13 research outputs found

    Topology optimization of dispersive plasmonic nanostructures in the time-domain

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    Topology optimization techniques have been applied in integrated optics and nanophotonics for the inverse design of devices with shapes that cannot be conceived by human intuition. At optical frequencies, these techniques have only been utilized to optimize nondispersive materials using frequency-domain methods. However, a time-domain formulation is more efficient to optimize materials with dispersion. We introduce such a formulation for the Drude model, which is widely used to simulate the dispersive properties of metals, conductive oxides, and conductive polymers. Our topology optimization algorithm is based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, and we introduce a time-domain sensitivity analysis that enables the evaluation of the gradient information by using one additional FDTD simulation. The existence of dielectric and metallic structures in the design space produces plasmonic field enhancement that causes convergence issues. We employ an artificial damping approach during the optimization iterations that, by reducing the plasmonic effects, solves the convergence problem. We present several design examples of 2D and 3D plasmonic nanoantennas with optimized field localization and enhancement in frequency bands of choice. Our method has the potential to speed up the design of wideband optical nanostructures made of dispersive materials for applications in nanoplasmonics, integrated optics, ultrafast photonics, and nonlinear optics

    Parallel FDTD modelling of nonlocality in plasmonics

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    As nanofabrication techniques become more precise, with ever smaller feature sizes, the ability to model nonlocal effects in plasmonics becomes increasingly important. While nonlocal models based on hydrodynamics have been implemented using various computational electromagnetics techniques, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) version has remained elusive. Here we present a comprehensive FDTD implementation of nonlocal hydrodynamics, including for parallel computing. As a sub-nanometer step size is required to resolve nonlocal effects, a parallel implementation makes the computational cost of nonlocal FDTD more affordable. We first validate our algorithms for small spherical metallic particles, and find that nonlocality smears out staircasing artifacts at metal surfaces, increasing the accuracy over local models. We find this also for a larger nanostructure with sharp extrusions. The large size of this simulation, where nonlocal effects are clearly present, highlights the importance and impact of a parallel implementation in FDTD. CCB

    Time-Domain Topology Optimization of Arbitrary Dispersive Materials for Broadband 3D Nanophotonics Inverse Design

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    In the last decades, nanostructures have unlocked myriads of functionalities in nanophotonics by engineering light-matter interaction beyond what is possible with conventional bulk optics. The space of parameters available for design is practically unlimited due to the large variety of optical materials and nanofabrication techniques. Thus, computational approaches are necessary to efficiently search for the optimal solutions. In this paper, we enable the free-form inverse design in 3D of linear optical materials with arbitrary dispersion and anisotropy. This is achieved by (1) deriving an analytical adjoint scheme based on the complex-conjugate pole-residue pair model in the time domain and (2) its implementation in a parallel finite-difference time-domain framework with a topology optimization routine, efficiently running on high-performance computing systems. Our method is tested on the design problem of field confinement using dispersive nanostructures. The obtained designs satisfy the fundamental curiosity of how free-form metallic and dielectric nanostructures perform when optimized in 3D, also in comparison to fabrication-constrained designs. Unconventional free-form designs revealed by computational methods, although may be challenging or unfeasible to realize with current technology, bring new insights into how light can more efficiently interact with nanostructures and provide new ideas for forward design

    Exploring the fundamental limits of integrated beam splitters with arbitrary phase via topology optimization

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    Optical beam splitters are essential for classical and quantum photonic on-chip systems. In integrated optical technology, a beam splitter can be implemented as a beam coupler with two input and two output ports. The output phases are constrained by the conservation of energy. In lossless beam splitters, the phase shift between the output fields is π and zero for excitation from the first and second input ports, respectively. Therefore, for excitation from both inputs, the phase between the output fields, defined as beam splitter phase (BSP), is π. The BSP leads to several phenomena, such as the quantum interference between two photons, known as the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect. By introducing losses, BSP values different than π become theoretically possible, but the design of 2 × 2 beam couplers with an arbitrary phase is elusive in integrated optics. Inspired by the growing interest on fundamental limits in electromagnetics and inverse design, here we explore the theoretical limits of symmetrical integrated beam splitters with an arbitrary BSP via adjoint-based topology optimization. Optimized 2D designs accounting for fabrication constraints are obtained for several combinations of loss and phase within the theoretical design space. Interestingly, the algorithm does not converge for objectives outside of the theoretical limits. Designs of beam splitters with arbitrary phase may find use in integrated optics for quantum information processing

    Das Inverse Design : KI fĂĽr die Gestaltung neuartiger akustischer und optischer Metamaterialien

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    Licht und Schall sind seit Jahren der Kern der Grundlagenforschung. Insbesondere eine innovative Methode hat die Art und Weise, wie optische Komponenten heute entwickelt werden verändert – das Inverse Design. Zwei Professor*innen vom Hannoverschen Zentrum für Optische Technologien (HOT) geben einen Einblick in ihre Arbeit

    Multiresonant all-dielectric metasurfaces based on high-order multipole coupling in the visible

