14 research outputs found

    Combining 4D Flow MRI and Complex Networks Theory to Characterize the Hemodynamic Heterogeneity in Dilated and Non-dilated Human Ascending Aortas

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    Dilatació aòrtica; Aneurisma de l'aorta ascendent; Anàlisi espai-temporalDilatación aórtica; Aneurisma de la aorta ascendente; Análisis espacio-temporalAortic dilation; Ascending aorta aneurysm; Spatiotemporal analysisMotivated by the evidence that the onset and progression of the aneurysm of the ascending aorta (AAo) is intertwined with an adverse hemodynamic environment, the present study characterized in vivo the hemodynamic spatiotemporal complexity and organization in human aortas, with and without dilated AAo, exploring the relations with clinically relevant hemodynamic and geometric parameters. The Complex Networks (CNs) theory was applied for the first time to 4D flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) velocity data of ten patients, five of them presenting with AAo dilation. The time-histories along the cardiac cycle of velocity-based quantities were used to build correlation-based CNs. The CNs approach succeeded in capturing large-scale coherent flow features, delimiting flow separation and recirculation regions. CNs metrics highlighted that an increasing AAo dilation (expressed in terms of the ratio between the maximum AAo and aortic root diameter) disrupts the correlation in forward flow reducing the correlation persistence length, while preserving the spatiotemporal homogeneity of secondary flows. The application of CNs to in vivo 4D MRI data holds promise for a mechanistic understanding of the spatiotemporal complexity and organization of aortic flows, opening possibilities for the integration of in vivo quantitative hemodynamic information into risk stratification and classification criteria.Open access funding provided by Politecnico di Torino within the CRUI-CARE Agreement

    Spatiotemporal Hemodynamic Complexity in Carotid Arteries: An Integrated Computational Hemodynamics and Complex Networks-Based Approach

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    Objective: The study of the arterial hemodynamics is essential for a better understanding of the risks associated with the onset/progression of vascular disease. However, conventional quantification and visualization paradigms are not sufficient to fully capture the spatiotemporal evolution of correlated blood flow patterns and their “sphere of influence” in complex vascular geometries. In the attempt to bridge this knowledge gap, an integrated computational hemodynamics and complex networks-based approach is proposed to unveil organization principles of cardiovascular flows. Methods: The approach is applied to ten patient-specific hemodynamic models of carotid bifurcation, a vascular bed characterized by a complex hemodynamics and clinically-relevant disease. Correlation-based networks are built starting from time-histories of two fluid mechanics quantities of physiological significance, respectively (1) the blood velocity vector axial component locally aligned with the main flow direction, and (2) the kinetic helicity density. Results: Unlike conventional hemodynamic analyses, here the spatiotemporal similarity of dynamic intravascular flow structures is encoded in a distance function. In the case of the carotid bifurcation, this study measures for the first time to what extent flow similarity is disrupted by vascular geometric features. Conclusion: It emerges that a larger bifurcation expansion, a hallmark of vascular disease, significantly disrupts the network topological connections between axial flow structures, reducing also their anatomical persistence length. On the contrary, connections in helical flow patterns are overall less geometry-sensitive. Significance: The integrated approach proposed here, by exploiting the connections of hemodynamic patterns undergoing similar dynamical evolution, opens avenues for further comprehension of vascular physiopathology

    Network-Based Characterization of Blood Large-Scale Coherent Motion in the Healthy Human Aorta With 4D Flow MRI

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    Aorta humana; Resonancia magnéticaHuman aorta; MRIAorta humana; Ressonància magnèticaObjective: The need for distilling the hemodynamic complexity of aortic flows into clinically relevant quantities resulted in a loss of the information hidden in 4D aortic fluid structures. To reduce information loss, this study proposes a network-based approach to identify and characterize in vivo the large-scale coherent motion of blood in the healthy human aorta. Methods: The quantitative paradigm of the aortic flow as a “social network” was applied on 4D flow MRI acquisitions performed on forty-one healthy volunteers. Correlations between the aortic blood flow rate waveform at the proximal ascending aorta (AAo), assumed as one of the drivers of aortic hemodynamics, and the waveforms of the axial velocity in the whole aorta were used to build “one-to-all” networks. The impact of the driving flow rate waveform and of aortic geometric attributes on the transport of large-scale coherent fluid structures was investigated. Results: The anatomical length of persistence of large-scale coherent motion was the 29.6% of the healthy thoracic aorta length (median value, IQR 23.1%–33.9%). Such length is significantly influenced by the average and peak-to-peak AAo blood flow rate values, suggesting a remarkable inertial effect of the AAo flow rate on the transport of large-scale fluid structures in the distal aorta. Aortic geometric attributes such as curvature, torsion and arch shape did not influence the anatomical length of persistence. Conclusion: The proposed in vivo approach allowed to quantitatively characterize the transport of large-scale fluid structures in the healthy aorta, strengthening the definition of coherent hemodynamic structures and identifying flow inertia rather than geometry as one of its main determinants. Significance: The findings on healthy aortas may be used as reference values to investigate the impact of aortic disease or implanted devices in disrupting/restoring the physiological spatiotemporal coherence of large-scale aortic flow.Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Grant Number: IJC2018-037349-

