485 research outputs found

    An Environmental-Economic Measure of Sustainable Development

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    A central issue in the study of sustainable development is the interplay of growth and sacrifice in a dynamic economy. This paper investigates the relationship among current consumption, growth, and sustained consumption in two canonical, stylized economies and in a more general context. It is found that the maximin value measures what is sustainable and provides the limit to growth. Maximin value is interpreted as an environmental-economic carrying capacity and current consumption or utility as an environmental-economic footprint. The time derivative of maximin value is interpreted as net investment in sustainability improvement. It is called durable savings to distinguish it from genuine savings, usually computed with discounted utilitarian prices.sustained development, growth, maximin, sustainability indicator

    Les ressources non renouvelables : le cÎté offre

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    Il y a un malaise intellectuel qui afflige le cĂŽtĂ© « demande » en Ă©conomie des ressources non renouvelables, c’est-Ă -dire la branche qui vise Ă  relier l’épuisement des stocks globaux Ă  la consommation agrĂ©gĂ©e. On passe ici en revue les « faits stylisĂ©s » de la discipline, lesquels apparaissent plus cohĂ©rents avec les contraintes imposĂ©es par le cĂŽtĂ© « offre ». On note que l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des rĂ©serves est plus pertinente aux faits que leur Ă©puisabilitĂ©; que l’existence de biais d’agrĂ©gation rend futile la prĂ©diction des prix; que l’investissement joue un rĂŽle important; et que la politique Ă©conomique devrait ĂȘtre plus attentive aux asymĂ©tries d’information.An intellectual malaise afflicts that branch of the economics of natural resources which attempts to relate the exhaustion of global stocks to aggregate consumption, namely the demand side. Here, the stylized facts of the discipline are reviewed and shown to be more consistent with constraints originating on the supply side. The heterogeneity of reserves seems more relevant than exhaustibility; aggregation biases make the forecasting of prices futile; investment plays an important role; and policy should pay greater attention to asymmetries of informations

    La recherche de rentes en situation d’incertitude avec ou sans opposition

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    Les caractĂ©ristiques d’équilibre d’un modĂšle stochastique de la recherche de rentes sont rapportĂ©es et discutĂ©es. La proposition que les coĂ»ts sociaux de la recherche de rentes par des individus riscophobes sont infĂ©rieurs au total des rentes est d’abord confirmĂ©e. Le modĂšle de recherche de rentes avec rentes endogĂšnes est ensuite Ă©largi pour y inclure une opposition, crĂ©Ă©e par ceux que le processus dĂ©savantage. Diverses prĂ©dictions trouvĂ©es dans cette littĂ©rature sont qualifiĂ©es, incluant (1) la relation entre le total des efforts, le total des rentes et le total des pertes sociales, (2) l’impact d’une augmentation du total des rentes possibles sur l’effort de l’opposition, et (3) l’apparence de « dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt de la dĂ©rĂ©glementation ». Un aspect important de cette analyse est l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© de plusieurs effets. Cette ambiguĂŻtĂ© fournit une explication possible au fait que la thĂ©orie de la recherche de rentes n’a, jusqu’à date, fourni aucune prĂ©diction dĂ©finitive au sujet des caractĂ©ristiques de l’équilibre.In this paper a stochastic model of rent-seeking equilibrium is examined. It is confirmed that social costs of rent seeking by risk-averse individuals are lower than the total of rents. Also, rent seeking harms other groups in society, and opposition by these groups is explicitly introduced into the analysis. Light is shed on some of the important questions of the theory of rent seeking, including (1) the relationship of total expenditures, total rents and total deadweight losses, (2) the response of opposition efforts to increases in total possible rents and (3) an apparent "disinterest in deregulation." One of the salient features of the analysis, however, is the ambiguity of several effects. This ambiguity may help to explain why the intuitively appealing notion of rent seeking has not provided definitive predictions of the characteristics of equilibrium

    Les ressources non renouvelables : le cÎté offre

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    An intellectual malaise afflicts that branch of the economics of natural resources which attempts to relate the exhaustion of global stocks to aggregate consumption, namely the demand side. Here, the stylized facts of the discipline are reviewed and shown to be more consistent with constraints originating on the supply side. The heterogeneity of reserves seems more relevant than exhaustibility; aggregation biases make the forecasting of prices futile; investment plays an important role; and policy should pay greater attention to asymmetries of informations. Il y a un malaise intellectuel qui afflige le cĂŽtĂ© « demande » en Ă©conomie des ressources non renouvelables, c’est-Ă -dire la branche qui vise Ă  relier l’épuisement des stocks globaux Ă  la consommation agrĂ©gĂ©e. On passe ici en revue les « faits stylisĂ©s » de la discipline, lesquels apparaissent plus cohĂ©rents avec les contraintes imposĂ©es par le cĂŽtĂ© « offre ». On note que l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des rĂ©serves est plus pertinente aux faits que leur Ă©puisabilitĂ©; que l’existence de biais d’agrĂ©gation rend futile la prĂ©diction des prix; que l’investissement joue un rĂŽle important; et que la politique Ă©conomique devrait ĂȘtre plus attentive aux asymĂ©tries d’information.

