351 research outputs found

    Which Conflict? Understanding Conflicts inside the Board of Directors

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    The analysis of previous studies oncerning corporate governance shows that some variables related to board behavior have not been properly taken into account. The paper analyses board of directors in its decision-making process highlighting the importance that a clear identification of conflict could have on board effectiveness. It emerges that conflict could be distinguished in many typologies affecting board dynamics and decision-making process. The aim of the paper is to identify the mainstream and the other borderline approaches in the existent literature in order to: (i) mark some confusions in the definition or use of the concept of conflict; (ii) point-out its potential in the study of board effectiveness in a behavioural per-spective; (iii) underline the need for operationalizing the concept for a better understanding of its impact on board effectiveness and for a robust future empirical research.Conflict; Board of Directors; Decision-making Process; Board Effetiveness

    Effects on mobility training and de-adaptations in subjects with Spinal Cord Injury due to a Wearable Robot: A preliminary report

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    open7noopenSale, Patrizio; Russo, Emanuele Francesco; Russo, Michele; Masiero, Stefano; Piccione, Francesco; Calabrò, Rocco Salvatore; Filoni, SerenaSale, Patrizio; Russo, Emanuele Francesco; Russo, Michele; Masiero, Stefano; Piccione, Francesco; Calabrò, Rocco Salvatore; Filoni, Seren

    Electro-osmotic flow enhancement in carbon nanotube membranes

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    In this work, experimental evidence of the presence of electro-osmotic flow (EOF) in carbon nanotube membranes with diameters close to or in the region of electrical double layer overlap is presented for two different electrolytes for the first time. No EOF in this region should be present according to the simplified theoretical framework commonly used for EOF in micrometre-sized channels. The simplifying assumptions concern primarily the electrolyte charge density structure, based on the Poisson-Boltzmann (P-B) equation. Here, a numerical analysis of the solutions for the simplified case and for the nonlinear and the linearized P-B equations is compared with experimental data. Results show that the simplified solution produces a significant deviation from experimental data, whereas the linearized solution of the P-B equation can be adopted with little error compared with the full P-B case. This work opens the way to using electro-osmotic pumping in a wide range of applications, from membrane-based ultrafiltration and nanofiltration (as a more efficient alternative to mechanical pumping at the nanoscale) to further miniaturization of lab-on-a-chip devices at the nanoscale for in vivo implantation.</p

    La programmazione integrata per la valorizzazione dei centri storici minori. Il Modello SOSTEC per la verifica della fattibilitĂ  economica per la valorizzazione degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati

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    In the context of integrated projects aimed at enhancing historical centres, one of the most important aspects is the re-use of unused public buildings. The effectiveness of the decision-making process that leads to the identification of preferable, feasible and sustainable solutions can be improved with the support of evaluation tools, of a monetary or qualitative type. This paper illustrates an experimental model of "Project of economic feasibility for the exploitation of unused public buildings" called SOSTEC; this model can be used when the public decision maker intends to verify whether the economic conditions exist for the use of forms of private public partnership to create and/or manage a work. The contribution, after the general illustration of the model, focuses on the ways in which the economic-estimative aspects of the feasibility of the enhancement projects are dealt with and resolved through the use of a monetary technique, the Cash Flow Analysis. La programmazione integrata per la valorizzazione dei centri storici minori. Il Modello SOSTEC per la verifica della fattibilità economica per la valorizzazione degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati Nell’ambito dei progetti integrati finalizzati alla valorizzazione dei centri storici, uno degli aspetti di particolare rilevanza è costituito dal riuso degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati. L’efficacia del processo decisionale che porta all’individuazione delle soluzioni preferibili, fattibili e sostenibili può essere migliorata con il supporto di strumenti valutativi, di tipo monetario o di tipo qualitativo. Il presente contributo illustra un modello sperimentale di “Progetto di fattibilità economica per la valorizzazione degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati” denominato SOSTEC, utilizzabile quando il decisore pubblico intenda verificare se sussistono le condizioni economiche per il ricorso a forme di partenariato pubblico privato per la realizzazione e/o gestione di un’opera. Il contributo, dopo l’illustrazione generale del modello, si sofferma sulle modalità con le quali sono affrontati e risolti gli aspetti economico-estimativi della fattibilità dei progetti di valorizzazione attraverso l’utilizzo di una tecnica di tipo monetario, la Cash Flow Analysis. Nell’ambito dei progetti integrati finalizzati alla valorizzazione dei centri storici, uno degli aspetti di particolare rilevanza è costituito dal riuso degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati. L’efficacia del processo decisionale che porta all’individuazione delle soluzioni preferibili, fattibili e sostenibili può essere migliorata con il supporto di strumenti valutativi, di tipo monetario o di tipo qualitativo. Il presente contributo illustra un modello sperimentale di “Progetto di fattibilità economica per la valorizzazione degli immobili pubblici inutilizzati” denominato SOSTEC, utilizzabile quando il decisore pubblico intenda verificare se sussistono le condizioni economiche per il ricorso a forme di partenariato pubblico privato per la realizzazione e/o gestione di un’opera. Il contributo, dopo l’illustrazione generale del modello, si sofferma sulle modalità con le quali sono affrontati e risolti gli aspetti economico-estimativi della fattibilità dei progetti di valorizzazione attraverso l’utilizzo di una tecnica di tipo monetario, la Cash Flow Analysis.  Integrated Programming for the Enhancement of Minor Historical Centres. The SOSTEC Model for the Verification of the Economic Feasibility for the Enhancement of Unused Public Buildings.In the context of integrated projects aimed at enhancing historical centres, one of the most important aspects is the re-use of unused public buildings. The effectiveness of the decision-making process that leads to the identification of preferable, feasible and sustainable solutions can be improved with the support of evaluation tools, of a monetary or qualitative type. This paper illustrates an experimental model of "Project of economic feasibility for the exploitation of unused public buildings" called SOSTEC; this model can be used when the public decision maker intends to verify whether the economic conditions exist for the use of forms of private public partnership to create and/or manage a work. The contribution, after the general illustration of the model, focuses on the ways in which the economic-estimative aspects of the feasibility of the enhancement projects are dealt with and resolved through the use of a monetary technique, the Cash Flow Analysis