    Deciphering ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm hemodynamics in relation to biomechanical properties

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    The degeneration of the arterial wall at the basis of the ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm (ATAA) is a complex multifactorial process, which may lead to clinical complications and, ultimately, death. Individual genetic, biological or hemodynamic factors are inadequate to explain the heterogeneity of ATAA development/progression mechanisms, thus stimulating the analysis of their complex interplay. Here the disruption of the hemodynamic environment in the ATAA is investigated integrating patient-specific computational hemodynamics, CT-based in vivo estimation of local aortic stiffness and advanced fluid mechanics methods of analysis. The final aims are (1) deciphering the ATAA spatiotemporal hemodynamic complexity and its link to near-wall topological features, and (2) identifying the existing links between arterial wall degeneration and hemodynamic insult. Technically, two methodologies are applied to computational hemodynamics data, the wall shear stress (WSS) topological skeleton analysis, and the Complex Networks theory. The same analysis was extended to the healthy aorta. As main findings of the study, we report that: (1) different spatiotemporal heterogeneity characterizes the ATAA and healthy hemodynamics, that markedly reflect on their WSS topological skeleton features; (2) a link (stronger than canonical WSS-based descriptors) emerges between the variation of contraction/expansion action exerted by WSS on the endothelium along the cardiac cycle, and ATAA wall stiffness. The findings of the study suggest the use of advanced methods for a deeper understanding of the hemodynamics disruption in ATAA, and candidate WSS topological skeleton features as promising indicators of local wall degeneration

    Isogeometric Hierarchical Model Reduction for advection-diffusion process simulation in microchannels

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    17 pagesInternational audienceMicrofluidics proved to be a key technology in various applications, allowing to reproduce large-scale laboratory settings at a more sustainable small-scale. The current effort is focused on enhancing the mixing process of different passive species at the micro-scale, where a laminar flow regime damps turbulence effects. Chaotic advection is often used to improve mixing effects also at very low Reynolds numbers. In particular, we focus on passive micromixers, where chaotic advection is mainly achieved by properly selecting the geometry of microchannels. In such a context, reduced order modeling can play a role, especially in the design of new geometries. In this chapter, we verify the reliability and the computational benefits lead by a Hierarchical Model (HiMod) reduction when modeling the transport of a passive scalar in an S-shaped microchannel. Such a geometric configuration provides an ideal setting where to apply a HiMod approximation, which exploits the presence of a leading dynamics to commute the original three-dimensional model into a system of one-dimensional coupled problems. It can be proved that HiMod reduction guarantees a very good accuracy when compared with a high-fidelity model, despite a drastic reduction in terms of number of unknowns

    Coronary Artery Stenting Affects Wall Shear Stress Topological Skeleton

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    Despite the important advancements in the stent technology for the treatment of diseased coronary arteries, major complications still affect the postoperative long-term outcome. The stent-induced flow disturbances, and especially the altered wall shear stress (WSS) profile at the strut level, play an important role in the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to stent thrombosis (ST) and in-stent restenosis (ISR). In this context, the analysis of the WSS topological skeleton is gaining more and more interest by extending the current understanding of the association between local hemodynamics and vascular diseases. This study aims to analyze the impact that a deployed coronary stent has on the WSS topological skeleton. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed in three stented human coronary artery geometries reconstructed from clinical images. The selected cases presented stents with different designs (i.e., two contemporary drug-eluting stents and one bioresorbable scaffold) and included regions with stent malapposition or overlapping. A recently proposed Eulerian-based approach was applied to analyze the WSS topological skeleton features. The results highlighted that the presence of single or multiple stents within a coronary artery markedly impacts the WSS topological skeleton. In particular, repetitive patterns of WSS divergence were observed at the luminal surface, highlighting a WSS contraction action exerted proximal to the stent struts and a WSS expansion action distal to the stent struts. This WSS action pattern was independent from the stent design. In conclusion, these findings could contribute to a deeper understanding of the hemodynamics-driven processes underlying ST and ISR

    Divergence of the normalized wall shear stress as an effective computational template of low-density lipoprotein polarization at the arterial blood-vessel wall interface