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    In many cases, optical metasurfaces are studied in the single-resonant regime. However, a multiresonant behavior can enable multiband devices with reduced footprint, and is desired for applications such as display pixels, multispectral imaging and sensing. Multiresonances are typically achieved by engineering the array lattice (e.g., to obtain several surface lattice resonances), or by adopting a unit cell hosting one (or more than one) nanostructure with some optimized geometry to support multiple resonances. Here, we present a study on how to achieve multiresonant metasurfaces in the visible spectral range by exploiting high-order multipoles in dielectric (e.g., diamond or titanium dioxide) nanostructures. We show that in a simple metasurface (for a fixed particle and lattice geometry) one can achieve triple resonance occurring nearly at RGB (red, green, and blue) wavelengths. Based on analytical and numerical analysis, we demonstrate that the physical mechanism enabling the multiresonance behavior is the lattice induced coupling (energy exchange) between high-order Mie-type multipoles moments of the metasurface’s particles. We discuss the influence on the resonances of the metasurface’s finite size, surrounding material, polarization, and lattice shape, and suggest control strategies to enable the optical tunability of these resonances

    Low-frequency magnetic response of gold nanoparticles

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) exposed to low frequency magnetic fields have shown promise in enhancing biological processes, such as cellular reprogramming. Despite the experimental evidence, a comprehensive understanding of the underlying physical principles and the corresponding theory remains elusive. The most common hypothesis is that functionalized nanoparticles transiently amplify magnetic fields, leading to improved cellular reprogramming efficiency. However, a detailed investigation on this topic is lacking. This paper bridges this knowledge gap by conducting a comprehensive investigation on the magnetic response of surface-modified AuNPs exposed to magnetic fields with frequencies up to hundreds of MHz. Starting with the inherent properties of bulk gold material, we explore a wide range of magnetic susceptibilities that might result from the redistribution of charge carriers due to bond molecules on the particle surfaces. Through analytical models and numerical electromagnetic simulations, we examine various geometric factors that can enhance the magnetic response, including the number of particles, spatial distribution, size, and shape. Our broad investigation provides researchers with analytical and numerical estimates of the magnetic response of nanoparticles, and the associated limits that can be expected. We found that a magnetic field enhancement comparable to the incident field requires very high magnetic susceptibilities, well beyond the values measured in functionalized gold nanoparticles thus far

    Dynamic Nonlocal Dielectric Metasurfaces: Tuning Collective Lattice Resonances via Substrate–Superstrate Permittivity Contrast

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    Contrary to local resonances of single nanostructures, collective (or nonlocal) resonances in periodic metasurfaces, such as surface lattice resonances (SLRs), can significantly enhance light–matter interaction, leading to higher spectral selectivity. The dynamic control of such nonlocal response represents an emerging field of research. While tuning of SLRs has been demonstrated in plasmonic metasurfaces, the use of dielectric metasurfaces provides additional conditions to control both reflectance and transmittance, with minimum absorption effects. A close-to-homogeneous environment is usually required to guarantee the excitation of SLRs. Here, we propose theoretically and demonstrate experimentally a practical strategy for the tuning of SLRs in dielectric metasurfaces when an arbitrary index mismatch is considered between substrate and superstrate. The approach is based on a generalized lattice sum theory that accounts for the presence of a substrate. Dynamic tuning of the SLRs in silicon metasurfaces placed on a substrate is achieved with a changeable superstrate via an optofluidic process. Two tuning mechanisms are revealed corresponding to shifting and damping of the SLR, depending on the superstrate–substrate refractive index contrast. The demonstrated dynamic manipulation of transmission and reflection may be exploited in dielectric metasurfaces for tunable spectral selectivity, sensing, or novel display technologies

    Dynamic dielectric metasurfaces via control of surface lattice resonances in non-homogeneous environment

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    Dynamic control of metamaterials and metasurfaces is crucial for many photonic technologies, such as flat lenses, displays, augmented reality devices, and beam steering, to name a few. The dynamic response is typically achieved by controlling the phase and/or amplitude of individual meta-atom resonances using electro-optic, phase-change or nonlinear effects. Here, we propose and demonstrate a new practical strategy for the dynamic control of the resonant interaction of light with dielectric metasurfaces, exploiting the dependence of the interaction between meta-atoms in the array on the inhomogeneity of the surrounding medium. The revealed tuning mechanisms are based on the concept of the surface lattice resonance (SLR), the development of which strongly depends on the difference between permittivities of superstrate and substrate materials. We experimentally demonstrate surface lattice resonances in dielectric (Si) metasurfaces, and reveal two tuning mechanisms corresponding to shifting or damping of the SLR in optofluidic environment. The demonstrated dynamic tuning effect with the observed vivid colour changes may provide a dynamic metasurface approach with high spectral selectivity and enhanced sensitivity for sensors, as well as high-resolution for small pixel size displays.Comment: Main text: 10 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary information: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Topology optimization of dispersive plasmonic nanostructures in the time-domain

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    Topology optimization techniques have been applied in integrated optics and nanophotonics for the inverse design of devices with shapes that cannot be conceived by human intuition. At optical frequencies, these techniques have only been utilized to optimize nondispersive materials using frequency-domain methods. However, a time-domain formulation is more efficient to optimize materials with dispersion. We introduce such a formulation for the Drude model, which is widely used to simulate the dispersive properties of metals, conductive oxides, and conductive polymers. Our topology optimization algorithm is based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, and we introduce a time-domain sensitivity analysis that enables the evaluation of the gradient information by using one additional FDTD simulation. The existence of dielectric and metallic structures in the design space produces plasmonic field enhancement that causes convergence issues. We employ an artificial damping approach during the optimization iterations that, by reducing the plasmonic effects, solves the convergence problem. We present several design examples of 2D and 3D plasmonic nanoantennas with optimized field localization and enhancement in frequency bands of choice. Our method has the potential to speed up the design of wideband optical nanostructures made of dispersive materials for applications in nanoplasmonics, integrated optics, ultrafast photonics, and nonlinear optics