2 research outputs found

    Is the Oil Palm Land Efficient in Indonesia?

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    The plantation’s sub-contribution sector to the country’s gross domestic product reflects the role oil palm plantations have played in boosting the economy. The goal of this study is to examine land efficiency and the variables that affect its value in Indonesian national superior plantations, by the application of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) method. Age, education, financial situation, and geographic location of the farmer all affect their engagement in agriculture, particularly when it comes to spreading new techniques. Therefore, policies that are based on input variables that demonstrate substantial outcomes in boosting the output of rubber plantations in Indonesia must be implemented by the government through certain institutions. Keywords: palm oil, efficiency, Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA


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    Protection of Cultural Heritage of activities supported by the documentation in order to prevent changes in its authenticity. Documentation of Cultural Heritage can be done using close range photogrammetry. Close range photogrammetry methods become increasingly fast, effective, and flexible in the formation of three-dimensional model using the photo as one means of measurement, so the modeling threedimensional (3D) is used for documenting Gebang temple, with a statue of Ganesha as characteristic Gebang temple, where the value of the spatial resolution is less than 5mm. The Steps in this project,are the measurement coordinate Ground Control Point (GCP) as the control point and Independent Check Point (ICP) as a check point. Taking photos of Temple Gebang performed radially with the average distance is 10 meters. Camera calibration using field calibration method, with Ringed Automatically Detected (RAD) Coded as a target. Interior Orientation Parameters (IOPs) are the result of camera calibration is used to correct the geometry of the photo on the interior orientation process. Ground Control Point (GCP) mounted on each photo manually to assist in determining the exterior orientation of the camera position of each photo. Making stereo matching is done automatically on PhotoModeler Scanner using SmartMatch method. Point clouds are created from overlapping photos with the selection of b/h ratio approaching 0.3 and density point clouds created on 35mm. Three-dimensional model was created by Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) with the reference point clouds. Quality control of three-dimensional model using Independent Check Point (ICP), by comparing the coordinates model with ground coordinates. The addition of three-dimensional model (mesh) was created in a separate project, so the addition of three-dimensional model by transformation the coordinates of the new model, in which the coordinates Gebang Temple as a reference. The final result of this project is the availability of three-dimensional model of the Gebang Temple with the characteristic shape of the temple Gebang, west side is a statue of Ganesha. Tests of the three-dimensional model, is done by comparing the model coordinate to ground coordinate, which uses the coordinates of Independent Check Point (ICP) with an average error is 0.001 meters, where the value of Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) is 1.26 mm. Keyword : Close range photogrammetry, Cultural Heritage, Gebang Temple, Non-Metric Camera, PhotoModeler Scanner, SmartMatch