    Extreme learning machine collocation for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs with sharp gradients

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    We address a new numerical method based on machine learning and in particular based on the concept of the so-called Extreme Learning Machines, to approximate the solution of linear elliptic partial differential equations with collocation. We show that a feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer and sigmoidal transfer functions and fixed, random, internal weights and biases can be used to compute accurately enough a collocated solution for such problems. We discuss how one can set the range of values for both the weights between the input and hidden layer and the biases of the hidden layer in order to obtain a good underlying approximating subspace, and we explore the required number of collocation points. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method with several one-dimensional diffusion–advection–reaction benchmark problems that exhibit steep behaviors, such as boundary layers. We point out that there is no need of iterative training of the network, as the proposed numerical approach results to a linear problem that can be easily solved using least-squares and regularization. Numerical results show that the proposed machine learning method achieves a good numerical accuracy, outperforming central Finite Differences, thus bypassing the time-consuming training phase of other machine learning approaches

    Extreme learning machine collocation for the numerical solution of elliptic PDEs with sharp gradients

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    We introduce a new numerical method based on machine learning to approximate the solution of elliptic partial differential equations with collocation using a set of sigmoidal functions. We show that a feedforward neural network with a single hidden layer with sigmoidal functions and fixed, random, internal weights and biases can be used to compute accurately a collocation solution. The choice to fix internal weights and bias leads to the so-called Extreme Learning Machine network. We discuss how to determine the range for both internal weights and biases in order to obtain a good underlining approximating space, and we explore the required number of collocation points. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method with several one-dimensional diffusion-advection-reaction problems that exhibit steep behaviors, such as boundary layers. The boundary conditions are imposed directly as collocation equations. We point out that there is no need of training the network, as the proposed numerical approach results to a linear problem that can be easily solved using least-squares. Numerical results show that the proposed method achieves a good accuracy. Finally, we compare the proposed method with finite differences and point out the significant improvements in terms of computational cost, thus avoiding the time-consuming training phase

    Promuovere la pace attraverso le identità. Valutazione e partecipazione in un’esperienza di valorizzazione delle risorse endogene della Calabria