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    Background and Objective: Near-wall transport of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in arteries plays a relevant role in the initiation of atherosclerosis. Although it can be modelled in silico by coupling the Navier–Stokes equations with the 3D advection-diffusion (AD) equation, the associated computational cost is high. As wall shear stress (WSS) represents a first-order approximation of the near-wall velocity in arteries, we aimed at identifying computationally convenient WSS-based quantities to infer LDL near-wall transport based on the underlying near-wall hemodynamics in five models of three human arterial districts (aorta, carotid bifurcations, coronary arteries). The simulated LDL transport and its WSS-based surrogates were qualitatively compared with in vivo longitudinal measurements of wall thickness growth on the coronary artery models. Methods: Numerical simulations of blood flow coupled with AD equations for LDL transport and blood-wall transfer were performed. The co-localization of the simulated LDL concentration polarization patterns with luminal surface areas characterized by low cycle-average WSS, near-wall flow stagnation and WSS attracting patterns was quantitatively assessed by the similarity index (SI). In detail, the latter two represent features of the WSS topological skeleton, obtained respectively through the Lagrangian tracking of surface-born particles, and the Eulerian analysis of the divergence of the normalized cycle-average WSS vector field. Results: Convergence of the solution of the AD problem required the simulation of 3 (coronary artery) to 10 (aorta) additional cardiac cycles with respect to the Navier-Stokes problem. Co-localization results underlined that WSS topological skeleton features indicating near-wall flow stagnation and WSS attracting patterns identified LDL concentration polarization profiles more effectively than low WSS, as indicated by higher SI values (SI range: 0.17–0.50 for low WSS; 0.24–0.57 for WSS topological skeleton features). Moreover, the correspondence between the simulated LDL uptake and WSS-based quantities profiles with the in vivo measured wall thickness growth in coronary arteries appears promising. Conclusions: The recently introduced Eulerian approach for identifying WSS attracting patterns from the divergence of normalized WSS provides a computationally affordable template of the LDL polarization at the arterial blood-wall interface without simulating the AD problem. It thus candidates as an effective biomechanical tool for elucidating the mechanistic link amongst LDL transfer at the arterial blood-wall interface, WSS and atherogenesis

    Early Atherosclerotic Changes in Coronary Arteries are Associated with Endothelium Shear Stress Contraction/Expansion Variability

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    Although unphysiological wall shear stress (WSS) has become the consensus hemodynamic mechanism for coronary atherosclerosis, the complex biomechanical stimulus affecting atherosclerosis evolution is still undetermined. This has motivated the interest on the contraction/expansion action exerted by WSS on the endothelium, obtained through the WSS topological skeleton analysis. This study tests the ability of this WSS feature, alone or combined with WSS magnitude, to predict coronary wall thickness (WT) longitudinal changes. Nine coronary arteries of hypercholesterolemic minipigs underwent imaging with local WT measurement at three time points: baseline (T1), after 5.6 ± 0.9 (T2), and 7.6 ± 2.5 (T3) months. Individualized computational hemodynamic simulations were performed at T1 and T2. The variability of the WSS contraction/expansion action along the cardiac cycle was quantified using the WSS topological shear variation index (TSVI). Alone or combined, high TSVI and low WSS significantly co-localized with high WT at the same time points and were significant predictors of thickening at later time points. TSVI and WSS magnitude values in a physiological range appeared to play an atheroprotective role. Both the variability of the WSS contraction/expansion action and WSS magnitude, accounting for different hemodynamic effects on the endothelium, (1) are linked to WT changes and (2) concur to identify WSS features leading to coronary atherosclerosis

    Early Atherosclerotic Changes in Coronary Arteries are Associated with Endothelium Shear Stress Contraction/Expansion Variability

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    Although unphysiological wall shear stress (WSS) has become the consensus hemodynamic mechanism for coronary atherosclerosis, the complex biomechanical stimulus affecting atherosclerosis evolution is still undetermined. This has motivated the interest on the contraction/expansion action exerted by WSS on the endothelium, obtained through the WSS topological skeleton analysis. This study tests the ability of this WSS feature, alone or combined with WSS magnitude, to predict coronary wall thickness (WT) longitudinal changes. Nine coronary arteries of hypercholesterolemic minipigs underwent imaging with local WT measurement at three time points: baseline (T1), after 5.6 ± 0.9 (T2), and 7.6 ± 2.5 (T3) months. Individualized computational hemodynamic simulations were performed at T1 and T2. The variability of the WSS contraction/expansion action along the cardiac cycle was quantified using the WSS topological shear variation index (TSVI). Alone or combined, high TSVI and low WSS significantly co-localized with high WT at the same time points and were significant predictors of thickening at later time points. TSVI and WSS magnitude values in a physiological range appeared to play an atheroprotective role. Both the variability of the WSS contraction/expansion action and WSS magnitude, accounting for different hemodynamic effects on the endothelium, (1) are linked to WT changes and (2) concur to identify WSS features leading to coronary atherosclerosis.</p