    La recherche de rentes en situation d’incertitude avec ou sans opposition

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    In this paper a stochastic model of rent-seeking equilibrium is examined. It is confirmed that social costs of rent seeking by risk-averse individuals are lower than the total of rents. Also, rent seeking harms other groups in society, and opposition by these groups is explicitly introduced into the analysis. Light is shed on some of the important questions of the theory of rent seeking, including (1) the relationship of total expenditures, total rents and total deadweight losses, (2) the response of opposition efforts to increases in total possible rents and (3) an apparent "disinterest in deregulation." One of the salient features of the analysis, however, is the ambiguity of several effects. This ambiguity may help to explain why the intuitively appealing notion of rent seeking has not provided definitive predictions of the characteristics of equilibrium. Les caractĂ©ristiques d’équilibre d’un modĂšle stochastique de la recherche de rentes sont rapportĂ©es et discutĂ©es. La proposition que les coĂ»ts sociaux de la recherche de rentes par des individus riscophobes sont infĂ©rieurs au total des rentes est d’abord confirmĂ©e. Le modĂšle de recherche de rentes avec rentes endogĂšnes est ensuite Ă©largi pour y inclure une opposition, crĂ©Ă©e par ceux que le processus dĂ©savantage. Diverses prĂ©dictions trouvĂ©es dans cette littĂ©rature sont qualifiĂ©es, incluant (1) la relation entre le total des efforts, le total des rentes et le total des pertes sociales, (2) l’impact d’une augmentation du total des rentes possibles sur l’effort de l’opposition, et (3) l’apparence de « dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt de la dĂ©rĂ©glementation ». Un aspect important de cette analyse est l’ambiguĂŻtĂ© de plusieurs effets. Cette ambiguĂŻtĂ© fournit une explication possible au fait que la thĂ©orie de la recherche de rentes n’a, jusqu’à date, fourni aucune prĂ©diction dĂ©finitive au sujet des caractĂ©ristiques de l’équilibre.

    Constitutional Change and the Private Sector: The Case of the Resource Amendment

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    The 1982 resource amendment to the Constitution, section 92A, has been analysed primarily from the perspective of its impact on intergovernmental relations in the formation of resource policies Yet the fundamental, constitutional \u27rules of the game\u27 may also affect the ongoing relationship between governments and private-sector resource participants In this article, the authors discuss how section 92A might affect that relationship in terms both of the policy-making process and of the substance of the resultant policie

    The Resource Amendment (Section 92A) and the Political Economy of Canadian Federalism

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    The 1982 resource amendment to the Constitution, section 92A, purports to alter the balance of federal-provincial legislative powers in relation to natural resources. Section 92A was enacted into the Constitution largely as a result of the federal-provincial resource conflicts of the 1970\u27s and early 1980\u27s; conflicts in which the chief antagonists were the federal government and the governments of the Western provinces. In this article, the authors discuss the development of section 92A from its roots in the conflicts of the 1970\u27s, and explore section 92A\u27s possible legal, political and economic effects on the inter-governmental framework for managing Canadian resources and on the resolution of any future federal-provincial conflicts over resources

    The Resource Amendment (Section 92A) and the Political Economy of Canadian Federalism

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    The 1982 resource amendment to the Constitution, section 92A, purports to alter the balance of federal-provincial legislative powers in relation to natural resources. Section 92A was enacted into the Constitution largely as a result of the federal-provincial resource conflicts of the 1970\u27s and early 1980\u27s; conflicts in which the chief antagonists were the federal government and the governments of the Western provinces. In this article, the authors discuss the development of section 92A from its roots in the conflicts of the 1970\u27s, and explore section 92A\u27s possible legal, political and economic effects on the inter-governmental framework for managing Canadian resources and on the resolution of any future federal-provincial conflicts over resources

    Tautness for riemannian foliations on non-compact manifolds

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    For a riemannian foliation F\mathcal{F} on a closed manifold MM, it is known that F\mathcal{F} is taut (i.e. the leaves are minimal submanifolds) if and only if the (tautness) class defined by the mean curvature form ÎșÎŒ\kappa_\mu (relatively to a suitable riemannian metric ÎŒ\mu) is zero. In the transversally orientable case, tautness is equivalent to the non-vanishing of the top basic cohomology group Hn(M/F)H^{^{n}}(M/\mathcal{F}), where n = \codim \mathcal{F}. By the Poincar\'e Duality, this last condition is equivalent to the non-vanishing of the basic twisted cohomology group HÎșÎŒ0(M/F)H^{^{0}}_{_{\kappa_\mu}}(M/\mathcal{F}), when MM is oriented. When MM is not compact, the tautness class is not even defined in general. In this work, we recover the previous study and results for a particular case of riemannian foliations on non compact manifolds: the regular part of a singular riemannian foliation on a compact manifold (CERF).Comment: 18 page
