834 research outputs found

    Do job fairs work? : lessons from a randomized experiment in Egypt

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    The research aimed to bridge the mismatch between job seekers and employers and mitigate job search obstacles through improving job matching in job fairs. It studied effects of bridging general information frictions (do job seekers know about the existence of jobs fairs and how to participate in them?); labor market information frictions (what types of jobs are available in job fairs and the labor market more broadly); and capital constraints (how do the monetary costs of attending a job fair impact participation?). Participants who received both the information and travel voucher increased their job fair attendance by 9.8 percentage points (a 280% increase relative to control)

    Desert irrigation efficiency : second annual report

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    Desert irrigation efficiency : final report

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    Computer Guided Versus Conventional Maxillary Sinus Augmentation Using Allogenic Bone Blocks with Simultaneous Implant Placement in Severely Pneumatized Sinuses

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    Background: Maxillary sinus lifting is a complex procedure with reported complications in the literature where the presence of sinus septa further complicates the procedure, they including membrane perforation, bleeding. Aim: The aim of this study is to decrease the incidence of membrane perforation which is the most common reported complication, and to determine whether the use of surgical guides could decrease the incidence of membrane perforation. Materials and methods: A total of 12 cases where blindly divided into 2 groups; Group (A) computer guided maxillary sinus lifting and Group (B) conventional sinus lifting, both groups received allogenic bone blocks for sinus augmentation with simultaneous implant placement. Cone beam CT was performed pre operatively for planning the number and position of implants to be placed and for fabrication of the surgical guide. Results: In all cases the Schneiderian membrane was successfully elevated except for one case in Group (A) where membrane perforation occurred and 2 cases in Group (B) Conclusion: The use of surgical guide in sinus lifting procedures decreases the incidence of membrane perforation working time and improve implant positioning. Keywords: surgical guide, maxillary sinus lifting, allogenic bone blocks, simultaneous implant

    Evaluation of Accuracy of Intraoral Scanners versus Extra oral Scanners in Different Dental Arch Measurements

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    Background: Orthodontics has been influenced by new technologies in many areas. There is a shift toward digitization of patient’s information and data. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of intraoral scanner and extra oral scanners using different dental arch measurements. Materials and Methods: The sample size consisted of 44 dental stone models for patients who finished orthodontic treatment. For each subject two digital models were made, one digital model obtained from extra oral scanner and one digital model obtained from Intra oral scanner. An external examiner measured intermolar width, intercanine width, mesiodistal width of the first and second premolars on both left and right sides using ortho analyser 3shape programs from STL files. The same examiner evaluated the same measurements direct on the dental stone model using digital caliper. Results: The results showed no statistically significant difference between the two tested models, digital models versus stone models. Conclusions: Both intra oral and extra oral scanners were reliable on producing accurate digital model

    Effect of Different Implant Materials on Stresses Transmitted to Peri-Implant Areas of Implant-Retained Mandibular Overdenture

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    Aim this in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the effect of mechanical loading on different implant materials on supporting structures materials and methods: a total of three implant retained overdentures were used in this study, retained by two implants each (Titanium, polyetheretherketon and zirconia) were placed in epoxy resin casts at the canine area using a surgical guide. Soft liner material was used at the distal extension area to mimic the soft tissues. Two linear strain gauges were bonded buccal and lingual to each implant to measure the peri-implant strains during unilateral and bilateral loading. Results: during bilateral loading the highest strain values were recorded with the PEEK implants, while the lowest strain values were recorded with the zirconia implants. During unilateral loading, the highest strain values in the loading side were also demonstrated with the PEEK implants, and the lowest strain values were observed with the zirconia implants.Conclusion: within the limitations of this in vitro study, PEEK implants were found to transmit more occlusal stresses at the marginal bone area than titanium and zirconia implants, thus PEEK implants avoid stress shielding phenomenon and its subsequent disuse atrophy of bon

    Effect of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Micro-Tensile Bond Strength of Composite to Dentin on Primary and Permanent Teeth

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    Aim of the Study: The aim of the current study was to investigate the effect of silver diamine fluoride on micro-tensile bond strength of composite to dentin and on the bonding mechanism of dentin surface on primary and permanent teeth. Material and methods: This study included two groups: group 1 included twenty-four primary molars and group 2 included twenty-four premolars. Each group was further subdivided equally into sub-group A and sub-group B. Sub-groups A of each group were treated with a self-etch bonding system and 4-mm thick buildups of composite were placed with increments limited to 1 mm. Subgroups B of each group were treated with 38% SDF then treated with the same self-etch bonding system used in sub-group A and composite were placed. After storage in distilled water for 24 hours at 37℃, the restored specimens were sectioned occlusogingivally into serial slabs approximately 1.0 mm thick by a slow-speed water-cooled diamond saw. Each slab was sectioned into composite/tooth structure beams measuring approximately 1.0*1.0 mm in cross-section, the beams were affixed to the test block of a micro-tensile testing machine to record maximum tensile force before failure occurred. One slab from each sub-group was evaluated under a scanning electron microscope and microphotographs were obtained. Results: Results of the study showed non-significant reduction of micro-tensile bond strength in SDF-treated subgroups and showed significant reduction of micro-tensile bond strength in primary molars when compared to premolars. Microphotographs showed significant reduction in numbers and extend of resin tags into dentin surface in SDF-treated samples. Conclusions: 1) SDF has no effect on micro-tensile bond strength of composite to dentin. 2) Micro-tensile bond strength of composite to dentin of premolars is higher than primary molars. 3) SDF has a negative effect on resin tag formation. Key words: silver diamine fluoride, dental caries, micro-tensile bond strength, composite restoration

    Effect of Scan Body Design on the Accuracy of the Implant Position in Implant Supported Prosthesis

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    Background: Several treatment options are planned for completely edentulous patients rehabilitation which were developed to meet patients desires and requirements, starting from conventional complete denture till implant supported fixed full arch cases. Each technique has its own indication and limitations. Passive fit is an important factor for the long-term success of implant- prosthesis, which necessitate accurate transfer of the implant position. Recently, digital impressions have been introduced in dental implant treatment. By the use of scan body and different optical scanning methods, the position of scan bodies can be transferred to a virtual implant position within the dental arch. Material and Methods: a standardized model was used to evaluate trueness, precision and overall accuracy between two types of scan body. The first is a scannable healing abutment. and a second a scannable healing abutment modified by adding plastic cap. A scan was made to four standard long scan bodies, and it was considered a base line of measurement (control group) control baseline. Results: The results showed that there was a statistically significance difference when comparing trueness between scannable healing abutment and healing abutment with plastic cap on both occlusal and mid axial direction with a P-value 0.000* and 0.003* respectively. Conclusion: Within limitations of this study it could be concluded that using scannable healing abutment with plastic cap had better accuracy than scannable healing abutment without plastic cap
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