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    The paper illustrates the main methodological aspects and the first results of a research activity aimed at enhancing Calabrian identity resources.The research activity is the result of an agreement between the Italian Federation of Clubs for UNESCO - FICLU and the Laboratory of economic and estimative evaluations - LaborEst, active in the PAU Department of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria.The UNESCO Clubs have as their mission the promotion of the culture of Peace, which they perform through a plurality of actions in different fields, from the education of young people to the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage, just to name a few.The agreement includes activities aimed at knowledge, conservation, enhancement, management and cultural use, historical, architectural, archaeological and environmental heritage present in Calabria, in particular through two types of activity:training events and territorial animation activities;projects and operational actions.The ultimate aim of this collaboration is to promote the spread of the culture of Peace through the acquisition by citizens of a greater awareness of the importance of their identity heritage.The paper will illustrate, in particular:the role of the participation of local communities and the methods of involvement;the contribution of the evaluation culture, for the purpose of selecting effective, feasible and sustainable actions. Promuovere la pace attraverso le identità. Valutazione e partecipazione in un’esperienza di valorizzazione delle risorse endogene della CalabriaIl paper illustrerà i principali aspetti metodologici e i primi risultati di un’attività di ricerca finalizzata alla valorizzazione delle risorse identitarie calabresi.L’attività di ricerca scaturisce da un accordo tra la Federazione Italiana dei Club per l’UNESCO – FICLU e il Laboratorio di Valutazioni economico-estimative – LaborEst, attivo presso il Dipartimento PAU dell’Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.I Club per l’UNESCO hanno come mission la promozione della cultura della Pace, che assolvono attraverso una pluralità di azioni in diversi campi, dall’educazione dei giovani alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e ambientale, solo per citarne alcuni.L’accordo prevede attività finalizzate alla conoscenza, conservazione, valorizzazione, gestione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale, storico, architettonico, archeologico e ambientale presente nel territorio calabrese, in particolare attraverso due tipologie di attività:eventi formativi ed attività di animazione territoriale;progetti e azioni operative.Fine ultimo di tale collaborazione è quello di favorire la diffusione della cultura della Pace attraverso l’acquisizione, da parte dei cittadini, di una maggiore consapevolezza della rilevanza del proprio patrimonio identitario.Il paper illustrerà, in particolare:il ruolo della partecipazione delle comunità locali e le modalità di coinvolgimento;il contributo della cultura della valutazione, ai fini della selezione delle azioni efficaci, fattibili e sostenibili.Il paper illustrerà i principali aspetti metodologici e i primi risultati di un’attività di ricerca finalizzata alla valorizzazione delle risorse identitarie calabresi.L’attività di ricerca scaturisce da un accordo tra la Federazione Italiana dei Club per l’UNESCO – FICLU e il Laboratorio di Valutazioni economico-estimative – LaborEst, attivo presso il Dipartimento PAU dell’Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.I Club per l’UNESCO hanno come mission la promozione della cultura della Pace, che assolvono attraverso una pluralità di azioni in diversi campi, dall’educazione dei giovani alla valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale e ambientale, solo per citarne alcuni.L’accordo prevede attività finalizzate alla conoscenza, conservazione, valorizzazione, gestione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale, storico, architettonico, archeologico e ambientale presente nel territorio calabrese, in particolare attraverso due tipologie di attività:eventi formativi ed attività di animazione territoriale;progetti e azioni operative.Fine ultimo di tale collaborazione è quello di favorire la diffusione della cultura della Pace attraverso l’acquisizione, da parte dei cittadini, di una maggiore consapevolezza della rilevanza del proprio patrimonio identitario.Il paper illustrerà, in particolare:il ruolo della partecipazione delle comunità locali e le modalità di coinvolgimento;il contributo della cultura della valutazione, ai fini della selezione delle azioni efficaci, fattibili e sostenibili. Promoting Peace through Identity. Evaluation and Participation in an Enhancement Experience of Calabria's Endogenous ResourcesThe paper illustrates the main methodological aspects and the first results of a research activity aimed at enhancing Calabrian identity resources.The research activity is the result of an agreement between the Italian Federation of Clubs for UNESCO - FICLU and the Laboratory of economic and estimative evaluations - LaborEst, active in the PAU Department of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria.The UNESCO Clubs have as their mission the promotion of the culture of Peace, which they perform through a plurality of actions in different fields, from the education of young people to the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage, just to name a few.The agreement includes activities aimed at knowledge, conservation, enhancement, management and cultural use, historical, architectural, archaeological and environmental heritage present in Calabria, in particular through two types of activity:training events and territorial animation activities;projects and operational actions.The ultimate aim of this collaboration is to promote the spread of the culture of Peace through the acquisition by citizens of a greater awareness of the importance of their identity heritage.The paper will illustrate, in particular:the role of the participation of local communities and the methods of involvement;the contribution of the evaluation culture, for the purpose of selecting effective, feasible and sustainable actions
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