transición y la distancia a caminos. La actividad pecuaria reporta un comportamiento extensivo, es decir que los nuevos emprendimientos se habilitan alrededor de zonas con uso pecuario ya existente

    Understanding 34 Years of Forest Cover Dynamics across the Paraguayan Chaco: Characterizing Annual Changes and Forest Fragmentation Levels between 1987 and 2020

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    Over the past 40 years, Paraguay has lost the majority of its natural forest cover, thus becoming one of the countries with the highest deforestation rates in the world. The rapid expansion of the agricultural frontier, cattle ranching, and illegal logging between 1987 and 2012 resulted in the loss of 27% of original forest cover, equivalent to almost 44,000 km2. Within this context, the present research provides the first yearly analysis of forest cover change in the Paraguayan Chaco between the years 1987 and 2020. Remote sensing data obtained from Landsat images were applied to derive annual forest cover masks and deforestation rates over 34 years. Part of this study is a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of protected areas, as well as an analysis of the degree of fragmentation of the forest. All classification results obtained accuracies above 80% and revealed a total forest cover loss of approximately 64,700 km2. Forest clearing within protected areas was not frequent; however, some natural reserves presented losses of up to 25% of their forest cover. Through the consideration of several landscape metrics, this study reveals an onward fragmentation of forest cover, which endangers the natural habitat of numerous species